Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 543

Looking at Xiao Si rushing to him, Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

Little four looked up and down at Li Luoyang: "master, you\'re all right. Lord Mo said you."

Hearing what Xiao Si said, Li Luoyang knew a lot. It must be that Mo Jiao\'s mouth was unforgiving and said she was injured. This made Xiao Si so worried: "don\'t say it first. Have I brought my medicine?"

"Bring it, bring it." Xiao Si put the wooden box on the ground. The wooden box is made of camphor wood to prevent insect bites and mosquitoes. The most important thing is that camphor wood can ensure the integrity and drug properties of the medicinal materials in the box to the greatest extent. This is what Li Luoyang temporarily asked Xiao Si to prepare when he was "requisitioned".

Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared. In this world, Li Luoyang is a successful businessman. Everything is done with a prepared mind. He knows that he will go to a place where more than 100000 hungry people will relieve the disaster. Won\'t Li Luoyang consider it for himself, so he asked Xiao Si to prepare some necessary goods and prepare some traditional Chinese medicine in a comfortable carriage along the way, I haven\'t been able to find a place to display. Now there is a dying man in front of me. Li Luoyang will not waste it.

Li Guo stood next to Li Luoyang and looked at the dazzling weeds in the box: "Luoyang, these are?" the dried and processed medicinal materials were more like wilted weeds in Li Guo\'s eyes. They all looked the same, and even could not see any difference. Since Li lived with Li Luoyang when he was a child, he never knew that his brother had research on medicine.

I heard about Li Luoyang\'s deeds along the way. Li Guo felt happy from his heart. Whether making wine or publishing books, each was a feat Li Guo had never thought of. A boy of such a young grade, with his own strength, could stand in Luoyang where fish and dragons are mixed. He was proud of his family. Looking at Li Luoyang\'s eyes like an eagle, Li Guo sighed, The gap between myself and my brother is widening.

Originally, I thought I had the ability to protect my brother and mother after being instructed by Zhou Dong. Now it seems that I have worked hard for so many years, but I still lag behind Li Luoyang\'s ability. I have an unspeakable feeling in my heart. I am happy that my brother can be alone and sad that I don\'t seem to have any effect. He believes that even if he doesn\'t appear this time, My brother also has the strength to overcome this difficulty.

However, he was really wrong. If Li Guo hadn\'t appeared, Li Luoyang would have died under Xu Fang\'s iron whip at this time. Only then could he not have the protection of Wu Xinyi and the timely help of Mo Jiao. If Li Guo couldn\'t come, Li Luoyang must be in a different place now.

"Brother, these are traditional Chinese medicine."

"What medicine?" Li Guo asked with a puzzled face.

"In fact, it is just some grass that can be seen everywhere. Different grasses contain different medicinal values. After simple extraction and comprehensive processing, the medicinal properties of grasses can be highlighted to the greatest extent and give full play to their medicinal values."

Li Guo nodded and said with a smile, "well, I understand, just like the best golden sore medicine is a combination of many different drugs." following Zhou Dong for so many years, Li Guo naturally learned some knowledge about medicine. After all, Zhou Dong was once a man in the green forest. Walking in the green forest and facing the sea of knife mountains and fire, everyone in the green forest always has golden sore medicine, Zhou Dong often refines some gold sore medicines for his own use.

"Elder brother, these medicines are not comparable to the golden sore medicine. Most golden sore medicines are mainly made of medicine stone and refined from grindstone powder, but the conditions are limited. Other magazines in the stone can not be completely removed, so the efficacy is naturally low. Compared with medicine stone, the herbal medicine has mild properties. In addition, the herbal medicine itself carries less toxins and magazines. The golden sore medicine extracted from them can play the best role Effect. "

Li Guo looked at Li Luoyang suspiciously. For his knowledge of medicine, Li Guo firmly believed that Zhou Dong, an experienced man, had more right to speak, but he couldn\'t find evidence to refute Li Luoyang\'s point of view, so he had to stand aside and watch Li Luoyang treat Molu\'s wound.

Zhou Dong has never said a word. Compared with Li Luoyang\'s words, he is more willing to see the effect. If, as Li Luoyang said, there is a better golden sore medicine than his own, Zhou Dong naturally knows what this means.

Whether it is the Greenwoods, the six gates, the army, or the invaders outside the northern and southern borders, even Manichaeism, and even the alliance of chambers of Commerce, in this troubled world, countless injuries and deaths occur every day. In the gap between the two armies, medicine has become the key to the final victory.

Imagine the two armies fighting. After the wounded in the rear take medicine, one side uses the original golden sore medicine and the other side uses the herbal medicine prepared by Li Luoyang. The same recovery time will eventually get different results. The user of golden sore medicine estimates that after a period of time, the wound will stop bleeding in front of the wound, while Li Luoyang\'s medicine can gradually heal the wound and restore the basic action ability of the injured, Such a gap is a world of difference on the battlefield.

Li Guo stood next to Zhou Dong and watched Li Luoyang put all the herbs in a small bottle. Then he smelled them and shook his head. Finally, he reconstituted them. Li Guo asked, "master, what\'s my brother doing?"

Zhou Dong stroked his white beard and said with a red face, "your brother is really a strange man. He mastered the method of deployment at a young age."

"Master, what do you mean?"

Zhou Dong said slowly: "This medicine is also a poison. It is one-third of the poison. The different components of the same material determine the final effect of the medicine. After repeated deliberation and attempts, I finally found the components between different medicine stones. If there is a difference of one millionth, the medicine will eventually be lost. If there is a slight deviation, the medicine that saves people can become a deadly poison. Luoyang is looking for medicine now To be honest, at his age, I don\'t know how to make golden sore medicine. He has begun to use seemingly ordinary grass to refine new drugs. I\'m really old. "

"Shifu, according to what you say, if Luoyang really extracts more medicine than golden sore medicine, only he knows the weight of the material?"

"Of course, every pharmacist has his own secret. The best golden sore medicine formula will not be sold at all, let alone Luoyang uses ordinary herbs as medicine. Who can follow such a complex procedure? Luoyang doesn\'t treat us as outsiders, otherwise he won\'t expose his idea of making medicine with herbs. This idea is unrestrained."

In the face of Zhou Dong\'s praise for Li Luoyang, Li Guo was very happy. However, after several years with Zhou Dong, no matter how hard he tried, he never seemed to have been praised by his master. The gap in his heart began to sprout. However, Li Guo felt inexplicable heartache when he watched the young Li Luoyang do something out of age: "If I had enough strength, I could protect my brother and find my mother. But now, Luoyang is more capable than me."