Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 564

After being detained for a whole night, Wu Tian did not see Li Luoyang and others after returning to Wu\'s house, but urgently held a family meeting. The next morning, a mysterious woman who had met Li Luoyang once came to the cage, and a happy laugh sounded as soon as the woman appeared:

"Hahaha, isn\'t this Li Luoyang? I didn\'t expect that we should meet so soon. In this way, the boar cage is quite suitable for you." the woman doesn\'t show her teeth and her face is full of ridicule. No wonder, when Li Luoyang met for the first time, her weapon was broken by Li Luoyang. The lost face naturally gives the woman a sense of ironic superiority.

"It\'s you again?" although the dark wind was high that night and Li Luoyang didn\'t see the woman\'s face, Li Luoyang already knew that the other party was the woman who suddenly appeared to warn him that night. As for the woman\'s warning, Li Luoyang was also confused. The woman stressed that she should not stare at the women of the Wu family, obviously to keep Li Luoyang away from Wu Xinyi, But Li Luoyang didn\'t think anything of Wu Xinyi because he didn\'t dare to fight.

Li Guo sat aside and asked in a low voice, "Luoyang, do you know each other?" Li Guo clearly remembered that Li Luoyang once told him that he only knew Wu Xinyi of the Wu family, and the others had never been in contact. However, the woman\'s harsh words seemed to indicate that there was a contradiction between her and Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang chuckled and said with a smile, "I barely knew her that night. I didn\'t refuse her that night. I hurt her that night." Li Luoyang sang directly. The clear lyrics immediately made the woman blush, raised her finger and pointed to Li Luoyang and shouted, "you didn\'t refuse anything! What did you hurt! You\'d better make it clear!"

The woman roared angrily while staring at the two guards who covered their mouths and snickered. When the guard noticed the woman\'s eyes, he immediately turned his head to one side and dared not laugh again. Who doesn\'t know the woman\'s temper? Obviously, she is not young, but she has a princess heart. As Wu Tian\'s youngest sister and Wu Xinyi\'s favorite aunt, the woman\'s status in the Wu family is not low, But even she could not access the top secrets of the Wu family.

The woman\'s name is Wu Nian. She has a nickname. She is not old. Mingming has been in her thirties, but she has a more naive Princess disease than Wu Xinyi. She has been used to it since childhood. Wu Xinyi likes Wu Nian who is not much older than herself since childhood. Naturally, she has imperceptibly developed some problems in Wu Nian, and arrogance is one of them.

However, for Wu Nian, Wu Xinyi is more like her best sister. At first, Wu Xinyi learned that Wu Xinyi was leaving the Wu family to protect a boy named Li Luoyang. Wu Nian refused to let go for a long time. This time, she finally went out to find food with the owner. She learned that Li Luoyang was here in Taiyuan City, so she secretly left Wu Tian and looked for Li Luoyang alone.

In her opinion, Wu Xinyi is as beautiful as a flower. Li Luoyang must be excited to stay with this hairy boy all day. So she plans to give Li Luoyang a preventive injection in advance to persuade him not to disagree with Wu Xinyi, but she didn\'t expect that her warning not only didn\'t play any role, but also lost her sword. When did Wu Nian suffer such a loss, In the Wu family, we all want wind and rain. We didn\'t expect to be so wronged when we left the Wu family for the first time. However, the situation was urgent. The Wu family\'s task was to find food. Wu Nian also left Wu Tian secretly, so it was too late for revenge.

Now it\'s good that Li Luoyang sent it to the door and was locked in an iron cage. Wu Nian had 10000 ways to torture Li Luoyang, but she didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang would speak wildly. No, she sang wildly, which made Wu Nian angry. Coupled with the ridicule of two guards, Wu Nian wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

Li Luoyang is also very na man. It\'s just a lyrics. Wu Nian stamped his feet angrily, but he ignored a problem. Wu Nian had never left the Wu family before, and her understanding of world affairs is almost zero. The ridicule of Li Luoyang is naturally regarded as a slander against her innocence. Coupled with the explicit lyrics, Wu Nian is naturally angry.

"That night." Li Luoyang deliberately paused, then tilted his mouth and smiled. The faces of the two guards outside the iron dragon were full of words to see the play. He raised his voice and continued: "I didn\'t refuse your invitation to see you. As for hurting you, I mean your sword."

Two guards immediately whispered: "cheap, what cheap? Hurt the cheap of" not old heart. "

"I don\'t know, but think about" the heart is not old "sometimes it\'s really cheap."

"You two! Get out!" no matter how small the voice of discussion will be heard by interested people. Wu Nian turned and pointed to them and yelled at them. Two guards immediately fled to the village with long guns. If they don\'t go again, they know that the end will be very miserable. Among Wu Nian\'s peers and younger generation, except Wu Xinyi, who hasn\'t been ravaged by her, that\'s a painful memory.

Wu Nian stared at Li Luoyang with a flame like anger in her eyes. Not to mention, the woman was well maintained in her thirties. Her skin was crystal clear, as if it could be broken by blowing. With the embellishment of her red face, she gave people an impulse to bite. Her almost perfect body had the charm of a 30-year-old woman. That kind of femininity could not be dressed up. Compared with Wu Xinyi, In front of Wu Nian, there is more maturity of a woman, but less composure of 30 years old.

Li Luoyang smiled and said to Li Guo: "brother, your age is almost the same as her. You are only three years old at most. How are you? Do you want to find a chance for you to contact? Although she is not qualified to be my sister-in-law of Li Luoyang, I will make do with it as long as you like it."

Li Guo didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to kiss himself: "Luoyang."

"Don\'t worry. As the saying goes, it\'s appropriate for a female junior to hold a gold brick."

The little four on one side had already turned upside down with laughter, not because of Li Luoyang\'s match, but the extremely embarrassing expression on Li Guo\'s face. It was like a suspect imprisoned in an iron cage. At this time, the situation was more like Li Luoyang teasing and questioning their people.

Li Luoyang didn\'t deliberately lower the bass tone, and directly studied Wu Nian\'s figure with Li Guo in front of Wu Nian\'s face. Looking at Li Luoyang pointing at herself, Wu Nian\'s face couldn\'t be red anymore. She drew her sword and pointed at Li Luoyang: "Dengtu prodigal son! Xinyi will suffer a loss when she stays with you. I\'ll kill you now."

"Suffer a loss? Go to Luoyang and ask, is it her or me? Can your Wu women suffer a loss? She didn\'t beat the shit out of me that time. I think she must have learned from you. She\'s not a woman, but a man!"

Li Luoyang\'s words reminded Wu Nian. Wu Nian thought to herself, "yes, Xinyi is a loser? But this boy is crafty and glib. I\'m afraid Xinyi\'s entry into the world is too shallow to take advantage of it, but why did this guy come to the Wu family?"