Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 547

At this time, another group of people, Zhou Dong and Li Guo, were surprised at the strange "luxury car" in front of them. In their view, it was a miracle that they could ride such a carriage in this life. The carriage developed by Li Luoyang was aptly described by Hao at that time.

In the comfortable carriage, the bumps are minimal. He may be used to the original rocking bumps. Now sitting in the carriage, Zhou Dong is still a little uncomfortable. He always feels that the carriage doesn\'t move at all, but just stays where it is. This can keep it so stable. Therefore, Zhou Dong lifted the curtains several times and looked at it to make sure that the carriage does move again, He believed that Li Luoyang\'s brain was really unmatched.

"Luoyang. You really made this carriage?" Li Guo couldn\'t believe everything in front of him. Li Luoyang sat in front of a set of tea sets, making tea with warm white water. No water flowed out of the quilt filled with tea. Put it on the ordinary carriage, let alone making tea. Even drinking water should stop and drink it, so as not to get wet.

"Brother, do you like it? Take it if you like." Li Luoyang won\'t be stingy with Li Guo. Li Luoyang saw it thoroughly at the stop between Li Guo and Xu Fang just now. Li Guo must have suffered a lot for himself and his mother in recent years, otherwise he won\'t make such great progress. Even if Zhou Dong teaches by hand, it depends on his personal talent and efforts. Besides, Li Guo is Li Luoyang\'s brother, The two had a good relationship since childhood. A carriage was just a drop in the bucket for Li Luoyang. It was a big deal to rebuild it. Anyway, he didn\'t think it was marketable. Didn\'t Mo Jiao book two carriages.

"This" Li Guo wouldn\'t have been polite to Li Luoyang, but looking at the carriage, he didn\'t dare to ask for it. Li Guo never thought about this unimaginable structure and structure. Although they are two brothers, they are too valuable. Li Guo really can\'t accept it.

On the other hand, Zhou Dong tilted his mouth and hit Li Guo with his elbow. Li Guo looked at Zhou Dong for unknown reasons: "what\'s the matter, master."

"Hey, it\'s all right."

Li Luoyang had already seen Zhou Dong\'s yearning for this carriage, but Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that this legendary figure who is independent of the world should not be interested in any finance. How can people care about things outside his body when they reach his level? He never thought that Zhou Dong actually took a fancy to his carriage this year.

Li Luoyang is just wrong. At Zhou Dong\'s age and experience, he knows more about life and comfort. The carriage gives him a great feeling. Zhou Dong has even begun to fantasize about how to enjoy wandering between mountains and rivers in such a carriage. If Li Luoyang hadn\'t taken the initiative to ask Li if he wanted the carriage, Zhou Dong would have pulled down his face and opened his mouth.

The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and took out new things from the dark box in the carriage. For Zhou Dong and Li Guo, wearing things is really a new thing. That is, Li Luoyang\'s immortal is drunk. Most of the task has been completed. It\'s also to celebrate his reunion with Li Guo and to survive his great disaster.

At the moment of opening the bottle cap, Zhou Dong\'s eyes stared to the limit. The smell of wine in the air was unheard of. The strong smell of wine seemed to arouse Zhou Dong\'s greedy insects, and his saliva unconsciously flowed to his mouth. At this time, Zhou Dong looked like a hidden expert, a full wine gentleman, and Li Guo drank some wine with Zhou Dong in recent years, But I\'ve never wanted to swallow the wine bottle in Li Luoyang\'s hand like today. The taste is really attractive.

Molu, who was sleeping in the carriage, was awakened by the smell. He opened his eyes and stared at Li Luoyang. Swallowing his saliva, he said, "brother Luoyang, is it that the gods are drunk?" Li Luoyang\'s wine has long been a household name in Luoyang City, but the price is too high. Molu and others have never tasted it, but people who have heard of it have commented:

This kind of wine even the gods in the sky have to go down to the earth to drink, one drunk and one drunk.

Zhou Dong stared at the bottle in Li Luoyang\'s hand: "is the immortal drunk?"

Li Luoyang placed the wine glass, poured the wine and said, "well, this is the wine I brewed in my spare time. I hope master Zhou doesn\'t dislike it."

Looking at the clear wine poured into the wine glass, the wine seemed to hang in the glass, the sticky and old wine, the wine was clear and the Baijiu was good. With the full wine, the wine in the car was more strong. Li Luoyang didn\'t wait for the greeting. Zhou Tong first drank the glass and drank it in a drained way. Li Luoyang\'s eyes were so fast that he didn\'t even notice that Zhou Dong had finished drinking.

Such a rash approach is indeed inconsistent with Zhou Dong\'s identity.

Li Luoyang took up a glass of wine and handed it to Molu. Molu also ignored the wound on his body. After swallowing it, he immediately glowed red. A tingling burning sensation spread from the tip of his tongue to his abdomen, and the heat of his body rose rapidly. Molu seemed to feel that he had recovered. He immediately sat up, took the glass and said, "brother Luoyang, have another cup."

However, to Li Luoyang\'s embarrassment, Zhou Dong had already held an empty cup, stared at the wine bottle in Li Luoyang\'s hand and nodded repeatedly. At this time, it should be put at ordinary times. Zhou Dong shouted: fill it up!

Looking at the two people who had drunk all at once, Li Luoyang turned and asked Li Guo, "brother, how about this wine?"

Li Guo took a sip of the wine and was pleasantly surprised: "good wine! This wine should only be in the sky."

"Cough!" General Li Luoyang still didn\'t pour wine. Zhou Dong seemed to be restless and coughed to remind him.

Li Luoyang poured wine for Zhou Dong with a smile and said, "master Zhou can drink my wine?"

Zhou Dong stroked his white beard and shook his head: "OK."

"Just ok? It doesn\'t seem to be in master Zhou\'s eyes. I thought master Zhou liked it. I\'ll give you a few bottles, just a few bottles. After all, it\'s a bottle of 500 Liang in Luoyang, but now it seems that the boy thinks more."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, Zhou Dong was angry and scolded in his heart: "this boy obviously teased me. Forget it. Anyway, I took my identity. If I didn\'t pretend that the wine was barely OK, people wouldn\'t deliberately target it. However, this boy\'s mind is smart and tight. It can be seen that he is a master who won\'t suffer."

"Well, brother, I still have a few bottles of immortals drunk in my car. Since master Zhou doesn\'t like it, I\'ll give it to you." giving Li Guo is the same as giving Zhou Dong. Li Luoyang gives Zhou Dong face. Thinking of the law, he hugs Zhou Dong\'s face and can give Zhou Dong some benefits.

Li Luoyang\'s words made Zhou Dong happy. Zhou Dong had a new understanding of Li Luoyang\'s work. He seemed to begin to realize that Li Luoyang was able to settle down in Luoyang city not only because of his mind, but also because of his exquisite handling of people. However, for Li Guo, Zhou Dong knew that he was gifted and hardworking, but compared with Li Luoyang, His intelligence and handling of affairs are really poor. Zhou Dong\'s selfishness has been fantasizing about what would happen if Li Luoyang was saved. Anyway, he can be sure that he won\'t lack good wine.