Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 563

In the cold willow forest at night, Li Luoyang ate the dry food in their hands. Unexpectedly, they were charged with poisoning as soon as they arrived at the Wu family. However, Li Luoyang vaguely felt that this time was very strange.

"The Wu family has been hidden here. Wu Xinyi once told me that outsiders don\'t know the specific location of the Wu family. Without a route, they will only be lost in the chaotic forest. Who poisoned the only water source of the Wu family?" Li Luoyang looked at Li Guo and Xiao Si.

Li Guo shook his head and whispered, "I don\'t know, unless the location of the Wu family has been exposed."

"It\'s impossible. If the Wu family\'s position is exposed, the first one to know here should be liumen. The other party\'s indiscriminate strategy of poisoning should not come from liumen. Those guys still have a little self-esteem." although many Li Luoyang disagree with liumen\'s handling, at least they won\'t be so insidious.

In Li Luoyang\'s opinion, liumen only stayed in the investigation stage of Baiyun Mountain. Even if it found the specific location of the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain, it did not directly rise to the point of poisoning and harming people. Therefore, Li Luoyang soon denied that liumen did it.

Li Luoyang thought carefully holding his jaw, and then said, "the water source is poisonous, and the rice fields of the Wu family are polluted. The Wu family leader took people to Taiyuan house to look for food, but I haven\'t seen the Wu family all the way, right. I\'ve seen one in Taiyuan!" Li Luoyang thought again of the Wu family mysterious woman he met that night.

"That guy must have followed the master of the Wu family to find food, but why is she in Taiyuan? So the master of the Wu family is also in the city." Li Luoyang thought it was incredible. He had a war with Manichaeism in Taiyuan, and there was no one in the city. Isn\'t the Wu family known as a hermit? Seeing the people\'s lives ruined, they didn\'t help. Is this still the work of the hermit? These are just Li Luoyang\'s personal views on hermits, but he doesn\'t understand that the Wu family leader appears in Taiyuan. Don\'t old man Zhu know? Six doors didn\'t move either.

Li Luoyang doesn\'t know what kind of person the master of the Wu family is. He wants to hide. Not many people in the world can find him. Just seeing that he has hidden so many people of the Wu family here for many years and hasn\'t been discovered by the six doors, we can see his powerful ability.

"Luoyang, don\'t think about it. It\'s useless to think about it too much. The iron gate is solid and can\'t be damaged at all. Now it seems that we have to wait for the master of the Wu family to come back." Li Guo said reluctantly. At the moment he was locked in the iron gate, he was thinking about how to escape all the time, but the iron prison is solid and there is no chance at all.

Just then, Wu Qi appeared outside the cage: "Hey, who brewed this thing?" Wu Qi held the immortal drunk bottle in his hand. Of course, it was already empty, and even the fragrance seemed to have been erased.

"I told Wu Changlao before that this wine was brewed by a friend of mine."

"Friend? Hum, you found this wine in your luggage. Didn\'t you brew it?" Wu Qi seemed unwilling to give up.

"I came to the Wu family all the way. It\'s a gift from my friends. It\'s reasonable to carry it with me. You take out the wine as evidence of my brewing?" although Li Luoyang told the truth about coming to the Wu family, he can\'t kill him about brewing. If the other party is greedy and wants to take the secret recipe for ourselves, Li Luoyang really can\'t resolve the crisis.

"Since your friend can make wine, you also have some skills. He can give you so much wine. It can be seen that you have an unusual relationship. Maybe you know the method of making wine. Am I right?" Wu Junmo was disappointed with Wu Qi not only because of his low martial power, but also because of his poor brain. The interrogation technique is almost zero.

Seeing Wu Qi crazy about wine, Li Luoyang shook his head reluctantly: "this wine making varies from person to person. Every winemaker has his own tricks. Although I am friends with the winemaker, it is impossible for others to tell me the secret recipe."

Wu Qi stared at Li Luoyang with a sly smile and then whispered, "you\'re from Luoyang City, aren\'t you?"

Li Luoyang suddenly looked blue: "I don\'t know what you mean by this sentence, brother?"

"Don\'t try to hide it from me. This wine comes from Luoyang."

Looking at Wu Qi\'s confident turn and leave, Li Luoyang was full of doubts. At this time, the torches at the entrance of Wu family village lit up. It seems that someone has returned.

Wu family leader: Wu Tian, when he returned with several people, naturally he also brought a carriage of grain. Those were obtained from Taiyuan. The government distributed grain. Wu Tian naturally received some gifts. In addition, the grain purchased from four places at high prices is enough for the Wu family to live a long time.

But Wu Tian\'s face was not good when he returned. He knew that the grain transported back could only last for a period of time. If he wanted to solve the fundamental problem of the Wu family, he still had to find the poisoner and completely solve the problem of water source. The farmland of the Wu family could return to normal. It was impossible for Wu Tian to lead a team to go out to look for grain every once in a while. If there was a slight mistake, he was stared at by the imperial court, which was burning himself.

Wu Junmo and his people greeted him one after another. Seeing that Wu Tian had brought back food, the Wu family cheered. During this time, everyone tightened their belts and dared to eat half full. They were afraid that they would suddenly run out of food one day. Fortunately, Wu Tian returned in time, and it was reasonable for the Wu family to be happy.

Wu Jun Mo came straight to Wu Tian: "the master of the house has finally returned. I\'ve been looking forward to it for a long time."

Wu Tian nodded and said slowly, "Taiyuan government has been in chaos recently, and the road has been delayed a little to hide people\'s ears and eyes." we can imagine the benefits of transporting grain during the famine.

"Now that the food has been found, the owner of the house should not go out during this time."

"Was there an accident at home while I was away?"

Wu Junmo naturally understood that what Wu Tian asked was the progress of the poisoning. Wu Junmo took Wu Tian aside, and then whispered, "master, the poisoned man was not found, but three strangers came to the village today and collected the toxic objects from their salutes."

"Is there such a thing? Are these three people related to the poisoning of the water source?" Wu Tian suddenly felt the same spirit.

"I don\'t think it has anything to do with it."

"Oh? Are you sure?" Wu Tian was surprised. He didn\'t expect Wu Junmo, who has always been cautious, to rule out the three suspects so soon, which surprised Wu Tian: "This is not your elder Wu\'s character. In only one day, you completely ruled out their suspicion. You can find the people in Wujia village and carry poisons with you. I don\'t think they are unimportant people."

Wu Jun Mo smiled and whispered, "master, according to my inquiry, one of them is the person protected by Xinyi, Li Luoyang."

Wu Tian was like a thunderbolt standing in place. After a long time, he calmed down: "he? Why did he come here? Wasn\'t he in Taiyuan? When did he leave?"

"It\'s because of him that I ruled out the suspicion of their poisoning. I\'m waiting for you to come back and deal with it."

Wu Tian turned his eyes, then smiled and said, "well, let me see how many kilograms he has now!"