Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 538

Despite Xu\'s experience, how can he take advantage of Li\'s youth? The two sides know that the longer the war, the more they favor Li Guo. At the beginning, Li Guo had a disorderly war with Xu. Li Guo had already understood the situation and decided to prolong the war and consume Xu\'s physical strength without relaxing the rhythm of attack.

On the other hand, Mo Jiao, who killed red eyed, was confused by Mo Lu\'s injury. Xu Tong took the opportunity to almost kill Mo Jiao. If Mo Fu hadn\'t arrived in time, Xu Tong might have succeeded. After blocking Xu Tong\'s frontal knife, Mo Fu quickly stopped in front of Mo Jiao: "Miss, it\'s all right!"

"No, it\'s okay. How did you come back! Where\'s Li Luoyang!" Mo Jiao worried about Li Luoyang when she saw Mo Fu. She knew that Li Luoyang and Mo Fu were dealing with the enemy\'s main general. Now that Mo Fu appeared here, how could Li Luoyang resist Xu Fang\'s killing move.

"Childe Li should be able to carry it for a while." Mo Fu\'s words don\'t have any confidence. He knows Xu Fang\'s strength and how long Li Luoyang has carried it. But his eldest lady is in danger. It\'s hard to think about it. Protecting Mo Jiao\'s safety is mo Fu\'s main mission. As for Li Luoyang, although it is very important for liumen or the whole Luoyang, But in Mo Fu\'s heart, it can\'t beat Mo Jiao.

Li Luoyang is dead. Since then, there are no immortals in Luoyang. Even if the Lin family blames it, the six doors can throw the pot to the Manichaeism. Maybe the court can get the Lin family\'s full support for revenge and hang the Manichaeism together. Although Mo Jiao\'s death has no such influence, what\'s the relationship between Mo Fu and Mo Jiao? That Mo Jiao, but Mo Fu grew up like his own daughter. Mo Fu has a steelyard in his heart.

People are selfish. At least Mo Fu focuses on Mo Jiao at this time. He is grateful to Li Luoyang. If it weren\'t for Li Luoyang\'s help, Mo Fu really couldn\'t get rid of Xu Fang\'s entanglement. Naturally, he couldn\'t come to Mo Jiao from his birth, but he can leave Li Luoyang. This means that Li Luoyang will face Xu Fang alone. One is a flying bear general who has experienced all kinds of war Manichaeism, One is a young entrepreneur. There is no comparability between them.

Mo Jiao is an intelligent person. She knows that Li Luoyang is in crisis at this time. However, Mo Fu has come to her. Even blaming is useless. It\'s better to kill Xu Tong in front of her as soon as possible and support Li Luoyang. The faster the better. The longer the time delays, Mo Jiao is worried that Li Luoyang is different.


Mo Jiao and Mo Fu rushed to Xu Tong at the same time. There was one more mo Fu between Mo Jiao and Bo Zhong. Xu Tong immediately felt the pressure. They cooperated tacitly and attacked together. Xu Tong had no chance to fight back and retreated for more than ten meters. At this time, his heart was completely opposite to Mo Jiao. Mo Jiao wanted to solve the battle as soon as possible, and Xu Tong wanted to delay time as much as possible, He knew that Xu Fang would kill Li Luoyang and support himself. At that time, the situation would almost be fixed.

Niu Gao, not far from Mo Jiao, was also in a stalemate. Although the Zhuang Ming strength of the Twelve Gods of Mani was not as good as Niu Gao, this guy was crafty. During the war with Niu Gao, he secretly ordered the crossbow men behind him to sneak attacks again and again. Even if Niu Gao was brave, he had no ability of three heads and six arms. He still took an arrow on his waist, his armour stomach was pierced, and bright red blood flowed along the armor.

Even if he was injured, Niu Gao was still like killing God. Zhuang Ming sighed every time he attacked. After several rounds, Zhuang Ming retreated one after another, but they just collided with Xu Tong. They were stunned back to back. Unexpectedly, Mo Jiao, Mo Fu and Niu Gao\'s seemingly crazy attack had hidden subtleties and skillfully pushed them back to the same point, This makes them face the state of double attack at this time.

"Shit! The general hasn\'t finished the boy yet? If he doesn\'t come again, our lives will stay here!" Zhuang Ming complains with his teeth clenched and sweating. He didn\'t expect the situation to be like this. The Manichaeism elite are entangled by Niu Gao\'s subordinates, but most of them are afraid of death. They don\'t even have basic combat power. Typical cannon fodder, There was no hope at all. There was only one way in front of them. They insisted on delaying until Xu Fang came back.

"It\'s impossible. It\'s been a long time. The general hasn\'t killed the boy yet? Maybe the general has killed him and is on the way to steal food." Xu Tong comforted himself and guessed, but the outcome must be unexpected.

Even Mo Jiao and Mo Fu did not expect that the situation would eventually become one-sided.

Mo Jiao and Niu Gao looked at each other. They nodded and killed Xu Tong and Zhuang Ming. But at the most critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. The figure ran towards the Manichaeism at a very fast speed. Mo Jiao and Niu Gao turned their heads and saw the person. After seeing the person, Mo Jiao said ferociously: "Xu Fang!"

It was Xu Fang who came. Seeing Xu Fang\'s return, Xu Tong and Zhuang Ming seemed to grasp the straw to save lives. A dose of a heart shot made mani people jump and shout: "general Feixiong! General Feixiong!"

At this time, Mo Jiao could not tell the taste in her heart. Xu Fang\'s return also meant that Li Luoyang must have died.

Regret, chagrin, still blame Mo Fu for supporting her to leave Li Luoyang. Mo Jiao has mixed feelings in her heart, but she is sure that killing Xu Fang is not only for revenge, but also to complete the task.

Looking at Xu Fang getting closer and closer, Zhuang Mingyang smiled: "hahaha, this is the arrangement of fate. God is helping us Manichaeism. Now you know that to oppose us is to oppose heaven and truth! I advise you to lay down your weapons and obey us. Thanks to the covenant of the Lord, you will live forever according to heaven!"

Xu Tong grinned. The previous despair disappeared and replaced by a proud smile: "you have no way back. Handing over the food obediently and obeying the Lord is your only chance to live." Xu Tong\'s voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Xu Fang rushed to the front of his eyes. He looked embarrassed, had many scars on his body, and was afraid that his pupils were scattered. It looked like he had won a war, and it was more like his prey running crazy after breaking away from the hunter. Xu Fang walked through the crowd, regardless of the siege of Xu Tong and Zhuang Ming. When he left, he shouted loudly, It was this sentence that instantly disintegrated the Manichaeism who had originally celebrated the wise and divine power of the flying bear general: "withdraw! Withdraw so quickly!"

Xu Tong is stupid, so is Zhuang Ming.

What\'s the situation? General Feixiong was defeated? The whole body of failure, even regardless of the face?

In front of so many followers, it\'s not the so-called of a big general to be a deserter, but this kind of thing really happened. At this time, not only Xu Tong and Zhuang Ming, but even almost everyone present is in the state between Meng A and Meng C, including Mo Jiao and others.