Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 575

"Don\'t go" in the willow forest not far from the village entrance, Li Luoyang turned and looked at Wu Nian.

"It\'s coming soon. Why don\'t you go?"

"What are you going to do? Rush directly to Wu Qi and question him?" Li Luoyang wondered if Wu Nian would keep calm in front of Wu Qi according to his impulsive character? The answer is the same as Li Luoyang thought, impossible.

"Of course! Take him directly to my brother and let him be honest."

"Do you think he will admit it? Don\'t forget that everything is just our analysis and speculation. Nine times out of ten it is Wu Qi. What if he kills him and doesn\'t admit it?"

Wu Nian realized that everything was just Li Luoyang\'s conjecture. There was no substantive evidence to directly prove that the traitor was Wu Qi. Once Wu Qi gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, Wu Nian would have to bear the crime of wronging her fellow family members. She could not afford it. Although Wu Nian was not big or small at ordinary times and existed as a "bully" in the village, it involved Wu family rules, She still has a lot of restraint.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Luoyang thought for a moment and then said, "let\'s pretend we don\'t know anything, and then talk to elder Wu Tian to see if he can do anything." Li Luoyang had a plan in mind, but after all, this is the Wu family. He just needs to prove his innocence. He doesn\'t want to delay returning to Taiyuan, so he decided to report the investigation results to the Wu family owner, Let him decide.

Wu Nian nodded and replied, "well, let my brother deal with it."

"So before that, you need to control your emotions. Don\'t let Wu Qi see that we have learned the truth, so that this guy will not jump over the wall and escape. He is the person in charge of your guards. It\'s easy to sneak away from the Wu family. Once he realizes that we have learned the truth, I believe he will choose to escape, because he doesn\'t have the strength to confront you Wu family."

"Why? Is my temper bad? Need to be controlled?" Wu Nian stared at Li Luoyang.

"It\'s not bad, it\'s just jealous of evil, and there\'s no sand in his eyes." Li Luoyang\'s back cools and sighs in his heart that the woman in front of her is really hard to provoke. She\'s much more difficult to deal with than Mo Jiao.

They walked one after another to the entrance of the village. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, several guards jumped out. The guards frowned and looked at Li Luoyang. Everyone was amazed: "how did this guy come back? Didn\'t elder brother say he couldn\'t come back? Now it seems that he didn\'t run away and was not cleaned up by Wu Nian. Did the boy find the truth?"

While guarding the door, Wu Nian put his foot on Li Luoyang\'s thigh. Before Li Luoyang could react, he was kicked to the ground. Wu Nian raised his finger to Li Luoyang on the ground and shouted angrily: "Come on, lock this guy up. He\'s deliberately delaying his time and trying to escape. Fortunately, I\'m wise and powerful. Otherwise, he really succeeded. I expect him to investigate? Hum! I think he\'s the real murderer!"

Fortunately, Li Luoyang reacted quickly and immediately realized that Wu Nian was just hiding people\'s eyes and ears. This is also Wu Nian\'s usual character and state. Looking at Wu Nian with a red face, Li Luoyang had to admire this guy\'s good acting: "I, I\'m not a poison man. Besides, I didn\'t escape!"

At this time, a guard with Wu Qi hurried to the entrance of the village. When he saw Li Luoyang returning with Wu Nian, a guard found Wu Qi for the first time. Wu Qi was also shocked by what happened. He immediately came to the entrance of the village and just saw Wu Nian kicking Li Luoyang to the ground.

"Aunt Wu Nian, what happened that made you so angry?" Wu Qi licked his face and smiled.

Wu Nian gave another kick to Li Luoyang on the ground. It looked heavy, but she didn\'t really start. She was worried that Li Luoyang\'s body and bones could not bear it: "You ask yourself, this guy wants to escape on the road. I took him down. Lock him up and let my brother interrogate him! I don\'t need to interrogate. The three of them are the poisons, otherwise this guy wouldn\'t be so perfunctory."

Looking at the angry Wu Nian, Wu Qi thought to himself: "This guy didn\'t jump? It\'s a pity. Hehe, but it\'s good. Without the investigation results, the owner won\'t let them go. In addition, with Wu Nian\'s testimony, this guy\'s identity as the real murderer has been implemented. Wu Nian, Wu Nian, it\'s not that this guy is perfunctory and doesn\'t investigate, but that he can\'t find out anything at all."

"What are you doing here? Lock him up. I\'m angry when I look at him." Wu Nian gave Li Luoyang another kick before leaving. At this time, Li Luoyang had cursed countless times. In his opinion, Wu Nian\'s first foot was to play for the guard and the second foot was to play for Wu Qi. This third foot is completely unnecessary. In addition to revenge, Li Luoyang really can\'t think of why Wu Nian gave himself a kick before leaving.

Wu Qi personally escorted Li Luoyang back to the mountain. Li Guo and Xiao Si in the cage saw Li Luoyang and threw Li Luoyang into the cage. Wu Qi smiled and said, "congratulations on your reunion again, but you should cherish it. You should be in the underground next time."

Li Luoyang grabbed the iron fence and said seriously, "I said! We are not killers. We didn\'t poison the river. You have to pay for wronging good people like this!" Li Luoyang\'s expression of injustice is in place. The more Li Luoyang is like this, the more happy Wu Qi is.

"How can the real murderer admit that he is the murderer? Be honest and stay here? Baiyun Mountain is your graveyard, hahaha" Wu Qi laughed wildly, full of madness and pride.

After Wu Qi and the guards left, Li Guo asked in a low voice, "have you found the truth?"

"With your brother\'s brain, talent and extraordinary ability, such a small thing is easy!" Li Luoyang boasted that he never divided time and place, which made Li Guo feel a little helpless and embarrassed.

Little four asked suspiciously, "master, since you have found the truth, why did you shout injustice just now?" the single-minded little four didn\'t seem to see the clue at all. Li Luoyang\'s injustice just now made him feel that there was no room for turning back. However, Li Luoyang admitted that he had found the truth, which made little four dizzy.

Li Guo turned his eyes and then smiled: "Xiao Si, it seems that you didn\'t learn anything from Luoyang. Luoyang Institute just deliberately acted. Who did you say it was for?" Li Guo has seen Li Luoyang\'s intentions.

Xiao Si recalled for a moment and immediately said in surprise, "Wu Qi!"

"Yes, then why should Luoyang act in front of him?" Li Guo continued with a smile. Although he is not as smart as Li Luoyang, he knows his brother. Li Luoyang has his own purpose in every move. Acting in front of Wu Qi is naturally not nonsense.

"Isn\'t it?"

Li Luoyang leaned on Xiao Si\'s shoulder and whispered, "that\'s what you think. Wait. Someone will come to us later."