Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 548

All the way, comfortable inside.

Zhou Dong lay on his side in the car. His face was red and his nose was red. He looked like a wine fairy. He drank with a wine bottle and took care of others\' eyes. Li Guo has never seen his master as elegant as he is today. He has drunk three bottles.

"Fifteen hundred Liang, my heart is dripping blood." Li Luyang looked at Zhou Dong\'s drinking method and felt like a knife. Although he thanked Zhou Dong for saving Li Guo and respected Zhou Dong, after all, he was Li Guo\'s master and Lin Chong and Wu er. But if Zhou Dong drank like this, the wine he brought from Luoyang would be successful.

"Master Zhou, why are you drinking?"

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "to be drunk is to be happy. Tasting wine is like spicy life, and the entrance is like floating and sinking taste. Drinking is naturally for tasting or enjoying life."

"In fact, it\'s not heroic to drink. The key to wine tasting is that good wine is lingering and the tip of the tongue is fragrant."

Zhou Dong turned to look at Li Luoyang: "lingering?"

Li Luoyang picked up the wine cup and said slowly, "look for the wine. Take a sip of it and leave it fragrant, so that it will taste at the tip of the tongue. When the mouth is full of fragrance, it will be swallowed into the stomach. Each mouthful is fresh wine fragrance and taste, and each mouthful can make the drinker aftertaste. This is the true meaning of drinking. Compared with the luxury drink of heroes in the green forest, immortal drunkenness is more suitable for elegance."

Li Luoyang simply wants Zhou Dong to drink less. If he drinks according to Li Luoyang\'s method, each mouthful of wine must stay in his mouth and swallow it. Zhou Dong can only drink two bottles at most. The reason is very simple. The alcohol will volatilize at the tip of his tongue and fully let the wine go deep into the brain.

For example, if you can drink five or six bottles of beer, replace the quilt with the bottle cap of the beer bottle, and lower two bottles of beer, you have reached the limit. This is the effect of each mouthful of wine after passing through the tip of the tongue. Even people with a large amount of wine can\'t stand such a lingering drinking method.

In ancient times, people often drank in bowls and bowls, not only because the alcohol level was very low, but also because drinking in order to reduce the stimulation of alcohol on the tip of the tongue.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Zhou Dong raised the bottle, smelled the mouth of the bottle at the tip of his nose, felt the fragrance from the nose deep into his lungs, and then took a sip. When the wine in his mouth filled between his mouth and teeth, and then swallowed it into his abdomen, Zhou Dong nodded repeatedly after feeling it: "yes, it\'s good. Drinking in this way can make the wine more fragrant and pure. It\'s good. It seems that my drinking is just a waste!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect Zhou Dong to accept his proposal. He just wanted Zhou Dong to drink less, but he didn\'t expect that the drinking method he proposed was really suitable for immortals to be drunk, because immortals are more drunk than any contemporary wine. Only by tasting carefully can we drink the taste of the wine, which is more suitable for literary and elegant people to drink and have fun. Frankly, this wine is suitable for literati, However, Li Luoyang suddenly thought of the truth.

Since I can make women\'s favorite wine, why don\'t I brew wine for different people? Immortal drunkenness belongs to slow wine, which is suitable for scholars to drink slowly, while martial people prefer to come fiercely. It\'s like putting a piece of charcoal in their mouth. One bottle is enough to make people with a large amount of wine reach the limit, which is more direct than drinking a few bottles of immortal drunkenness.

Some people drink for Tule, others drink for tuzui, and the literati drink from immortals. Naturally, he tastes carefully and has a long chat with his friends. But the martial arts man drinks for drunkenness. Different people have different purposes for drinking. Li Luoyang inadvertently seems to have found a new way to make wine in the future. Even though his wine is famous enough at this time, he also wants to improve the brewing process.

When Zhou Dong was present, Li Guo naturally couldn\'t get drunk. On the one hand, he didn\'t want to get drunk. On the other hand, he wanted to let immortals get drunk and let Zhou Dong have enough wine. Seeing that Zhou Dong and Mo Lu were almost the same, Li Guo asked Li Luoyang: "Luoyang, have you seen your mother?"

"Well, I\'ve seen it several times. My mother is at Lin\'s house in Luoyang City. Everything is fine. You don\'t have to worry."

"Have you ever thought of saving your mother?"

Li Luoyang said without hesitation: "thought about it, but not now. We don\'t have this ability at all."

Li Guo frowned and asked in a low voice, "why? Since you have met your mother, you can find a chance to take your mother away from the Lin family and rely on your relationship in Luoyang."

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "Relationship? Elder brother, do you know that the reason why I stand so fast in Luoyang city is not only because the gods are drunk, but also because of my mother\'s relationship. We can\'t know the strength of the Lin family. Rash action will only hurt my mother. If my mother really wants to leave the Lin family now, she will naturally tell me. Anyway, up to now, my mother has never revealed to me that she wants to leave the Lin family Law. "

"Why? Why doesn\'t mother want to leave?"

"Elder brother, don\'t you understand? The young bird is fledgling. Only when she is in the Lin family can you and I get the best protection. Others will give her the face to take care of us. If there is no mother, master Zhou will save you? Will he take you as an apprentice? My road in Luoyang will be so smooth? All this is because of my mother."

Li Guo suddenly realized that yes, if there was no relationship between his mother and the Lin family, would Zhou Dong still save himself and teach himself martial arts? In this troubled times, the interests and utilization between people are more obvious. Whether it is the development of Li Luoyang in Luoyang city or the martial arts practice between Li Guo and Zhou Dong, it is said that these people all depend on the face of the Lin family.

"If you want to take your mother away from the Lin family, unless we have the strength to subvert the Lin family, it seems that you think we have this strength?"

Li Guo shook his head: "no, absolutely not. I\'ve heard master say that the Lin family has intervened in the imperial court, and it\'s a big family in Luoyang. It has involved in many official positions in the imperial court, and it\'s still a meritorious family. There\'s no doubt about its strength, plus."

Looking at Li Guo\'s hesitation, Li Luoyang knew what he wanted to say: "plus Zhou Xiangong, right?"

"It seems you know."

"Well, Zhou Xiangong likes our mother since he was a child, and so does now. To tell you the truth, the reason why his mother plays such a great role in the Lin family is entirely because of the existence of the military God Zhou Xiangong. The Lin family is also afraid of Zhou Xiangong who holds the power of the army. Otherwise, how can the Lin family spare his mother who ran away with his father?"

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Li Guo suddenly whispered, "Luoyang, do you mean that if you want to take your mother away, you must go through Zhou Xiangong?"

"It\'s not necessarily. In fact, I met him before."

"Who! Have you met him?" Li Guo cried in surprise. Li Luoyang immediately looked at the sleepy Zhou Dong and Molu: "Shh"

Li Luoyang knows how much his immortals are drunk. He believes that Zhou Dong is indeed drunk and asleep at this time, not to mention that Molu is sleepy. In fact, the communication with Li just now is not a secret. Based on Zhou Dong\'s ability, we can know after analysis, but Li Luoyang naturally doesn\'t want to make any mistakes about Zhou Xiangong\'s topic.