Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 542

Famine creates mad demons. Hungry people can sell their own flesh and blood for food, not to mention official food for food groups. In this sensitive and chaotic situation, even the seemingly isolated people in Baiyun Mountain may be forced to look for food everywhere. Mo Jiao is worried that the thief in Baiyun Mountain is looking for food nearby, After all, those who do not live in seclusion are all immortals, and it is inevitable that there are also ferocious and selfish people.

Li Luoyang remembers that after he came to Taiyuan mansion, he met a mysterious woman who claimed to be a man of Baiyun Mountain, and her appearance was somewhat similar to Wu Xinyi in Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang worried that this person also came down the mountain for food. After all, the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain is mysterious and unpredictable. Everyone seems to have some skills, which is not low.

"After going down the mountain, let Xiao Si take all my medicine." Li Luoyang said to Mo Jiao, who was preparing to start. Without saying a word, Mo Jiao took out a cup of ointment from her arms and threw it to Li Luoyang: "the best golden sore medicine of six doors, this is enough."

Li Luoyang gave Mo Jiao a white look and said without cutting: "your medicine is the same as mine? Do you want Mo Lu to live?"

Li Luoyang\'s medicine is indeed different from Mojiao. This is the proprietary Chinese medicine made by Li Luoyang in the materials left over from wine making. In this era, there is no Compendium of Materia Medica, but it does not mean that the local medicinal materials can not be used. After the comprehensive development of Li Luoyang wine book perfume, Li Luoyang has already had the next plan in her mind. Now with Molu, a ready-made mouse, he naturally doesn\'t want to let go.

Medicine is an indispensable key in any age. In ancient times, the Qin emperor offered pills for immortality. In a sense, it can be regarded as the prototype of medicine. Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty wrote the compendium of Materia Medica, which greatly improved the use value of medicinal materials at that time. Li Luoyang, who has lived for two lives, Although I don\'t have much in-depth understanding of medicine, I also know some, and ordinary herbs can also distinguish some.

Even if it is ordinary, it can be strange medicine in this era. Some herbs are simply treated after drying and added with a few mild herbs, which is a simple anti-inflammatory traditional Chinese medicine. In this era, it is a life-saving magic medicine. Many dignitaries and dignitaries died in modern seemingly ordinary inflammation. Therefore, after other businesses were stable, Li Luoyang decided to try to develop in the field of medicine, He firmly believed that with his understanding of medicinal materials, he could crush the imperial doctors of the imperial court.

Mo Jiao turned around with a faint hum and took the grain transportation team down the mountain. When she took it away, she specially asked Zhou Dong and Li to leave.

Niu Gao asked curiously, "Lord Mo, who are the old man and the young man around him?" no matter how stupid Niu Gao was, he could see Mo Jiao\'s respect for the two people. When he led them away, she didn\'t even pay attention to Li Luoyang, but he deliberately said goodbye to the two people and paid attention to the degree of Mo Jiao\'s affection for the two people. Niu Gao couldn\'t think of the identity of the two people who suddenly appeared, Unexpectedly, Mo Jiao of the six doors gave way to three points.

Mo Jiao said slowly, "the young man\'s name is Li Guo. He is Li Luoyang\'s brother. Although he is young, he was the one who beat Xu Fang away just now."

Niu Gao\'s eyes were as big as cattle and his face was stunned: "Li Guo? He doesn\'t look much bigger than Li Luoyang. Does he really have this strength?" other people couldn\'t believe Mo Jiao\'s words. Xu Fang is one of the Twelve Gods of Manichaeism. Even if he is not the strongest of the Twelve Gods, there is no doubt about his strength. Although Niu Gao is full of martial arts, he knows he can\'t stick to it in Xu Fang\'s hands, Let alone defeat Xu Fang, but Li is not old enough to let Xu Fang lose. He thought it was Li Luoyang\'s strength, but he didn\'t expect someone behind Li Luoyang.

"The old man\'s name is Zhou Dong. I\'m sure you won\'t be strange."

Niu Gao slipped at his feet and fell to the ground. His double mace hit the ground. He quickly stood up and was embarrassed to hit the soil on his body: "of course, Zhou Dong knows me, but he doesn\'t know me. Master Lin, the former guest of six doors, is also a legendary figure in the green forest. He, how could he appear here?"

"How do I know? Anyway, when I went there, Li Guo and Zhou Dong were already there. Xu Fang has great skills and can\'t hurt li Luoyang."

"That\'s that." who is Zhou Dong? Even if Xu Fang is strong, he hasn\'t reached the point where he can fight Zhou Dong. In Niu Gao\'s opinion, if Manichaeism wants to deal with Zhou Dong, it\'s afraid that only eight Hussars on the Twelve Gods may have the ability.

"Who is Li Guo? He can fight against Xu Fang alone? I really can\'t think of such a person in the green forest or in the imperial court."

"Don\'t think about it. He is Zhou Dong\'s closed disciple."

Niu Gao took a breath and surprised him several times with just a few words. First, a young child defeated the Twelve Gods of Mani, and then the legendary character Zhou Dong showed up. Finally, Zhou Dong actually accepted the closed door disciple. As a member of the imperial court, Niu Gao didn\'t know that Lin Chong was only instructed by Zhou Dong, and Zhou Dong never admitted that Lin Chong was his own disciple, However, Lin Chong has always had a master\'s friendship with Zhou Dong, and now Zhou Dong has a closed disciple, which has unlimited future anywhere.

Looking at Niu Gao\'s thoughtful appearance, Mo Jiao stared at Niu Gao: "don\'t think about it. Even if Li Guo wants to enter the imperial court, he is also one of our six doors. Don\'t think about pulling him into your army. Maybe Zhou Xiangong is more likely to go out, but he is now a defeated general. It is estimated that he can\'t protect himself. He can find time to recruit talents for the imperial court."

Careful thinking was exposed, Niu Gao smiled awkwardly: "if Li Guo really wants to enter the imperial court, he will work for the imperial court under our account as well as in your six doors."

"Is it the same?" Mo Jiao looked at Niu Gao obliquely. Niu Gao knew that they were all for the imperial court, but the rights and abilities of both sides were completely different. The six doors were the trump card in the emperor\'s hand and dealt with all kinds of imperial secrets. They were just generals. When they left the imperial gate of the Imperial City, they had the power of life and death, but they had no more right to speak, And if you don\'t pay attention, the soldiers in your hand will be said to be rebellious. Therefore, whether Zhou Xiangong or Niu Gao, they are careful when taking charge of the soldiers outside, for fear of being stabbed by the villain.

Niu Gao took the grain transport team to the foot of the mountain. Taking advantage of the darkness, Mo Xi and Mo Shou had already been waiting at the foot of the mountain. At that time, in order to support Niu Gao, Li Luoyang and others touched the hillside to meet Niu Gao, leaving Mo Xi and Mo Shou and Xiao Si. Watching Mo Jiao and Mo Fu return, Xiao Si rushed up: "where\'s my master?"

"I can\'t die! He asked you to take his medicine up the mountain to find him."

"Master is hurt?" Xiao Si rushed up the mountain without saying anything.

"Hum, what\'s good about Li Luoyang? So many people miss him."

Mo Fu smiled and whispered to Mo Jiao, "Miss, didn\'t you worry about childe Li just now? You rushed to childe Li regardless of Mo Lu\'s injury."

"Uncle Fu! You."