Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 554

Late at night, Li Guo and eight monks had gone into the house to sleep. Li Luoyang, who had been accompanying Zhou Dong and old man Zhu, was naturally exhausted. If Zhou Dong had not let Li Luoyang stay, he would have entered his dream. At this time, only Zhou Dong and old man Zhu Luoyang were left in the courtyard.

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the air, Zhou Dong and old man Zhu suddenly turned their eyes on Li Luoyang. Their straight eyes made Li Luoyang wonder: "what are you staring at me?"

I wish the old man\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "Luoyang, I ask you, you should tell me the truth."

"What?" Li Luoyang doesn\'t remember that old man Zhu has something to verify here. Whether it\'s his martial arts secret or his two lives, these are Li Luoyang\'s biggest secrets. Even Lin Luoshui and Li Guo don\'t know. Li Luoyang doesn\'t worry that old man Zhu will notice these two secrets.

"Did Wang GUI talk to you about Li Guo?"

Li Luoyang laughed. He knew that in the city of Taiyuan, he could not hide the eyelid of the old man. "I talked about it." Li Luoyang did not need any cover up.


"I believe both of you have a good idea." Li Luoyang looks at Zhou Dong and old man Zhu. They are not fools. Of course, they can guess why Wang GUI talked to him about Li Guo.

Zhou Dong sipped the immortal drunk, held the wine glass and said with a smile, "of course I know the strength of my disciple. Li Guo was a little better than Xu Fang before. Niu GA and others naturally know Li Guo\'s strength, so they want to win Li Guo into the military camp." Zhou Dong is familiar with Lvlin and the imperial court. He also knows that Li Guo\'s strength is easy to be watched by people. Now it\'s a critical period, Zhou Dong naturally guessed that Wang GUI consulted Li Luoyang.

Old man Zhu looked at Zhou Dong and said: "Master Zhou, there is no doubt about Li Guo\'s strength, but do you really want him to join the military camp? There is Zhou Xiangong there. He can never be the first person. He can only act under Zhou Xiangong\'s account all his life. But when we come to the six doors, it is different. Who knows that Mo Yuntian has only one only daughter. The emperor will not give the six doors to a female generation, even if Mo Jiao has the strength The crowd can\'t beat this rule. "

I wish the old man turned and looked at Li Luoyang again: "if he enters the six doors, in a few years, with his strength and understanding, I believe he can take over the six doors from Mo Yuntian and become the steward of the six doors, that\'s real power. What do you think?"

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that old man Zhu had become a lobbyist. Now he understands why old man Zhu had nothing to do with Zhou Dong from the beginning. He originally wanted Zhou Dong to persuade Li Guo to join liumen.

Wang GUI chose to let Li Luoyang persuade Li Guo to enter the barracks, while old man Zhu chose Zhou Dong to persuade Li Guo to enter the six gates. This should have been what Mo Jiao should do, but now old man Zhu did it. No wonder, if you want to lobby Zhou Dong, you naturally need people of the same level. Mo Jiao is only a yellow haired girl in front of Zhou Dong, and Zhou Dong can even completely ignore Mo Jiao, while old man Zhu Different. He is the same age as Zhou Dong and has rich experience. They can talk together soon.

Zhou Dong smiled and looked confident. He seemed to have understood the intention of old man Zhu: "old man Zhu, Li Guo\'s life should be decided by himself. In my opinion, whether it\'s six doors or the military camp, it\'s not as free and comfortable, but if Li Guo wants to, I think six doors is more suitable for him."

"Why?" Li Luoyang asked immediately.

"The reason is very simple, right. Just as old man Zhu said, there is Zhou Xiangong in the military camp one day. Li can\'t be the first person in one day. It\'s better to join six doors and have a chance to replace Mo Yuntian in the future. Ha ha ha, how happy it is to think that my disciple can replace the old man."

For this persuasion, old man Zhu has more or less confidence in his heart, because the relationship between Zhou Dong and Mo Yuntian was good, and who doesn\'t have a bright future like his apprentice. Listening to Zhou Dong\'s approval, old man Zhu is happy. However, he seems to see that Li Luoyang is unwilling: "brother Luoyang, what\'s the matter with your sad face? Do you think Li Guo should join the military camp?"

Li Luoyang squeezed out a smile and said slowly, "I don\'t think everyone here has the right to decide my brother\'s future. I agree with master Zhou\'s words. Let him decide for himself. Maybe he prefers to be as carefree as master Zhou."

"But there is a degree of freedom. In the long run, the court will only regard him as a man in the green forest." old man Zhu\'s words are very direct. If Li Guo doesn\'t join liumen or the military camp, he will only be regarded as a man in the green forest and will become an enemy of the court in the future.

Li Luoyang looked at Zhou Dong, then smiled and said, "then master Zhou is a man in the green forest in the eyes of your court? Why have you been at peace with your court for so many years."

"That\'s different. Master Zhou once said that he was also a meritorious minister to the imperial court. When he served as the guest seat of the six doors, he also trained many outstanding talents. Naturally, the imperial court would not target him. Li had such a history?" old man Zhu showed no weakness and argued with Li Luoyang.

"If you have made contributions to the imperial court, you can eliminate the fate of being targeted? Then my brother defeated general Mani Feixiong before. I don\'t know if it\'s a contribution."

"This" wishes the old man speechless for a moment.

Li Luoyang continued: "My brother\'s position against the Manichaeism has been very clear before. No matter what choice he makes in the future, he will not oppose the imperial court. I believe both of you can understand this. Therefore, he chooses six doors and military camp, or even neither. He should have his own rights. Whether I or master Zhou, I can only give some opinions, not around."

Zhou Dong nodded and smiled: "Luoyang\'s words are very correct. We can only put forward suggestions for Li Guo and can\'t control his choice. Therefore, I wish the old man you\'d better talk to him yourself. Luoyang, tomorrow, you call Wang GUI and ask him to go to Li Guo with old man Zhu. The final choice is up to Li Guo."


Li Luoyang knew very well that he had agreed with Li Guo before and would join the military camp if he had a plan. Although Zhou Xiangong existed there, Li Luoyang knew very well that Zhou Xiangong would only push and help Li Guo, because the two had met before. Li Luoyang did not feel murderous from Zhou Xiangong, which was enough to show that this guy was not a self serving villain who abused his power. Li Luoyang Don\'t worry about Li Guo being targeted under his account.

At this time, Li Guosi, who was already dreaming, did not know that he had just come out of the mountain and received such great attention. The two most powerful forces in the imperial court threw olive branches at him. This plan is the greatest affirmation of his strength to anyone.

At this time, Li Luoyang was secretly happy. Unexpectedly, as soon as his brother appeared, he let the people in the army compete with the people in liumen. This is unprecedented.