Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 572

After a day and a night, Li Luoyang and Wu Nian finally found the source of the poison and successfully resolved the crisis of the Wu family. When the sack was taken out of the water, the clean water flowed into the Wu Village, but the Wu family still didn\'t know that the poison had been removed before they got the news.

On his return to the Wu family, Li Luoyang had another doubt in his heart, that is, how the poisoner found the Wu family, passed through the complex willow forest, and finally reached the source to poison. Without the Wu family to guide the way, Li Luoyang believed that the poisoner could not find the water source.

As they walked, Wu Nian said, "I\'ve thought about it carefully. There\'s no one with a disabled left foot in the Wu family. My generation doesn\'t, the upper generation doesn\'t, and the next generation doesn\'t. for the sake of insurance, I also think back to my father\'s generation when I was a child, and there are no people without a left leg." people who are close to ink are black and those who are close to Zhu are red. I may have seen Li Luoyang\'s vigilance and meticulous these two days, Wu Nian also learned something. Looking back on the history of the family, she found that none of them accorded with Li Luoyang\'s description of the real murderer.

Wu Nian\'s heart fell a lot at this time. He had been worried that the Wu family had a traitor. Now it has been proved that there are no people with incomplete left feet in the Wu family. Wu Nian naturally felt relieved. However, Li Luoyang\'s next words gave Wu Nian cold water.

"Don\'t forget the three of them."

Yes, no one in the Wu family meets the condition of missing left foot, but there are people with one meter six fat and one meter eight characters in several generations.

Li Luoyang continued: "that\'s still the problem. How do they come to Wujia village and pass through the labyrinth of willow forest? Without your Wu family, the poisoner can bypass your Wu family guards? Don\'t forget, if you want to go to the source, you have to pass through the place guarded by your Wu family village to enter the willow forest!"

Wu Nian took a breath and found himself speechless. As Li Luoyang said, if the poisoner was not the Wu family, outsiders need to find the location of the Wu family, avoid the vision of the guards at the entrance of the Wu Village, cross the lost willow forest that the Wu family dare not easily set foot in, and finally reach the location of the poisoner.

"When we first came to the Wu family, the guard at the entrance of the village took us down. It was enough to see their vigilance to outsiders. Do you think the other party is a ghost? Enter the willow forest in front of your guards?"

"No, it can\'t be who?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and asked with a smile, "do you know the shift time of the guards at the entrance of your village? I believe they can\'t be those people guarding the entrance of the village every day and night?"

Wu Nian said without hesitation, "it\'s a secret of the Wu family to work one shift a day and rotate at Mao hour. Outsiders can\'t know." Wu Nian can tell Li Luoyang these unreservedly, just as Wu Xinyi trusted Li Luoyang at the beginning.

"In fact, I already know how much in my heart."

"You, what do you mean? Do you know who the traitor of the Wu family is?"

"In fact, the answer is obvious. He is 1.8 meters tall and knows some martial arts, but he is not proficient in martial arts. He is familiar with the shift time of the guards of the Wu family, the environment near the Wu family, and even knows the channel lost in the willow forest. I can\'t think of another person in the Wu family."

Wu Nian frowned. She didn\'t think Li Luoyang could know the Wu family better than herself. Li Luoyang had only been in the Wu family for two days. It was impossible for Li Luoyang to know everyone in the Wu family so well.

Looking at Wu Nian, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "Wu Qi\'s martial arts are not very good?"

Wu Nian was like a thunderclap. He stopped motionless and looked at Li Luoyang with consternation: "you, you mean it\'s him?"

"When we first came to the Wu family, I saw that Wu Qi\'s Kung Fu was average. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t have asked more than a dozen guards to open a mysterious array under the general scolding of my brother. I could see that the array was extraordinary and more than enough to deal with the three of us. But why he directly moved out the mace was undoubtedly because he was weak. If he wanted to win us, he had to rely on his trump card The array has changed. "

Li Luoyang also stopped, took out water and took a drink: "in addition to his relationship with the guards, they all call Wu Qi the eldest brother, which shows that he is in charge of the guards of your Wu family. He should know the guard shift time better than anyone, because the shift time is set by him. Don\'t forget that he is one meter eight, medium-sized, not fat or thin."

Wu Qi\'s figure was slowly printed in Wu Nian\'s mind. It was surprisingly similar to the traitor depicted by Li Luoyang: "it\'s impossible, it\'s impossible, it\'s just your speculation. I watched Wu Qi grow up. He can\'t do such a thing. You have no evidence!"

"Is he familiar with the Liulin environment?"

In a word, Wu Nian fell silent. When she was a child, Wu Nian often took Wu Xinyi, Wu Qi and others to explore. Liulin was their most frequent place. As the head of the guard of the Wu family, in addition to Wu Tian, Wu Nian and Wu Xinyi, Wu Qi was the most familiar person with Liulin.

Looking at Wu Nian who didn\'t answer, Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly: "the facts are in front of you. You just don\'t want to admit it. In fact, when we discussed before, I began to doubt Wu Qi."


"It\'s simple, because he knows something you don\'t know."

"What\'s up?"

"The wine I brought into the Wu family came from Luoyang!" Li Luoyang clearly remembered Wu Qi\'s last words before leaving the cage. In order to get the formula of immortal intoxication, Wu Qi asked Li Luoyang again and again, and finally said that he knew the origin of the wine. This attracted Li Luoyang\'s attention, so when Li Luoyang discussed with Wu Nian, Deliberately asked about the conditions and rules for leaving the Wu family.

"No way. How could he know?"

"As you said before, Wu Qi only left the Wu family once when he was young. He went to Taiyuan with you. There were no immortals drunk in Taiyuan two years ago. Why did he know that this wine came from Luoyang? Unless you accidentally went to Luoyang, or someone in Luoyang came to him and let him taste the immortals drunk."

"Nonsense! I was with him all the time and he didn\'t have time to leave."

"Really? You all sleep in one room at night?"

"I, I don\'t know." Wu Nian looked up at Li Luoyang. "No, there are good wines everywhere in the world. Why are you so sure that Wu Qi said that the wine comes from Luoyang, which means that the gods are drunk! Maybe he just made a mistake."

Li Luoyang knows that Wu Nian just doesn\'t want to believe these facts. In Li Luoyang\'s opinion, Wu Qi is so sure that his wine comes from Luoyang because he has drunk or been to Luoyang. Now Wu Nian can prove that Wu Qi didn\'t have time to go to Luoyang when he went out to Taiyuan, which means someone found Wu Qi alone at night, And made him drunk. It was precisely because of that contact that Wu Qi had the opportunity to contact outsiders.

Facing Wu Nian\'s subsequent discrimination for Wu Qi, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "he can\'t admit his mistake, because I brewed the immortal drunk, and I\'m the only one in the world."