Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 545

Mo Jiao and Niu Gao set out with the grain transport team to Taiyuan. The dark was originally their most favorable protection. However, the night also brought obstacles to the grain transport team, making the grain transport team move slowly.

Pulling the reins, Niu Gao was the first to bear the brunt in front of the team and led the escorting soldiers to take difficult actions.

Mo Jiao has something in her mind, that is, Li Guo. Li Guo\'s strength is beyond doubt, and the background is clean. Mo Jiao knows better. Li Guo is also Lin Luoshui\'s child. If Li Guo can be brought into the six doors, the six doors may produce a character like Zhou Xiangong. With this idea, Mo Jiao is trying to incorporate Li Guo all the way.

However, Niu Gao naturally has the same idea. He likes Li Guo, who has such strength at a young age. Naturally, he wants to win over a talent for the army. What Niu Gao cares about most is Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong naturally disdains to join the military camp, but so far only Li Guo can be recognized as an apprentice. Zhou Dong\'s strength will naturally be passed on to Li Guo. It can be said that Li Guo has just appeared, It attracted the attention of the two major organs of the imperial court.

It was not easy to pull the grain truck onto the official road. Niu Gao and others were relieved. The rebirth flag and drum set out for Taiyuan. As soon as they walked out of Taiyuan, Mo Jiao raised her hand and stopped the team.

Not far from the road, more than a dozen dark shadows were walking. The moonlight shone on their skinny faces. Mo Jiao could even feel the green light in their eyes, staring directly at the grain transport vehicles behind Mo Jiao and Niu Gao.

"It\'s the hungry people." Mo Jiao whispered to Niu Gao nearby. She didn\'t expect that there were hungry people wandering around the official road so late. According to common sense, these hungry people were already asleep at this time. Only in their sleep can they reduce the pain brought by hunger.

Niu Gao stood in front of the team with his mace in both hands. His mace pointed directly at more than a dozen hungry people and shouted, "I\'m Niu Gao, a military general of the imperial court. Whoever stands in the way will be killed."

Niu Gao\'s approach is very simple. More than a dozen hungry people have noticed the official food. They will not give up. Only by entering Taiyuan as soon as possible can they avoid being found by more hungry people. Therefore, Niu Gao wants to deal with the immediate crisis as quickly as possible. If more hungry people gather here, Niu Gao and others really have no chance to enter Taiyuan.

In the face of Niu Gao\'s warning, more than a dozen hungry people didn\'t respond at all. Like zombies, the hungry people slowly came to the official food. When they were more than ten meters away, these guys suddenly rushed to the official food, drooling and hoarse yelling: "eat! Eat!"

"Kill!" Mo Jiao scolded and waved away with a knife. A hungry man was cut in two on the spot, his upper body fell on the grain pocket, and his hands pulled the pocket weakly, without giving up his desire for grain.

Seeing such a situation, Mo Jiao shook her head helplessly. The state of the hungry people has reached the final moment. At this time, they have no concerns except food. Even if they die, they are only for a mouthful of food. Mo Jiao, who has seen great storms, rarely sees such a situation. Such a large-scale famine is unprecedented.

Mo Fu stood beside Mo Jiao. Although the other party had no combat effectiveness and the goal was only food, he didn\'t want Mo Jiao to have any more accidents. Mo Lu was there before, otherwise Mo Jiao might have died. However, Mo Fu also lamented that the fire burned the foundation of Taiyuan mansion. It was the fire that created the helplessness of these hungry people.

The reason why Mo Fu informed Li Luoyang of his doubts about the fire was that he hoped to use Li Luoyang\'s mind to find the culprit behind the fire. However, so far, Li Luoyang did not seem to find the culprit, but the disaster relief official food of the imperial court has arrived. Solving the current famine is the first problem, but Mo Fu can\'t start with these hungry people, No one wants to kill people who have no power to bind chickens. Besides, these people are still ordinary people.

At the critical moment, Niu Gao, as a general, stood up and waved his double maces in the air. The maces fell on his head. More than a dozen hungry people were removed by him in an instant. Although he didn\'t want to poison the people, he didn\'t want the matter to become more serious.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen hungry people have become corpses, leaving only a teenage child standing in place, staring at the official grain and swallowing saliva. Perhaps this end is a relief for them.

Niu Gao stood in front of the child, held up his double mace and shook her head helplessly. When she dropped the mace, Mo Jiao stopped Niu Gao\'s killing: "he\'s just a child. Just give him some food." the six doors are not cold-blooded and ruthless. Looking at the child\'s weak appearance, the pity of women made Mo Jiao refuse to kill him. After all, in her opinion, the child has no combat power and threat at all.

"Lord Mo, you can save, but you can save all the people in the world? If you let him go and attract more hungry people, we won\'t have a chance to enter Taiyuan along the way!" Niu Gao put the overall situation first and couldn\'t allow them to be soft hearted at this time.

"Don\'t worry, give it to me and take him into Taiyuan, so he can\'t inform other hungry people. I have something else to ask him." Mo Jiao is curious about why these hungry people are in the official way. At this time, they are either sleeping or robbing food in nearby villages.

Mo Jiao gave her dry food to the child. The child immediately wolfed down, regardless of the squeeze of her small throat. As long as he could put things into his stomach, he seemed to be satisfied.

"Why are you officialdom?" Mo Jiao asked.

The child instantly destroyed a piece of cake. Mo Jiao turned her head and looked at Mo Fu. Mo Fu understood and gave his dry ingredients to the child. The child still chewed. Maybe his body recovered some vitality. The child answered Mo Jiao\'s question while eating: "I, we were in a village to grab food, but suddenly a group of people with the slogan of the Lord rushed into the village first. In a hurry, we escaped from the village and came here."

Mo Jiao looked at Niu Gao with a tight face: "it seems that it\'s Manichaeism. Those guys from Xu Fang didn\'t go far. They went to rob Zhuang Luo."

"Hum! We don\'t get a bargain here. We have to retreat and take the second place."

"No, there are a lot of grain in all the villages nearby. When these grains reach Xu Fang, they can still buy many hungry people. Their purpose can be achieved. They are robbing official grain. They are just using these grains to win over the hungry people and become their followers. If they succeed, I don\'t know how many hungry people will become manichaeists."

Niu Gao nodded again and again: "well, how can we get out and stop Xu Fang and others now? I believe you know the truth that the poor aggressors should not chase after them. Besides, we have no strength to fight them. It is undoubtedly death to find them at this time."

Mo Jiao said without hesitation: "go back to Taiyuan first, ensure that the official grain enters the city, wait for Li Luoyang and their return, and then go to find Xu Fang and others."

"Yes, with Li Guo and Zhou Dong, I\'m not afraid of Xu Fang\'s thieves."