Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 555

The situation in Taiyuan prefecture has been temporarily stabilized. The reason why it is temporary is that even the official grain transported by niugao can not maintain the long-term support of more than 100000 hungry people in Taiyuan Prefecture. The crisis has not been completely lifted. However, everything next can only be resigned to fate.

Even if the imperial court put down the relief food again, it could not maintain so much unrestricted distribution of food to Taiyuan. The general way for the imperial court to deal with the problem of famine is to provide temporary food aid to the famine areas to help them survive the season with little or no rain. If the drought lasts too long, the imperial court will organize large-scale relocation operations.

Moving the farmers of Taiyuan government to different directions and entering nearby towns to start their lives again, but such actions consume extremely financial, human and material resources. Therefore, the imperial court is generally unwilling to use such a plan. Moreover, it is a sensitive period. Letting the hungry people leave their homes can only make the hungry people feel the powerlessness of the imperial court. In this case, people\'s hearts are scattered, Manichaeism has almost unlimited opportunities to attract more followers. Isn\'t this a trouble for the imperial court.

Therefore, the Imperial Court adopted the most conservative disaster relief plan to provide enough food so that the hungry people in Taiyuan can survive the drought period. So far, we can only expect the rainy season to come early. As long as there is a rain, at least the people can see some hope.

When the rain falls, it will take some time for the farmers to sow again, but the imperial court is willing to help a batch of official grain to tide over the difficulties, and the tax will be relatively reduced or even exempted. This is also the focus of the imperial court for the people. To put it bluntly, now the imperial court has internal and external troubles, so it doesn\'t want to go to the hearts of the people at a critical moment. In that case, The court will not last long.

The city of Taiyuan has stabilized, and the landlords who sold grain and were robbed of their homes have calmed down a lot. After all, it is a critical moment. It is reasonable for the imperial court to forcibly levy grain. The landlords can only swallow their breath and dare not speak. Especially when they see the grain transportation brigade entering Taiyuan smoothly, they dare not make a mistake. They are the army from the imperial court, How dare the landlords in a mere city.

The whole city of Taiyuan is much calmer. People don\'t have to worry about starvation for the time being. Stay at the old man\'s house. Li Luoyang, who has nothing to do, finds Mo Jiao practicing martial arts. Looking at Mo Jiao dancing in the courtyard, Li Luoyang smiles and says, "good moves."

Mo Jiao raised her sword and drew a strange arc in the air. The tip of the sword pointed directly at Li Luoyang\'s throat. Li Luoyang didn\'t respond. It was not that he couldn\'t do it, but that he knew that Mo Jiao couldn\'t do it to himself. Looking at Li Luoyang with no intention to retreat, Mo Jiao smiled: "are you not afraid that I will kill you by mistake?"

"I\'m not afraid. As people of six doors, you are not allowed to miss anything. This proposition doesn\'t hold for you unless you really want my life."

"If one day you oppose the imperial court, I will really take your life."

"Oppose the imperial court? Am I stupid?" Li Luoyang just wanted to save his mother and live a stable life with his mother and brother. He never thought he could have the strength to oppose the imperial court. Besides, he didn\'t even want to go deep into the bureaucracy. What\'s the meaning of opposing the imperial court.

However, in Mo Jiao\'s opinion, all those who don\'t want to enter the court are those who oppose the court. Isn\'t it a fool to leave the official behind? Unless he has another plan to join Greenwood or even Manichaeism, it is so exclusive of officialdom.

"Uncle Zhu has talked to me this morning. I really want to know the answer from you."

Li Luoyang knew what the answer Mo Jiao wanted: "don\'t worry, my brother, like me, will never oppose the imperial court, but I\'m not sure whether he will choose the barracks or the six doors in the end."

With Li Luoyang\'s words, Mo Jiao felt much more secure. She was worried that Li Guo would not choose either the military camp or the six doors. In this way, the imperial court might target him. At that time, Mo Jiao didn\'t want to attack Li Guo. After all, he was Li Luoyang\'s brother.

"By the way, you come to me for something?" Mo Jiao doesn\'t think that Li Luoyang will come to him for no reason. The so-called climbing the three treasures hall refers to Li Luoyang at this time.

"The disaster in Taiyuan has been alleviated for the time being. It\'s meaningless for me to stay here. I\'m going to take my brother around and come back in a few days."

"Turn around? Do you really think this is a sightseeing trip? You also said that the disaster is only temporarily relieved, not completely relieved. There may be manichaeists outside and the guards of the village. What you said is light." in Mo Jiao\'s opinion, Li Luoyang\'s choice of going out at this time is no different from looking for death. Don\'t talk about Taiyuan now, The whole Wu Tang Dynasty is in chaos. Although Li Luoyang has some strength and ordinary thieves can\'t hurt him, how can Li Luoyang Parry when he meets someone as strong as Xu Fang? Even with Li Guo, Xu Fang can deal with them. So Mo Jiao doesn\'t agree with Li Luoyang.

"Don\'t forget that the root cause of the famine in Taiyuan has not been found." Li Luoyang said with a smile. He knew that Mo Jiao wouldn\'t easily promise to go out, so he had figured out a way to deal with it in advance.

"You mean you\'re going to live with Li to find the truth? Then I\'ll go with you. It\'s our duty to investigate the truth." Mo Jiao doesn\'t fight for merit, but in her opinion, this originally belongs to the work of liumen, and she doesn\'t want Li Luoyang to face the danger.

"Now the whole people of Taiyuan mansion know your identity. What can you find out when you go out? The thieves will only turn around and run away when they see you. The reason why I took Li out alone is that the thieves are not on guard. Li Guo has never appeared in the disaster relief. The other party can\'t find his identity. As for me, they will only think that I am a pawn of six doors and can\'t be a hidden danger, In addition, there are fewer people, the investigation is convenient and the action is more secret, so I made such a decision. "


"Don\'t hesitate. Who else can investigate except me and Li Guo? Wang GUI, as a general of Taiyuan, has long been known. Niu Gao led his team into Taiyuan is also a matter under Taiting. Your identity with Mo Fu and others has long been exposed. It\'s impossible to find any results. No one can do it except me and Li Guo."

Looking at Li Luoyang with firm eyes, Mo Jiao was surprised and thought to herself: "What\'s the matter with this guy? Why did he suddenly try so hard? He didn\'t want to cooperate with us six doors before. Now he took the initiative to take the responsibility of investigating the truth. Is there any fraud, but he has no reason to go out with the investigation. Maybe he\'s really thinking about us six doors, or maybe. Me?"

"In that case, I\'ll ask Mo Fu to prepare the money for you on the way."

"No, I\'m already ready. I\'ll start at noon. Remember, Li Guo and I should keep our actions confidential. When we leave Taiyuan, we will pretend to be hungry. Remember not to be sent away to avoid attracting attention."