Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 560

In the Wu\'s parliament hall, the largest bamboo house in the village, several skillful women were busy in front of the huge stove, boiling the last grain stored by the Wu family in the pot. The famine was unexpected. The little-known streams in the mountains and forests were enough to provide sufficient water for the rice fields, but the streams were no longer available at this time. The Wu family had to take out the stored grain and build a temporary structure in the parliament hall "Canteen".

Since the famine began, the Wu family has built stoves in the meeting room. Several capable women in the family who are supported by the villagers have become the heads of the "canteen".

At the beginning of the famine, the village was united. Each family took their grain to the parliament hall, cooked it in a pot, and then shared it with everyone. Over time, the villagers\' grain had already contributed. The Wu family decided to use grain storage, but the good scenery was not long, and the family grain storage soon bottomed out. In a few days, the Wu family will run out of grain.

To be on the safe side, in the early stage of the famine, the Wu family leader personally took people to Taiyuan city to secretly look for food, but he has not returned yet. After the Wu family leader left, everything at home fell on the elder. As the second elder of the Wu family, Wu Mojun has been burnt and rotten at this time. The food has not lasted for a few days. The owner has not returned with food, and the fate of the Wu family has come to a close He can\'t be at ease when he presses the key.

Today\'s lunch was distributed to the Wu family. Wu Mojun sat in a rocking chair with a Jiaotou crutch, and his eyebrows were full of sadness.

"Father!" Wu Qi hurriedly and slowly came to Wu Mojun with the luggage of Li Luoyang and others.

"Wu Qi, what are you doing in such a hurry? Didn\'t I teach you that you can achieve great things only when you are calm and calm. It\'s a shame to see you in such a hurry." Wu Mojun shook his rocking chair and narrowed his eyes at Wu Qi. He had nothing to do with his son. The Wu family was very strict with martial arts. Those who failed to meet certain requirements could only become abandoned by the Wu family and become slaves in the Wu family. Fortunately, Wu Qi had just passed the qualified line. Otherwise, as the second elder of Wu Mojun, he could only watch his son serve others.

Wu Xinyi is the same age as Wu Qi, but Wu Xinyi\'s strength is close to becoming a martial artist. Naturally, Wu Xinyi\'s weapons are heavy. Moreover, Wu Xinyi\'s father is still the owner of the family. It can be imagined that Wu Xinyi\'s position in the family is only that her son is not competitive and can barely be called a martial artist of the Wu family. Wu Mojun doesn\'t want Wu Qi to accomplish nothing. He simply teaches Wu Qi the battlefield array, which makes Wu Qi a martial artist President Wu Jiahu is the captain of the security team.

"Father, I just caught three strangers at the entrance of the village and found these from them." Facing his father\'s lesson, Wu Qi nodded repeatedly. He also knew how many people he had lost over the years. Among his peers, only he had the lowest force. If his father, the second elder, hadn\'t taught him the array privately, he could only make a living. Of course, it\'s reasonable to be looked down upon. Who makes you lose your spirit.

After listening to Wu Qi\'s words, Wu Mojun frowned, and the crow\'s feet on the corners of his eyes could even squeeze mosquitoes to death: "strangers, how can we talk about strangers in the willow forest of the Wu family? Who can find these? Even the six doors have been nowhere to be found for so many years. It\'s hard to say that they are really people of the six doors?"

Living in seclusion all year round, the Wu family knows the environment near the mountain forest very well, and in order to better hide, they chose the willow forest on the waterfall to live. Except for their own people, it is impossible for anyone to know the exact address of the Wu family. There has never been an outsider in the village.

"Why are they here!" Wu Mojun realized that something was wrong. At this time, when the Taiyuan government was in famine, the imperial court must send people to support Taiyuan. Because of this, the Wu family leader decided to go out to look for food in person for fear that some useless people would be noticed by the imperial court after they went to the Taiyuan government. However, at a critical time, several strangers appeared in the village. Wu Mojun felt bad about it.

Wu Qi answered according to Li Luoyang: "they said they were lost refugees. It was an accident to come here."

"Hum, lost? Since ancient times, people have lost their way in the forest and looked for others along the water. There are people who walk against the current and climb the waterfall to come here. This kind of saying is too deceptive. Do these three people know how to fight?"

Wu Qi said without hesitation: "yes, one of them is not low in martial arts. The child put on an exquisite array, which suppressed them."

"Linglong array? Use Linglong array against three people? Are their martial arts so powerful?" Wu Mojun really didn\'t expect that the three people forced Wu Qi to use Linglong array. This Linglong array is an array for attacking and defending guard. Generally, it can only be used when they meet irresistible opponents.

Wu Qi touched the back of his head awkwardly: "no, it\'s not what my father thought. We didn\'t fight. When I saw that the other party seemed to have the intention to fight, I put on an array."

"Pa!" Wu Mojun slapped Wu Qi in the face: "pull the array without proving the other party\'s falseness and reality. You\'ve learned in vain what I\'ve taught you for so many years!"

It\'s no wonder Wu Qi. Since Wu Qi was born, there has never been a stranger in the Wu family. Naturally, Wu Qi has never used Linglong array in front of outsiders. It\'s just that he saw Li\'s strength at that time. Wu Qi was worried that the other party would hurt others. In a hurry, he set up Linglong array to deal with the great enemy, which can be regarded as an ox knife to kill chickens.

Wu Mojun slapped Wu Qi. Wu Qi lowered his head honestly and looked at Wu Qi\'s wronged appearance. Wu Mojun sighed, "it\'s all right. Where are they now?"

Wu Qi raised his head and said slowly, "the iron cage has been locked."

"Well, have you been interrogated?"

"Not yet."

"Why don\'t you ask?" Wu Mojun seemed a little angry, like complaining that his son was leisurely and indecisive. The other party obviously deliberately expired and came to the Wu family for a purpose. Combined with the previous incident, Wu Mojun naturally thought that Wu Qi should torture the three so-called strangers at this time.

Wu Qi put the salute of Li Luoyang and others at Wu Mojun\'s feet, opened the medicine box and said: "Father, you see, these things seem to be some kind of medicine. The child is clumsy and can\'t distinguish their real use, but I think it should be related to that matter, so I asked someone to send the three of them to the iron prison. I\'ll take these things to you immediately. After we confirm their things, we\'ll try them before it\'s too late."

"You\'re a decent boy!" if Wu Qi privately, Wu Mojun won\'t give up his position except for this emergency. He can handle it well. Seeing that Wu Qi thought of giving these things to himself at the first time, he can see the weight of Lao Tzu in his son\'s heart, and his anger dissipated.

There are a lot of large and small porcelain bottles in the bag. Some are scrapped matching herbs, of which only one bottle is the golden sore medicine successfully matched by Xiao Si. Some of the scrapped herbs are toxic due to the proportion. Of course, Wu Mojun is still unknown so far.

I didn\'t find anything in my bag that could prove the identity of Li Luoyang, nor did I find the sign of six doors, but the stone in Wu Mojun\'s heart hasn\'t been put down. Before proving the identity of the other party, there is any possibility.