Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 558

Late at night in the forest, the conversation between the brothers was not over. Because there was no one else present, Li Guo and Xiao Si wanted to solve their doubts, so they took the initiative to ask Li Luoyang. Almost at the same time, they were interested in the herbal medicine developed by Li Luoyang.

"Master, when you were saving mollu, those herbs were as magical as you said?" Xiao Si asked curiously, just like a schoolboy looking at the teacher.

Li Guo also said slowly: "Luoyang, there were outsiders before. I haven\'t confirmed to you that if those herbs really have miraculous effects as you said, do you know what it means?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth and replied without hesitation: "it means it\'s difficult to lead."

Xiao Si exclaimed in surprise, "why? Isn\'t this a good thing?"

Li Guo\'s face sank like water and explained: "This is not a good thing, but a great bad thing. The effect of that herbal medicine can be called a divine medicine. It has better curative effect than the best golden sore medicine made by my master. You may not know, but I know very well that Zhou Dong\'s golden sore medicine has always been valuable and has no market. Even many powerful people begged master to make golden sore medicine for them, including Mo Yuntian."

Li Guo turned to look at Li Luoyang and continued: "On the battlefield, the wounded soldiers can only use ordinary golden sore medicine. Because the efficacy is poor, nine times out of ten soldiers will be waste even if they survive. The golden sore medicine used by those generals has better efficacy, but it can\'t play such a good effect as your herbal medicine. Even the best golden sore medicine developed by Zhou Dong can\'t reach the effect of your herbal medicine. Once you develop it The news about the amazing medicinal herbs leaked. Do you know what you are facing? "

Li Luoyang nodded and said with a smile, "I know, the market."

"Market?" Li Guo said seriously: "When is this time? How do you still want to make money? If the people in the imperial court know that you master the manufacturing method of divine medicine, they will not hesitate to send someone to invite you into the palace to make good herbs for them. If they don\'t, they will do anything, and even kill you. Worse, they will use your relatives to coerce you to hand over the formula!"

Li Guo\'s worry is true. Compared with wine making, Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine will make the imperial court pay more attention to it. This herbal medicine can bring great benefits to the army. The wounded soldiers can recover faster and better and return to the battlefield. This is the time when combat effectiveness is most needed for the chaotic Wu Tang Dynasty. If Li Luoyang is not willing to cooperate with the imperial court, the imperial court is also unwilling to see the formula fall into other fields In the hands of people, there will be a fish dead and a net broken at that time. Li Luoyang will not be the only one who will die.

After listening to Li Guo\'s words, Xiao Si took a breath: "master, what should I do? Don\'t think about the market now."

Li Luoyang said calmly: "the matter is not as serious as you think. First of all, Molu didn\'t know that I was using my own herbal medicine. He was in a coma at that time. Except you two, only Zhou Dong knew the herbal medicine. If the news leaked, I could push all the things down on Zhou Dong and say that Zhou Dong\'s medicine saved Molu but not me."

Li Luoyang continued with a smile: "do you think the imperial court will think that a yellow haired boy and a legend, who is more powerful to develop divine medicine?"

Li Guo suddenly realized that although Li Luoyang\'s practice did not respect his teachers, it was also the best way to protect Li Luoyang\'s Secret: "you\'re right. How can the imperial court believe that you can make better divine medicine than Zhou Dong at a young age? What\'s your next plan?"

"In fact, it\'s very simple. Whether the imperial court needs this kind of herbal medicine, the whole Wu Tang Dynasty needs Manichaeism, green forest people, Imperial Army and even local officials. They all need drugs with good effects. Before, I improved the efficacy for wine Molu, which has such good effects. I plan to develop some herbs with general efficacy for sale after returning to Luoyang. Of course, these herbs The medicine is better than the golden sore medicine used by the soldiers of the imperial court, which can attract tourists. "

Li Luoyang stood up and walked around the fire. He said to himself: "then he launched herbs with different properties in batches, and even developed herbs with different curative effects to nourish yin and Yang, eliminate heat and relieve summer heat. In this era without vitamins, some herbs with large properties can completely cure inflammation or diseases."

Li Guo asked in a daze, "when? Inflammation?"

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "you can understand it as some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, such as the symptoms of excessive heat toxin."

Li Guo and Xiao Si stared at Li Luoyang dumbfounded: "if the heat poison is too deep, it can be cured."

Li Luoyang smiled to himself: "inflammation is almost a terminal disease in this age. It seems that they don\'t understand it. They don\'t understand it." turning to look at the two people, Li Luoyang said slowly: "I just said it\'s possible that thousands of herbs are comprehensive. Different proportions can get different effects. Maybe there are some herbs that can resolve the terminal disease."

"If you can really develop that magic medicine, it is estimated that the imperial doctors in the palace will be beheaded."



At this time, Xiao Si suddenly stood up and stared at Li Luoyang: "master, can you teach me how to prepare herbs?"

"Do you want to learn?" Li Luoyang is really looking for a trustworthy person to help him develop the proportion of herbs. Xiao Si is the most suitable candidate. After all, Xiao Si also looked for too many herbs for Li Luoyang before, and they all successfully recognized the appearance of herbs. Li Luoyang knows that this guy seems to have some talent in herbs.

Put the two herbs with similar shapes in front of people who don\'t understand. They can\'t see the difference. At least Xiao Si succeeded in finding the right herbs when looking for herbs for Li Luoyang. From this point of view alone, Xiao Si really has this talent.

"Xiao Si, if I make a request, you can do it. In the future, I will focus on teaching you how to configure herbs?"



"Master, what do you want me to do?"

"It\'s very simple. There are several herbs in my medicine box. Use them to configure golden sore medicine, which is the one used for Molu. If you succeed, I\'ll teach you."

There are only a few herbs in the medicine box. No matter how they are combined, they can only become golden sore medicine or medicine introduction. Li Luoyang just wants to see if Xiao Si can accurately find the best proportion of medicine.

Last night, Li Guo and Li Luoyang brothers didn\'t sleep. Xiao Si didn\'t sleep tonight. All night, Xiao Si was matching the proportion of several herbs. Finally, before dawn, Xiao Si successfully developed the golden sore medicine with the best effect: "it\'s successful!"

An excited roar woke Li Luoyang and Li Guo. Xiao Si jumped into the temporary shed and put the medicine bottle in front of Li Luoyang: "master, master! I succeeded."

Li Luoyang smelled the taste in the medicine bottle, checked the appearance of golden sore medicine, and finally determined that Xiao Si was indeed successful. Although it took a whole night, it was enough for Li Luoyang: "it seems that your boy can\'t practice martial arts, and there is still some potential in medicine."

"Thank you, master!"