Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 571

"Now it can be proved that we are not the ones who took the poison." Li Luoyang said to Wu Nian with a smile while baking his clothes and trousers.

"Maybe this is what you put here, and then enter our Wujia village." in Wu Nian\'s opinion, this kind of evidence can\'t prove anything at all. It can only be said that Li Luoyang is smart and has made these preparations before going to Wujia village. Otherwise, why didn\'t she find the sack in the river, but Li Luoyang found it.

Wu Nian looked at it carefully. The stream was clear and could see the bottom of the river, but the hidden position of the sack was between the stone cracks. If the people of the square sack didn\'t know the position, it would be impossible for others to see the sack in the stone cracks with the naked eye. The discovery of the sack not only didn\'t help Li Luoyang clear the suspicion, but made Wu Nian more suspicious of Li Luoyang.

Looking at the suspicion in Wu Nian\'s eyes, Li Luoyang knew what the guy was doubting: "do you know why I can find this sack?"

"Why?" Wu Nian also looked forward to Li Luoyang\'s explanation.

"Those footprints on the shore."

"But those footprints have disappeared into the water."

"You didn\'t observe carefully. One of those footprints is different from ordinary people. It\'s a dot. It\'s as big as a fist. According to my observation, it should be the trace left by the crutch. Although the footprints are shallow, the crutch can leave deep traces on the mud bed of the river embankment. I found the sack with those traces."

Wu Nian immediately got up and walked to the place where Li Luoyang went into the water. Sure enough, she found the distinctive trace.

"It\'s really like the trace left by a crutch." Wu Nian returned to Li Luoyang. He didn\'t know anything. After verifying Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Wu Nian was relieved. At least it proved that Li Luoyang was not the person who poisoned. He found the location of the sack through his outstanding observation.

"Now it\'s time for you to go out. I was detained in the Wu family for some time. When I first arrived at the Wu family, I saw many Wu family coming out of the largest bamboo house. Among them, I didn\'t find anyone with inconvenient legs and feet. Since you are the Wu family, you naturally know whether such people exist." although Li Luoyang is not unforgettable, he has a good memory, He clearly remembered that before he was taken to the iron cage in the back mountain of Wujia village, he met many Wu families, but he didn\'t find anyone with inconvenient legs and feet.

Although he knew that there were people in the Wu family who used crutches, according to Li Luoyang\'s observation, the crutches were not simply used to stabilize the body shape, but to replace the heavy crutches of the stumps. According to the comparison of footprints, Li Luoyang determined that the person who poisoned the river lacked a left leg, so it made Wu Nian think about whether there were people in the Wu family with disabilities.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Wu Nian deeply felt Li Luoyang\'s intelligence. She actually used her footprints to judge that the other party was disabled. In fact, this observation was very simple, but no one paid special attention at that time.

Taking advantage of Wu Nian\'s recollection, Li Luoyang said again: "there are three footprints left by the bank. One of them is about 1.8 meters tall, medium-sized, not fat, not searched, the other is 1.6 meters tall, a little fat, and another is the person who poisoned the river. He lacks his left leg."

Wu Nian stared at Li Luoyang and said, "you, why do you know this?" Li Luoyang not only found the poison abyss, but also confidently said the physical characteristics of the three people who had stayed here before. There were only those footprints here. How did Li Luoyang know all this.

Li Luoyang stood up and baked his wet pants close to the fire. Then he said quietly: "Don\'t underestimate any clues. The footprints of the three people are the answer. One of the footprints has a large sole and a steady pace, but they walk too little. We can basically judge the person\'s height by the size of the sole. Then according to the depth of the footprints, we can see that the person with a height of about 1.8 meters can point out martial arts, but not high."

Li Luoyang baked pants on the other side of his body: "Another footprint is smaller than the previous one. It is estimated that the height is about 1.6 meters, but the footprint is very deep and the step is very stable. The inner side of the footprint is deeply trapped in the mud, which shows that this guy is not light. Not only that, he should be an expert. Every step is separated by a foot, no more or less. Pay attention to that he is an expert in internal practice. As for the person on crutches, there is only one footprint and a lot of information Without half, I can\'t see anything. "

Footprints screening technology has been very developed in the era of Li Luoyang. He naturally knows a lot of new technologies when he has nothing to do. Among them, footprints screening is not as pure as fire, but in ancient times, Li Luoyang\'s criminal investigation technology is unprecedented.

Wu Nian doubtfully walked to the shore, adjusted her breathing, walked around the shore, and then compared her footprints with those of the three people. Sure enough, she saw some doorways. At this time, she was even more surprised that Li Luoyang was a demon and could think of such a way to investigate the real murderer.

Li Luoyang ignored Wu Nian\'s shock, but continued: "now it seems that we need to return to the Wu family and inform elder Wu Tian of these situations, so that he can pay attention to whether there is a person with a disabled left leg near Taiyuan. Only by finding him can the truth be revealed."

"No, didn\'t you just say that no one was nearby? When the sack goes deep into the water, the venom will flow to the Wu family. They don\'t have to stay in Taiyuan or Baiyun Mountain. It\'s useless for my brother to find it. It\'s estimated that the thieves have fled long ago."

Li Luoyang said with a smile: "they won\'t go far for two reasons. First, although the poisons in the sack can be used for a long time, they will eventually lose their toxicity. If they want to continue to calculate the Wu family, they will naturally appear here. According to my observation of the poisons in the sack, at least they don\'t have to return here to re place the poisons in a short time."

"Second, why did they poison here? One thing is certain. It is against the Wu family. Since they poisoned and cut off the living water source of the Wu family, they must take the next step? Is it just a small prank revenge? It\'s just to scare you. There\'s no later words? Obviously, if it\'s just a small revenge, they don\'t have to sneak here at the risk of offending Baiyun Mountain Therefore, they will certainly wait near Baiyun Mountain to see how the Wu family cope with the disaster and take their next action. Of course, no one knows their next plan until they find them. "

If Wu Nianxin hadn\'t been arrogant, she would have raised her thumb and looked at Li Luoyang\'s young and intelligent performance. Wu Nian suddenly felt that no one in the Wu family could compare with Li Luoyang. But in terms of intelligence, the Wu family is really not Li Luoyang\'s opponent. After all, Li Luoyang has two generations of experience, plus the scientific and technological means in later generations, Enough to make Li Luoyang proud.

If Wu Nian knew that Li Luoyang\'s martial arts attainments were not lower than Wu Xinyi\'s, or even higher than Wu Xinyi\'s, it was estimated that Wu Nian wanted to die. After all, not any genius could create martial arts by himself, Li Luoyang did it.