Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 562

"Why does this wine appear in the world? The people who make wine must be immortals." Wu Qi, who was drunk with Ning tincture, lay on the ground. The degree of immortality was beyond his imagination, and the pungency was enough to explain its wildness.

Wu Junmo was also a little drunk, but he was not satisfied. Looking at the redundant porcelain bottles on the ground, he picked up one at random and opened the bottle cap. He thought there were immortals drunk in it, but he didn\'t expect that the tip of his nose asked a pungent smell, which went straight to his head. Wu Jun Morton woke up a lot.

"Nonsense! Get up!" Wu Junmo grabbed Wu Qi\'s hair and picked it up. Wu Qi stood up drunk and confused, but he couldn\'t stand stably: "father, what\'s the matter." burping, it seemed that the taste in the burp could satisfy him. With a smile on his face, he didn\'t notice the seriousness on Wu Junmo\'s face.

Wu Junmo seldom paid attention to the useless children. He picked up the silver needle and inserted it into the porcelain bottle. The silver needle turned black. Wu Junmo immediately said, "these guys are really the people who poisoned it. Just there is no way to determine whether the poison in this bottle is the poison in the river. It seems that only when the owner comes back, but I can talk to them first to see if I can learn something."

At this time, Wu Junmo\'s attitude has been much softer than before. Before drinking immortal drunk, Wu Junmo originally planned to torture Li Luoyang three people. Now they are ready to have a good talk. Only he knows whether the conversation is poisoning or immortal drunk.

Slowly walked to the iron cage behind the village. When two guards saw Wu Junmo coming, they immediately welcomed him: "two elders, are you coming in person?" they didn\'t expect Wu Junmo to come in person: "if you want to interrogate them, you tell us, we will take them to the Parliament hall."

Wu Jun Mo raised his hand and waved gently, "go down. I want to talk to them."


After they left, Wu Jun Mo went straight to the cage and looked at the three people squatting in the cage: "who are you?"

Li Luoyang looked at the strange old man and said impolitely, "who are you? The government will give us a charge for detaining us for some reason!" Li Luoyang was also angry. When Wu Junmo appeared in front of him, he already smelled the familiar wine. Li Luoyang immediately understood that this guy had privately checked his salute, It is true that few people paid attention to privacy in ancient times, but Li Luoyang was different. Especially in his time, he was still a businessman and attached great importance to privacy.

"Wu Junmo, the second elder of the Wu family!" Wu Junmo straightened his back and said.

"What about the elder? Who gave you the right to find my personal belongings." Li Luoyang was more serious.

"Right? Personal belongings? Boy, you can\'t has the final say here, do not check your luggage, how can I find out that you are the poisoned people!" Wu Jun did not see Li Luoyang giving himself any face, nor did he fight to get a blow.

"Poisoning? Hehe, even if we don\'t have to be charged, we need evidence. When did we poison? Where did we poison?"

"Hum, I\'m still debating!" Wu Junmo threw the bottle at Li Luoyang\'s feet: "I\'ve tested the contents with a silver needle. What else do you have to say?"

Xiao Si quickly put his mouth to Li Luoyang\'s ear: "master, that\'s what I failed to match the herbs. There is a slight poison in the medicine, but what\'s the matter with the poisoning he said?"

Li Luoyang nodded and whispered, "I don\'t know. It seems that someone poisoned somewhere in the Wu family. They mistakenly thought it was us."

At this time, Li Guo suddenly thought of something: "Luoyang, remember the waterfall pool?"

"Yes, this can explain what happened to those dead fish. It\'s wrong for someone to poison the river. Although the river here is not turbulent, it\'s not dead water. The poison can\'t exist in the water all the time unless it is poisoned from time to time every day." Li Luoyang said to himself, attracting Wu Junmo\'s dissatisfaction: "what are you talking about, and are you discussing how to excuse yourself?"

Li Luoyang slowly stood up and bowed: "elder Wu, this is a misunderstanding. Although the items in our luggage are toxic, the toxicity is very low. It is impossible to pollute such a large range of water sources. If you don\'t believe you can try it, it won\'t hurt any living creatures or cause harm. Although I don\'t know the poisoning situation of the Wu family at this time, it\'s by no means what we call it."

Wu Junmo lost his eyes and didn\'t answer.

Li Luoyang continued, "we have no enmity with the Wu family. I have no reason to harm you."

Wu Jun Mo slightly opened his lips and teeth and whispered, "that river is the only water source for our Wu family. Rice field irrigation and daily life are in that river. Now the river is polluted and the family is poisoned. However, you appear in the secret Wu village with poisons. Can I believe what you say?"

Li Luoyang also knows this coincidence, and he really can\'t explain it.

"Since you say it has nothing to do with us, well, tell me, how can you find the way to the Wu family? No one with a heart can come here?" Wu Jun Mo pressed step by step and was about to ask the identity of Li Luoyang and others.

In desperation, Li Luoyang had to truthfully explain: "elder Wu, we are really not lost. The reason why we wear refugee clothes and trousers is also to hide people\'s eyes and ears in case someone follows us here. I came to the Wu family just to see if you are safe in the famine."

"Oh? Safe and sound? I don\'t know what makes you care about the Wu family so much? I don\'t have a friend like you in my influence!" Wu Junmo obviously doesn\'t believe Li Luoyang\'s words.

"My name is Li Luoyang. I came to the Wu family because I was entrusted by Wu Xinyi to check the Wu family. I temporarily followed the people of six doors to Taiyuan to deal with the famine. Wu Xinyi told me to come here to have a look."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, Wu Jun Mo stared wide, opened his mouth and looked very surprised: "Xinyi. Your name is Li Luoyang?"

"Well, elder Wu knows me?"

Wu Jun Mo smiled, and then said softly, "I\'ve heard the master say that let Xinyi protect you, but even so, it can\'t prove your innocence. Everything has to be decided when the master comes back."

Li Luoyang knows very well that Wu Junmo\'s master is Wu Xinyi\'s father: "when will your master return?"

"The short is one day, the long is infinite. The famine has caused a crisis to the Wu family. The owner of the family has gone out to find food. He will return when he wants to return."

"I don\'t have such a long time to wait."

"Boy, if you don\'t want to wait, you have to wait. Unless you tell me who brewed the wine in your luggage."

Li Luoyang realized that this guy was going to ask for his own brewing secret recipe: "it\'s just a friend of mine. If elder Wu likes it, I\'ll send it to you when I go back."

Wu Jun Mo smiled treacherously. His eyes seemed to see through everything and stared at Li Luoyang: "ha ha, have a rest and discuss again when the owner returns!"