Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 557

The mountains are shrouded in clouds and fog. From a distance, it looks like a green forest in the clouds. Li Luoyang secretly laughs that the scene in front of him is very consistent with the living environment of hermits in various descriptions and films. The mountain road is rugged and difficult to move. Fortunately, Li Luoyang and Li Guo are martial arts practitioners, and their physical strength can keep up. Xiao Si is exhausted at this time.

Even though he had been with Li Luoyang for some time, Xiao Si\'s basic skills were much worse. After walking the mountain road for a day, he was physically overdrawn. Helpless, Li Luoyang had to decide to rest again. According to Li Luoyang\'s previous plan, one day and one night was enough to reach the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain, but unexpectedly, Xiao Si was delayed.

Knowing that he was incompetent, Xiao Si simply shut up and worked honestly. He made a space on the ground, raised the fire and looked for needles nearby according to Li Luoyang\'s requirements, although he didn\'t know what Li Luoyang wanted needles for.

He spread needles all over the ground and set up a humble temporary residence with branches. Li Guo and Xiao Si couldn\'t help giving a thumbs up to Li Luoyang. In this era, only Li Luoyang II could think about these idle things and build a safe haven for himself.

"There is a great temperature difference in the deep forest. If we don\'t take shelter from the wind at night, we will be cold tomorrow." Li Luoyang naturally has its own reasons for doing so. Although he and Li Guo have good physical quality, they are just mortals. They will naturally be injured by the wind and cold in a bad environment. In order to avoid more accidents, Li Luoyang should try his best to ensure that his mind and body are normal when he reaches Baiyun Mountain.

Wash the excess needles with dew, then put them into porcelain bottles, add water and bake them on the fire. After a while, the needle tea will be made. Drinking the steaming tea, Li Guo shook his head and said with a smile: "Sometimes I want to open your mind and see what\'s in it. I\'ve lived in the deep forest with master for a long time these years, and I\'ve never thought of using leaves like this. Even master with so many years of life experience can\'t think of such a way to cook tea."

Li Guo admires his brother. He has been living in seclusion in the mountains with Zhou Dong for many years. Li Guo not only learned Zhou Dong\'s martial arts, but also learned the way of life. He thinks he has rich experience and means of jungle life. However, it seems that he is still much worse than Li Luoyang.

Following Zhou Dong, Li Guo only learned how to live in the deep forest environment. Li Luoyang\'s technique and method is to teach him how to enjoy life in the deep forest. The two differences are very different.

Xiao Si took a sip of tea and it was like a hot stream running through the Dantian. The lingering warmth made him feel much more comfortable. The previous coolness disappeared: "master still has this skill. I didn\'t expect." Following Li Luoyang, Xiao Si has seen too many surprises. Whether it is publishing books, brewing wine, or even developing unprecedented medicine, everything is a feat.

"Hehe, we haven\'t seen each other for many years. Your boy is still as glib as before." Li Guo looked at Xiao Si and said sincerely.

The three grew up in the same village. Now it\'s hard to be sad to get together again. The little four eyes whispered with tears: "When we opened the gate of your courtyard, we only saw the bodies of four people in black. We couldn\'t find you everywhere. Fortunately, master came back soon. Since then, I followed master to Luoyang. I didn\'t expect to see you again. Now, we\'re reunited again."

Xiao Si is a smart man. After leaving Taiyuan with Li Luoyang and Li Guo, he left most of his time for the two brothers, including Li Luoyang and Li Guo talking all night last night. Xiao Si also sleeps alone with an interesting stomach and doesn\'t want to disturb the reunion between the brothers.

"There\'s wine today. I\'m drunk now. When will I stay if I\'m not drunk at this time?" Li Luoyang said, taking out the immortal drunk from his bag. Li Guo was surprised and asked, "do you still have? Didn\'t you tell Shifu that there was only the last bottle?"

"Ha ha, if I tell him I have a lot more, isn\'t he going to confiscate me all?"

Li Guo smiled: "when your boy left, the master asked me to ask if you were still drunk. If not, let you teach him the brewing method. Unexpectedly, your boy was still hiding."

"I\'ll teach him? I can\'t. his master? If he doesn\'t mind calling me master, I can think about it. What should you call me then?"

"Well, you haven\'t seen me for years. You\'ve learned to tease me? Come on, listen, what should I call you!" Li Guo grabbed Li Luoyang\'s ear and turned it around in an instant. Li Luoyang shouted pain again and again. Li Guo let go.

"I\'m just fooling around. How can I pass on the secret of brewing to others? So far, this is the condition I need to rely on."

"This immortal intoxication is really good. I also know that you took advantage of the immortal intoxication to get a foothold in Luoyang. Shifu wanted to learn brewing techniques, but I refused on the spot. Although he is my Shifu, he is not a family after all."

Li Luoyang understood Li Guo\'s meaning. The two brothers saw it thoroughly. In this world, except the two brothers, they can only trust Lin Luoshui. Even Zhou Dong, Li Guo will not dig his heart and lungs. People\'s hearts are separated from their belly. No one can see through other people\'s ideas.

For Zhou Dong, Li Guo is more grateful and grateful. He thanked Zhou Dong for saving himself at the critical moment, avoiding the danger of losing his voice, and teaching him martial arts. However, this does not mean that Li Guo will fully trust Zhou Dong. After all, so far, Li Guo has no idea why Zhou Dong did this, or what value he is worth Zhou Dong doing this.

Li Luoyang is also curious about why Zhou Dong, as a legendary figure, saved Li Guo and accepted Li Guo as a closed door disciple. Before the interests are clear, Li Luoyang will not easily believe that the vigilance of the two brothers should be. In this troubled world, the two brothers are young and have little experience. Only by being careful everywhere can they avoid getting burned. That\'s why, The two brothers ushered in this reunion.

"Did Zhou Dong ever tell you why he saved you?"

Li Guo shook his head and said slowly, "I asked many times. He was tight lipped. Only once he told me that he was asked by someone to save us in the village."

"Mo Yuntian." Li Luoyang said without hesitation, "I know. It\'s my mother!"


"Zhou Dong was asked by Mo Yuntian to protect our safety, and Mo Yuntian was entrusted by his mother. My mother told me this when I met my mother."

"So Zhou Dong saved me because of his mother?"

"Well, it should be right, but I didn\'t expect Zhou Dong to accept you as a closed door disciple. Maybe he really likes your talent. Is your talent higher than Lin Chong and others?"

Li Guo proudly straightened his waist: "of course."

Li Luoyang thought to himself helplessly, "if you really knew Lin Chong, you wouldn\'t be so confident."