Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 556

Wearing clothes and trousers that have been mended for many times and carrying bags, Li Luoyang, Li Guo and Xiao Si are very depressed. They walk in Taiyuan without any attention. This is also the effect Li Luoyang wants. This time, Li Luoyang not only wants to find out the truth of the famine, but more importantly, he promised Wu Xinyi to visit Baiyun Mountain, Look at the consequences of the famine there.

Although the hungry people in Taiyuan have been helped by official food, no one in Baiyun Mountain has sent them food. So far, liufanmen is still investigating the people in Baiyun Mountain and how they can provide disaster relief food. Now the situation in Taiyuan government is stable, Li Luoyang naturally wants to honor his promise to go to Baiyun Mountain. The reason why he only took Li Guo and Xiao Si is that except them, Li Luoyang didn\'t trust others at all, or he didn\'t dare to take people from six doors.

The disaster has been brought under control. The hungry people who were originally surrounded outside Taiyuan have left one after another. They have received enough food to maintain for a period of time. There is no benefit in besieging the city. It\'s better to go back to their homes and hold the third of that mu of land.

"Luoyang, where are we going?" Li Guo asked Li Luoyang around him suspiciously. He didn\'t expect to meet his brother. Now he had to separate from his master. The most important thing is that he felt that he couldn\'t see through Li Luoyang more and more. He didn\'t even discuss with himself this time. He took himself and Zhou Dong to say hello and left.

"Go to Baiyun Mountain." Li Guoyang naturally won\'t hide from Li Guo. The reason why he didn\'t give Li Guo a prior statement in Taiyuan was that he was worried that walls have ears. I wish the old man\'s family were almost six door people except Zhou Dong and those monks. How could he let the situation be exposed.

"Baiyun Mountain."

"Heard of it?"

"Well, I heard from Shifu that there lived the secluded Wu family. It was said that there were outstanding people like a paradise in the world. All of them were martial arts talents, but no one knew why they lived in seclusion in Baiyun Mountain." Li Guo recalled Zhou Dong\'s words.

"Paradise? Hehe, I can\'t escape natural and man-made disasters. Baiyun Mountain also suffered from this famine. I just want to know how serious the disaster is when I go to Baiyun Mountain this time."

"Why? It\'s supposed to be a matter for the imperial court. Why don\'t you take Mo Jiao and others with you?"

"It seems that you don\'t know that there has always been a gap between Baiyun Mountain and the imperial court. Mo Jiao is from six doors. Six doors has been investigating Baiyun Mountain. I\'ll take Mo Jiao. It\'s not harmful to Baiyun Mountain."

"Luoyang, why do you want to help them?" Li Guo wondered why his brother cared so much about Baiyun Mountain.

Li Luoyang smiled and whispered, "there\'s no way. I owe you a favor." Li Luoyang told Li Guo about Wu Xinyi in detail. Li Guo understood Li Luoyang\'s intentions.

"The Wu family was born to protect you? Why?"

"I don\'t know. Anyway, so far, Wu Xinyi didn\'t kill me. She saved me again and again. Although I don\'t know why she did this, I owe her a lot. Besides, I also want to see if there is really a peach source outside the world among the rocks."

The two walked side by side on the pipeline. Wu Xinyi once revealed to Li Luoyang the way to Baiyun Mountain. When they came to a small temple of the land father-in-law, Li Luoyang took Li Guo straight around the mountain temple and walked to the jungle. The mountain was high and steep. The two brothers raised a fire. Since they parted from Liao\'s courtyard, the two brothers ushered in the moment of being alone.

Sitting around the fire, Li Luoyang took out the dry materials prepared in advance and baked them in the fire. Li Luoyang smiled and said, "brother, when we were young, we often went to the river to roast fish. At that time, we were carefree and happy." Li Luoyang has not been so relaxed and happy for a long time. This is the happiest thing for him except seeing Lin Luoshui in Luoyang City.

Li Guo raised his mouth slightly, looked at Li Luoyang whose face was red with fire and said: "Yes, it\'s been several years in the twinkling of an eye, and you\'re not the hairy boy at that time. Now you can be alone and have a face in Luoyang. At that time, I was still worried about you. Later, I received the news that you were still alive, so I decided to improve my strength as soon as possible so as to find you. I didn\'t expect you to be able to pick the beam alone."

Li Guo did not hesitate to praise Li Luoyang. If it weren\'t for Li Luoyang\'s existence, he would have been treated as a murderer as early as in the village. However, Li Guo didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang developed so fast and became a man of the moment in Luoyang City at a young age.

"Elder brother, I admire you. I became the closed disciple of Zhou Dong. I knew you were a martial arts wizard since I was a child. Now I finally got what I wanted. Think that leopard head Lin Chong was only instructed by Zhou Dong." Xiao Li has been good at martial arts since he passed away, and he has also shown great talent. Up to now, he has been favored by Zhou Dong, which is somewhat beyond Li Luoyang\'s expectation. Li Luoyang is happy to see that his brother is doing well now.

"Well, let\'s not flatter each other here."

"Hahaha, my brother doesn\'t speak two words. By the way, brother, do you remember what we discussed last time?"

"About entering the military camp? Remember, I just don\'t have a chance. Why don\'t I try when the imperial court recruits?"

"No, you are a hot man with bare hands. Everyone secretly wants to pull you into their camp. You don\'t have to worry about how to enter the camp. Now I only consider whether they can have the strength to give you a position with power."

Li Guo looked at Li Luoyang suspiciously: "what do you mean?"

"In fact, old man Zhu and Wang GUI came to me last night. One wanted you to enter the six gates and the other wanted you to enter the barracks. Wang GUI and Niu Gao promised to recommend you to the imperial court, which means you can\'t enter the barracks as a pawn. At worst, you\'re also a soldier commander."

"That\'s just right!"

"But the conditions of the six doors are really rich. In the future, you may inherit Mo Yuntian\'s position and take over the whole six doors." Li Luoyang didn\'t intend to hide Li Guo, but he decided to respect his brother\'s choice.

Li Guo said without hesitation, "of course it\'s entering the military camp. Haven\'t we discussed it? If I want to come out of my mother and enter the military camp, I have a better chance to contact Zhou Xiangong. Once I have the strength to replace him, I\'m afraid of the Lin family?"

Looking at Li Guo with firm eyes, Li Luoyang smiled. He put his hand on Li Guo\'s shoulder and whispered, "everything is for his mother."

The two smiled at each other and continued to talk. Unconsciously, it was already dawn. The long conversation all night was just a memory of the past. Time passed like a fleeting gap. Before they felt that they had talked for long, the sky was already bright and extinguished the fire. They walked side by side to the depths of the mountain forest again. As they went deeper and deeper into the mountain forest, there was no family around, There was not even a ghost, but Li Luoyang knew that he was still some distance from the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain.