Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 544

The arrow is completely submerged in the muscle. Once the barb arrow is pulled out, it will be like turning on the faucet, and the blood finds the vent. Li Luoyang checks Molu\'s injury. The situation is more serious than expected, and there is more blood flow in several wounds. At present, Li Luoyang\'s first thing to do is to pull out the arrow to stop bleeding for the wound.

Take out the black steel knife that has long been like a sawtooth. Li Luoyang asks Xiao Si to raise a pile of fire, and then put the steel knife on the tongue of fire for a short time.

Li Luoyang\'s move also attracted Zhou Dong\'s curiosity: "Luoyang, you are."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "master Zhou, the steel knife itself is stained with other people\'s blood. In addition, the body of the knife is soiled by soil. If it is not disinfected, I\'m afraid it will infect the wound."

"Generally, it\'s only wine or warm water to disinfect the wound, and the blade can be disinfected by burning?" Zhou Dong asked suspiciously. In ancient times, it was very rare to disinfect the wound. Generally, people who were seriously injured would disinfect the wound. The disinfection method is very simple. It\'s only to clean the wound with wine or warm water, but the alcohol content in the wine is extremely low, It is impossible to meet the requirements of disinfection. On the contrary, the wound will be more susceptible to infection because of magazines in wine.

And take out the arrow with the knife. No one will disinfect the knife. Li Luoyang\'s method makes Zhou Dong feel novel.

"The blade only carries a little poison. If it is not treated, it will be difficult to live if it enters the wound and goes deep into the blood. It\'s better to be careful in everything." Li Luoyang said, putting the knife after high-temperature disinfection on Molu\'s wound: "Molu, it will hurt a little, but I believe you have no problem."

He is a man of six doors. Without any experience, a little flesh injury won\'t embarrass him.

Molu, who had woken up, nodded slightly, then clenched his teeth and looked at the tip of the knife stabbing into the wound. Li Luoyang was sweating. He had never directly treated the wound with the knife. Looking at the tip close to the white bone in the muscle, Li Luoyang mentioned his heart.


The arrow on his arm had been pulled out, and Molu was wet all over, and the blood from the wound kept flowing. Li Luoyang immediately treated the wound on Molu\'s thigh. Soon after, all four arrows on Molu were treated and stopped bleeding immediately.

"Xiao Si! Ready!"

Squatting beside the fire, Xiao Si immediately ran over with boiling water in his hand. Strips of cloth were soaked in the water. After boiling at high temperature, the cloth had been much cleaner.

Zhou Dong nodded again and again: "my mind is delicate. I disinfect not only the knives that touch the wound, but also the cloth and shoes that bind the wound. After such treatment, the wound can recover to the greatest extent. If Luoyang medicine can really succeed, maybe Molu can not only save his life, but also continue to practice martial arts and admire him."

Even Zhou Dong couldn\'t help admiring. However, Zhou Dong knew that in this world, these disinfection methods are extremely simple. It can be said that the degree of disinfection can be ignored, but here, a little useful disinfection can bring obvious results.

Li Luoyang took out a herb, put it on the cloth, and then covered it on the wound. Zhou Dong couldn\'t help asking, "what\'s this?"

"Fake su."

"Fake Su?"

"It\'s a herbal medicine. It\'s an annual fake Su herb. It has a fragrance. It\'s covered with pubescence and a little purple at the base. It has the effect of hemostasis and calming the nerves."

In the face of Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Zhou Dong frowned. He never knew that those seemingly ordinary weeds had a miraculous effect in Li Luoyang\'s hands. However, what surprised Zhou Dong and Li Guo happened. In a few minutes, the blood at mollu\'s wound had not flowed again.

It\'s a difficult problem to stop bleeding at this level of injury. Li Luoyang stopped the bleeding of all wounds in a short time, which can be regarded as a miracle.

Looking at the wound that stopped the blood, the stone in Li Luoyang\'s heart fell to the ground. At least he succeeded in the first step. He was not sure about the medicinal properties of herbs. The result told him that it was correct. However, Li Luoyang dared not neglect. The wound exposed to the air was likely to be infected. So Li Luoyang turned and picked up the vial, which was the medicine he had just prepared.

At this time, Zhou Dong, like a curious student, asked again, "what is this?"

Li Luoyang said patiently, "there are two herbs in it. One is Sanguisorba officinalis, which can stop bleeding, detumescence, clear away heat and detoxify, but it has strong properties. I added another medicine for synthesis, so that its toxic properties can be accepted by the wound or even ignored."

"What\'s the other flavor?"

"Shepherd\'s purse, which is 12 feet high and has green and white roots, may relieve the toxicity of hundreds of herbs, so it is essential for traditional Chinese medicine."

Zhou Dong felt that his head didn\'t seem to be enough. He traveled all the year round. Most of those grasses were used to refine poisons and were used by villains. However, he never thought that Li Luoyang would be used like this. Zhou Dong didn\'t even hear the name shepherd\'s purse, let alone distinguish them among thousands of weeds.

Zhou Dong, who has been away for many years, knows that the grasses in the mountains are different, but some of the differences are even minimal, but they are two completely different drugs. One can save people\'s lives, and the other can kill them in an instant. He is surprised that Li Luoyang has mastered such a mysterious method and can distinguish the differences between herbs at a young age.

In fact, Li Luoyang only knows a little. He once read the compendium of Materia Medica and knew a little about the medicinal materials inside. When making wine, Li Luoyang thought that the mountains and rivers here were continuous, there were a lot of medicinal herbs, and even many varieties that had never appeared in his time. Therefore, Li Luoyang remembered the contents of the compendium of Materia Medica.

Many people say that it is difficult to find most of the herbs in the compendium of Materia Medica, but in fact, with the changes of the times, many herbs have disappeared in the river of time. However, Li Luoyang\'s current era is just a treasure house of herbs. At this time, he regrets that he didn\'t copy a compendium of Materia Medica at that time. If he really had a book in hand, Li Luoyang has no doubt that he is Hua Tuo alive.

Even so, Li Luoyang is confident that he can save Molu. After all, the experience of two generations tells him that as long as he doesn\'t hurt the key, the wound can be treated. In addition, Molu is still a practicing family, and his recovery in the future will be twice the result with half the effort.

After a busy night, Li Luoyang bandaged Molu\'s wounds and, of course, applied herbs. Now he hasn\'t developed oral traditional Chinese medicine, but he believes that after returning to Luoyang, he will have enough time to make the so-called divine medicine. Anyway, the expressions of Zhou Dong and Li Guo have told him that his medicine can become divine medicine.

At this time, Li Guo was in shock. After Li Luoyang\'s treatment, Molu\'s face was obviously much better, even red. No one could predict such an effect. Even Li Luoyang himself didn\'t think it was not a divine medicine.