Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 546

The grain transportation brigade finally arrived at the foot of Taiyuan city before dawn. Zheng Shi and Wang GUI had been waiting on the city wall for a long time. Since they received the official grain and were about to arrive at Taiyuan City, Wang GUI had been staying on the city wall for fear of any trouble in Taiyuan City at this juncture. Mo Jiao, who went out of the city to receive the official grain, was not only worried about the official grain, but also worried about the safety of the eldest lady.

If anything happens to Mo Jiao here, Wang GUI can\'t bear the responsibility.

However, as the grain transportation troops gradually came under the wall, Wang GUI and Zheng Shi laughed, and the problem of famine was finally solved.

"Open the gate quickly!"

The repaired city gate slowly opened, and Mo Jiao and Niu Gao took the team into Taiyuan City, indicating that the biggest crisis in Taiyuan government was temporarily lifted. At least we don\'t have to worry about the spread of famine.

As soon as they entered the gate, Wang GUI and Zheng Shi greeted them: "it\'s hard."

Mo Jiao shook her hand and introduced Niu Gao: "this is general Niu Gao, the person in charge of the grain transportation. Thanks to his protection, the official grain can safely reach Taiyuan."

What Mo Jiao said is also true. Without the delay of Niu Gao\'s mechanism and the boldness to die with the official grain, this batch of official grain has now fallen into the hands of Manichaeism. It is precisely because Niu Gao\'s inspiration won the time for Mo Jiao and others to support, and finally resolved the crisis. If the official grain comes into the hands of Manichaeism, Taiyuan government will be more chaotic.

With food, Manichaeism will take the opportunity to win over countless hungry people. From then on, there will be a large number of dead waiters in Taiyuan. Who can organize the footsteps of Manichaeism at that time.

Wang GUI bowed to Niu Gao and nodded. Both of them were generals. Naturally, they seemed to have a more tacit understanding. Wang GUI could also understand the hardships and difficulties along the way: "it\'s hard, general Niu. I\'ll pick up the wind and wash the dust for the general tonight." after that, Wang GUI felt embarrassed. There is no decent food in Taiyuan. How can I pick up the wind and wash the dust for others.

Niu Gao saw Wang GUI\'s embarrassment at a glance and said with a laugh, "it\'s not necessary to receive the wind. First solve the famine problem of the people. As for me, I haven\'t drunk for some days. I don\'t know whether general Wang GUI can satisfy my hobby."

Niu Gao is a standard alcoholic, but he didn\'t touch any wine on the way, so as to keep awake and complete the task of grain transportation. Any general outside, even if the wine bug makes trouble in his belly, he will bear the pain and don\'t touch the wine. The official grain has entered Taiyuan City, and Niu Gao\'s task has naturally been completed. At this time, he wants to have a pot of good wine to moisten his voice.

"Hahaha, general Niu should be a man of temperament. There is not enough food in Taiyuan, but there are still some under the wine house. If you don\'t dislike it, please move general Niu to the cold house." Zheng Shi said with a smile. For scholars, Niu Gao\'s character is forthright and direct, at least it won\'t annoy Zheng Shi. I think Niu Gao is still cute. It can be washed away in front of a pot of wine all the way, It\'s really easy to be satisfied.

Mo Jiao was shocked at this time: "general Niu, don\'t drink this wine for the time being. Have you forgotten about the nearby village?"

Niu Gao remembered the hungry people he met on the road. Mo Jiao turned to look at Wang GUI: "General Wang, after we left, was there any movement in the nearby village?"

"I didn\'t send anyone to monitor the movement of Zhuang Luo, so I don\'t know. But not long after you left, the hungry people who had gone to the nearby Zhuang Luo returned to the gate of Taiyuan. They didn\'t seem to have succeeded in seizing food. I don\'t know what happened."

According to Li Luoyang\'s plan, the number of hungry people diverted to other villages is amazing. Even if those villages have weapons and combat effectiveness, it is difficult to recruit and teach so many people. The hungry people must be able to grab some food to postpone the famine. However, the hungry people returning to Taiyuan are empty handed and still hungry. Wang GUI and Zheng Shi do not know what happened.

Mo Jiao said slowly, "that\'s because of the intervention of Manichaeism."

"Manichaeism! Those guys again."

"General Niu Gao also met an ambush of Manichaeism when transporting food. Fortunately, we timely supported the people who defeated Manichaeism. However, they did not leave Taiyuan house, but targeted nearby Zhuang Luo and planned to rob the food in Zhuang Luo. Although the hungry people can deal with Zhuang Luo\'s forces, they can\'t fight the Manichaeism, so they were forced to return here."

Niu Gao suddenly asked, "by the way, you said the hungry people are back. When we entered the city just now, we didn\'t see a hungry man outside the city?"

If, as Wang GUI said, the hungry people who robbed the village have returned, the moment the official grain appeared, it should have been submerged by the sea of people, but there is nothing outside the city except rotten bodies, let alone the looting of the hungry people.

Zheng Shi and Wang GUI looked at each other and then said, "those hungry people have been dealt with by General Wang GUI."

"What!" Niu Gao stared at Wang GUI with wide eyes: "why kill them!"

Wang GUI said helplessly, "the number of hungry people returning outside the city is rising. If I don\'t do it again, can food be transported into Taiyuan? Nearly a thousand people rush to the grain transportation team, can you resist? Do we have to open the gate to support you at that time? Once the gate is opened, we\'ll never close it again!"

Wang GUI also has his own consideration. With the hungry people returning one after another, there will only be more and more people outside the city. If they don\'t do it at this time, Taiyuan city can\'t usher in the arrival of grain transportation team. If grain doesn\'t come, the crisis of Taiyuan government can\'t be resolved. The most likely result is that official grain is robbed, Taiyuan city is blocked, and people inside and outside will starve to death in Taiyuan government.

Although Wang GUI\'s means were cruel, they only killed a part of the hungry people and served as a warning. Other hungry people saw that Wang GUI and others had the heart to kill, so they hid in the nearby forest. Only then did Mo Jiao and niugao transport grain into the city smoothly.

After listening to Wang GUI\'s explanation, Mo Jiao nodded and said to Niu Gao, "general Niu, General Wang is also forced to sacrifice some people for the sake of more people. At this critical moment, the primary task is to ensure the smooth entry of official grain into Taiyuan."

Niu Gao was also a sympathetic person. He knew that if he were Wang GUI, he would make an example of others at that time. All this was for the sake of more people. Niu Gao nodded in response to Mo Jiao\'s persuasion without any words.

The atmosphere was a little cold. Zheng Shi changed the topic: "by the way, Lord Mo, where\'s Li Luoyang?"

"Li Luoyang is treating Molu\'s wound. He should come later."

"Is mollu hurt?"

"Well, the specific situation will be discussed later. You want to arrange someone to distribute the grain. All the rest of the grain will be placed in the granary. Send someone to protect it. No one can get close to the granary."

"That\'s nature!"

Wang GUI immediately arranged for soldiers to inform the people in the city and receive food at the gate of the government. As soon as the news came out, the people in Taiyuan cried bitterly and thanked the emperor for his kindness. There was also a long queue outside the gate of the government, waiting for the distribution of food.