Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 561

In the chamber of Parliament, Wu Junmo and his son Wu Qi carefully checked the luggage of Li Luoyang and found nothing to prove their identity, which aroused Le Wu Junmo\'s concern that the other party had been prepared to deliberately hide their identity and came to the Wu family. There must be some hidden actions or plans.

Wu Junmo has become the second elder not only because of his age, but also because he is the most cautious of the Wu family. Wu Junmo will not let go of any doubt. Moreover, this may involve the great event of the Wu family in recent years.

Half a month ago, at the beginning of the famine, the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain had no concern about it. The reason was very simple. They knew that the famine in Taiyuan was composed of several factors. First, there was little dry rain in the day, and almost no rain fell in a few months, which led to food shortage. Second, the original grain storage in Taiyuan house could completely avoid the famine, but a fire fell from the sky and burned the granary, which directly led to the beginning of the famine.

The reason why the Wu family did not worry at the beginning of the famine was that the waterfall stream not far from the village could provide sufficient water for the Wu family\'s rice fields. For so many years, the Wu family also lived here by the river, but things exceeded their expectations.

Soon after the famine began, the villagers were poisoned one after another. The Wu family investigated all night and finally found that the river was mixed with poison. The water poured into the rice field became the source of destroying the rice field. All the rice fields in the Wu family were polluted. Some villagers who had taken the stream water vomited and diarrhea. The Wu family was immediately in crisis.

The master of the Wu family ordered a thorough investigation into the matter and kept looking for it along the source of the river, but they all wanted to find the source of the poison pit in the water. They thought that the torrent would wash away and take away the highly toxic water in the water, but after more than ten days, the water in the river was still harmful, but the reason was not found. Wu Jun didn\'t begin to doubt that someone nearby was poisoning the river every day, otherwise why the flowing river had been highly toxic.

The Wu family carried out a thorough search nearby, but still found no trace of suspicious people. Seeing that the food of the Wu family decreased day and night and there were many crises in Taiyuan, the master of the Wu family took several right-hand assistants and hid among the hungry people to look for food everywhere.

At this time, Li Luoyang appeared, which naturally attracted Wu Junmo\'s attention. Even in Wu Junmo\'s mind, even if Li Luoyang was not a person of six doors, it was very likely that they were poisoned. The reason was very simple. If they wanted to poison the only river outside Wu\'s village, they had to find it first. At present, only Li Luoyang appeared in Wu\'s house, Naturally, he was crowned as a poison suspect.

This is also the reason why Wu Qi couldn\'t help saying that he directly used force when Li Luoyang appeared at the entrance of the village. In addition, Wu Qi had sufficient reasons to suspect that the bottles contained poison put into the river, so he detained the three people and informed Wu Junmo at the first time.

"Go! Get the silver needles and test the things in these bottles for me one by one!" Wu Junmo immediately said to Wu Qi. This matter can be big or small. If toxic objects are found in these things, Wu Junmo can almost determine that Li Luoyang and the three are the poisons. At that time, we only need to wait for the home owner to come back and deal with them.

Wu Qi immediately returned home, took the silver needle and handed it to Wu Junmo. Then Wu Qi picked up a porcelain bottle at random and opened the lid. Before the poison test began, Wu Qi actually had an expression of enjoyment on his face. The tip of his nose was getting closer and closer to the mouth of the bottle. In Wu Junmo\'s view, Wu Qi looked like he was addicted to ecstasy.

When Wu Junmo was about to scold Wu Qi, a strong fragrance floated from the tip of his nose. Wu Junmo swallowed his saliva unconsciously. The bottle opened by Wu Qi was drunk by the gods. The smell of wine intoxicated both father and son.

However, for wine, the Wu family has always been proud. They hid here many years ago. The Wu family has regulations and can\'t go out without authorization. So long ago, the Wu family began to try to make wine by themselves. After passing down from generation to generation, the Wu family naturally mastered the wine making technology and improved day by day. With pure natural resources, the Wu family\'s wine is placed in other places, which is also a top existence.

But in the face of this small bottle of immortal drunk, Wu Jun Mo and his son have drooled. Even Wu Jun Mo, who has always been serious, can\'t resist the itch in his heart: "this, this is wine?"

Wu Qi tentatively poured a drop of immortal drunk from the mouth of the bottle, and then put it on the tip of his tongue. Before answering Wu Junmo\'s words, Wu Qi looked up again and enjoyed it.

Wu Junmo picked up his crutch and gave Wu Qi a stick. Wu Qi came back to his mind: "father, it\'s wine or wine. I\'ve drunk it. It\'s better than the old beauty of the owner\'s family. No, no, no, it\'s much better!"

"Hum! Have you ever drunk? Fart! Do you know what wine is? I have never drunk this kind of wine."

"Yes, yes, I haven\'t had it. It\'s still the owner\'s beauty brew."

"That\'s the most proud brew of the owner. He will share it with you at every important moment. As the name suggests, it\'s Wu Xinyi\'s mother: Wu\'s brew. Not many people have drunk real beauty wine. In fact, he brewed all the beauty wine the owner gave us these years. It\'s said that the beauty wine brewed by Wu only comes out one bottle a year. The owner can\'t give up." Wu Junmo is obsessed with wine. To be exact, almost all the men in the Wu family are crazy about wine.

In the Wu family, who doesn\'t know that Wu, the wife of the owner, has first-class brewing technology and is the first wine maker in the family. Wu Junmo has only drunk real beauty wine twice in the Wu family for so many years. In the rest of the time, he drinks fake beauty wine made by the owner himself. Wu Junmo doesn\'t know this or why. Wu can only brew one bottle a year, The owner had no choice but to do it himself. Although the brewed beauty wine is very different from his beloved wife, it can take the lead in other places.

Before opening the bottle of immortal drunkenness, at least Wu Junmo thought so.

Now the smell of wine is around the nose. Just the smell, Wu Junmo believes that this wine is almost the same as that of beauty wine, even better. After Wu Qi tasted it and confirmed that it was wine, Wu Junmo grabbed the porcelain bottle. Even if Wu Qi was reluctant to give up, he can only endure it.

"Gulu Gulu."

After drinking it, Wu Jun didn\'t blink for a long time. The wine smell between his lips and teeth seemed to make it difficult for him to give up. He kept licking his lips. He delusioned that there were still some wine stains on his mouth. He didn\'t want to let go even if it was the residual fragrance in the product.

Wu Qi stood aside and stared at the other bottles under his feet. Naturally, he wanted to find another bottle and looked at his father. He could stand it there.

Just picked up a bottle, Wu Qi couldn\'t wait to open the bottle cap. The smell of wine filled the house again. Wu Qi just put the bottle mouth on his lips, and a dark shadow suddenly came. In the twinkling of an eye, the bottle came to Wu Junmo again: "good wine! Good wine!"

"Father! One bite, give me one!"

The father and son actually began to argue about wine. It seems that they ignore that there are still suspicious people behind the village.