Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 541

"Lord Mo! Fortunately, you showed up in time, otherwise I would come to niugao for this hearty battle and entertainment!" he was as tough as niugao. At this time, he was more happy to enjoy the fierce battle just now. Although he fought South and North with the imperial court, there were only a few battles with Manichaeism. Niugao also learned the power of Manichaeism this time. A little Ying Mingneng could be with him in Bozhong, He could imagine that the combat effectiveness of Xu Fang was even more amazing.

Niu Gao went straight to Li Luoyang. Before, he didn\'t catch a cold. He had some questions in his heart. He beat Xu Fang and fled at a young age. Niu Gao naturally has absolute respect for the strong. Niu Gao can\'t really think of it. Now he has regarded Li Luoyang as a group of strong people: "brother Luoyang, I didn\'t expect you to be so good at Kung Fu at a young age."

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang said slowly, "when we get to Taiyuan City, I\'ll explain in detail. The manichaeiss have retreated and Xu Fang has been defeated. I believe they dare not rob food here again. Let\'s camp and rest on the spot today."

Niu Gao looked up at the day before dusk and asked suspiciously, "brother Luoyang, it\'s still early. We should hurry and enter Taiyuan earlier. I\'m more secure."

Li Luoyang also knows that although the manichaeiss have evacuated, there are still many hungry people nearby. If it is leaked that there is a lot of food here, it will not be that they can cope with the looting of more than 100000 hungry people. Looking at Mo Jiao who is worried about Mo Lu, Li Luoyang said to Niu Gao: "Molu is seriously injured and can\'t travel at night. I\'ll rest here tonight and deal with his wound first."

Niu Gao remembered that Mo Lu had blocked several arrows for Mo Jiao before. He was not cold-blooded. Moreover, several people had just fought side by side. Niu Gao was naturally willing to cooperate with Li Luoyang\'s decision. However, if official grain was not transported into Taiyuan City, he would not take it lightly: "Well, do as Luoyang brothers say, but Luoyang brothers can\'t afford to delay this time. They can only stay for one night at most. The hungry people nearby are like jackals. If they see these official food, they will burn themselves."

As a court official transporting grain for disaster relief, Niu Gao was careful all the way. Even if he was surrounded by Manichaeism, Niu Gao could stand there with all his strength. However, if he met hungry people to rob grain, he would kill them if he was less. If there were more, Niu Gao dared not kill them. After all, he came to save the people and the people in dire straits, not to cut off their way back. Therefore, Niu Gao was not afraid of mountain bandits, horse bandits and even Manichaeism to rob grain , I\'m most afraid that those hungry people will swarm in and I can\'t kill them myself.

The hungry people are hungry. Can they control the official food? Even if Niu Gao killed several people who robbed the official food in front of the hungry people, it would not help. In this case, it is useless to set an example.

Mo Jiao turned her head and looked at Mo Lu in Mo Fu\'s arms. Then she took a deep breath and said slowly, "let\'s go back to Taiyuan now."

Li Luoyang doesn\'t know who Mo Jiao is. Mo Yuntian\'s daughter is a woman who cares about six doors and the imperial court. In this case, even if she cares about Mo Lu\'s life and death, she doesn\'t hesitate to choose the task first decision, just as she promised Li Luoyang six doors won\'t abandon Mo Lu. This is her own principle.

Mo Jiao looked at Niu Gao with a serious face: "general Niu, let your people prepare. After a incense, we will return to Taiyuan city. On the way, I will find a way to deal with Mo Lu\'s wound and save his life."

"Lord Mo, this is a bumpy road in the mountains and forests. Molu can\'t stand it. If you decide so, it\'s better to understand Molu now and let him go simply." Niu Gao is straightforward. He knows that Mo Jiao did this for the task, but he doesn\'t want to sacrifice a comrade in arms who fought side by side. Although it\'s only this time, he at least faced life and death.

Mo Jiao did not hesitate to raise her sword, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Mo Lu\'s throat: "don\'t blame me, Mo Lu. Official grain will enter the city as soon as possible, which can avoid more people dying of hunger. Maybe you have been ready for this when you enter the six gates."

The unconscious mollu didn\'t know it. He believed that if he was sober, he wouldn\'t object to Mo Jiao\'s decision. He was a man of six doors of life and death, and death was a ghost of six doors.

Mo Fu was already in tears. Mo Jiao decided to return to Taiyuan overnight for the sake of the people and tasks. Taking Mo Lu was just a drag. The wound could not be treated in time, and Mo Lu could not escape the result of his death. It would be better to let him go.

Li Luoyang on one side shook her head helplessly and lamented Mo Jiao\'s stupidity. For the so-called task, she gave up her colleagues who had followed her for many years. This seemingly righteous decision seems absurd to Li Luoyang. People without human feelings and humanity are only eagles and dogs after all. Although Mo Jiao promised liumen not to give up the disabled Mo Lu, it is only a little pity. In the big world This age is still full of cold blood.

"All right!" Li Luoyang shouted. Surprised Mo Jiao put down her iron sword. Li Luoyang went to Mo Fu, looked at Mo Lu, who was panting and closed his eyes, and then turned to Niu Gao and said: "General Niu, the manichaeiss in Taiyuan must have evacuated, but you can\'t take it lightly. After dark, you return to Taiyuan overnight according to Mo Jiao\'s meaning. As for Mo Lu, I\'ll stay and take care of him. After the wound is treated, I\'ll find you."

Niu Gao nodded again and again: "do as you want."

Li Luoyang looked at Mo Jiao with a smile: "you and Mo Fu followed general Niu to Taiyuan. They lost their troops in this battle. Although there is little chance of meeting Manichaeism on the road, it is inevitable to meet wandering hungry people. Therefore, you and Mo Fu joined the grain transportation team to ensure that the official grain can reach Taiyuan safely, and Mo Lu will give it to me."

Originally, she intended to refuse Li Luoyang\'s arrangement, but after looking at Li Guo and Zhou Dong behind Li Luoyang, she naturally no longer worried about the safety of Li Luoyang. Niugao team really needed the assistance of herself and Mo Fu. No one could imagine whether she would meet anything else on the road. She was not afraid of ordinary mountain thieves and horse bandits, just afraid of meeting powerful food robbers like Xu Fang again.

"Miss, Li Luoyang\'s arrangement is comprehensive. With his brother and Zhou Dong, we don\'t have to worry about his safety, so that we can not only ensure the smooth transportation of official grain into Taiyuan City, but also save Mo Lu\'s life." Mo Fu whispered to Mo Jiao. He doesn\'t want to see Mo Lu die here. Li Luoyang\'s plan seems simple, but it is effective.

Mo Jiao hesitated for a moment and nodded: "well, let\'s act according to Li Luoyang\'s arrangement. So far, we have no better way to transport grain to Taiyuan overnight." Mo Jiao turned and looked at Li Luoyang, frowning and serious: "Li Luoyang, although master Zhou is around you, there are many dangers nearby. In this current situation, not only those hungry people are eager to try official food, but also those who live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, so I must transport the food back to Taiyuan as soon as possible, and take care of yourself."