Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 537

The iron rod and whip burst into sparks in mid air, and the battle between Li Guo and Xu Fang showed a white hot stage. Even if Li Guo didn\'t know the identity of the other party, no one could hurt li Luoyang, even if the Manichaeism Lao Tzu couldn\'t. The Battle became more and more intense, and Li Guo was more confused. Xu Fang\'s strength was obviously different from that of the horse thieves, To be higher than several grades, his brother has no strength to tie the chicken. How can he deal with it for a long time.

Li Luoyang was even more surprised by Li Guo\'s changes. That move was quite a big general. Li Guo\'s strength had a qualitative leap in just a few years. Li Luoyang knew that all this benefited the old man around him, Zhou Dong.

Li Guo liked to practice martial arts since he was a child, but Li Luoyang knew how many kilograms he had. Although he was not clear about the way to become a master of martial arts, Li Luoyang never thought that Li Guo could reach the present level in a few years. He was between Bozhong and Manichaeism flying bear general. Li Luoyang didn\'t know how diligent Li Guo had paid in recent years and underestimated his brother\'s talent.

At this time, Xu Fang is the one who has the biggest gap in his heart. The iron staff of the other party has exquisite rules and proper strength. The frequency between each staff is difficult to guard against. However, the other party looks at Ji Mingming last year, but his moves are extremely old and dangerous. His moves want to take his own life. He was immersed in the joy of killing Li Luoyang before, and in the twinkling of an eye he met a hard stubble, What makes Xu Fang care most is the old man standing next to Li Luoyang at this time.

Not in the green forest, but the legend depends on it.

Xu Fang has long recognized the identity of the old man. Lin Chong, the 700000 leader of the forbidden army, met people who all kowtow. How can he provoke him? Even if Xu Fang thinks he has the strength to compete with Lin Chong, Zhou Dong dare not think about it. However, Xu Fang is not worried that Zhou Dong will take the opportunity to sneak attack himself. People who have reached a certain level will plot against others without cutting the following shame. Taking his attention back, Xu Fang fought against Li Guo wholeheartedly. They were like the generals in front of the battle. The fierce battle could be stopped only if one person was left.

"I\'ve seen master Zhou." the appearance of Li Guo and Zhou Dong made Li Luoyang\'s heart fall to the ground. After seeing Li Guo\'s strength against Xu Fang, Li Luoyang relaxed with a smile and turned to bow to Zhou Dong around him.

"No, no, I\'m a bad old man. What about master Luoyang? I saw only Li in Liao\'s courtyard at the beginning. I didn\'t expect you to be alive."

Zhou Dong\'s words have been very clear. When he went to Liao\'s courtyard, he originally wanted to save Li Luoyang and Li Guo, but he didn\'t see Li Luoyang, so he had to take Li Guo away. At least let Li Luoyang know that Zhou Dong is willing to help, but the opportunity is not good.

Li Luoyang bowed and nodded again. For Zhou Dong, Li Luoyang sincerely admired him. At least he saved Li Guo\'s life. Relying on this alone, Li Luoyang naturally respected him, not to mention that he was still a figure in the green forest legend: "thanks for master Zhou\'s kindness. At first, my mother hid me in the secret room, which lost the opportunity to meet Master Zhou in advance."

Zhou Dong looked at Li Guo and Xu Fang in the twinkling of an eye, smiled and said to Li Luoyang, "how about it?"

"You mean Li Guo?"


"The great changes and obvious progress of brother come from your humble teaching, of course, but I didn\'t expect him to compete with the great general of Manichaeism in just a few years." Li Luoyang still laments Li Guo\'s progress. It\'s difficult for ordinary people to improve their martial arts in a few years. This week Dong took advantage of a few years to pull Li Guo into a figure comparable to Xu Fang.

If you think about your strength, you haven\'t met the right person, but Li Luoyang doesn\'t think it\'s a bad thing. At least you can enjoy yourself. Your martial arts has its own way. Even Zhou Dong can\'t be a leader in your martial arts theory, because Li Luoyang is the only one in this way so far.

"Li Guo has suffered a lot in recent years in order to find you and Luoshui. Coupled with his talent, he deserves his present strength. It\'s you. When you were dealing with Xu Fang just now, tuna\'s Sabre technique was exquisite. I don\'t know who did it?" when he arrived at Li Luoyang, Zhou Dong noticed Li Luoyang\'s Sabre technique. Although he looked familiar, However, there is a gap with Zhou Dong\'s knife skills. The external practice of knife skills is very much like a well-known general, but the internal practice of breathing and breathing is quite different, which makes Zhou Dong curious. Who taught this set of knife skills to Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang has his own martial arts. He knows that he can\'t hide in front of Zhou Dong. If others ask, Li Luoyang can prevaricate at will. Moreover, other people\'s strength can\'t see the subtlety of Li Luoyang\'s martial arts. At most, he is only surprised at his understanding of martial arts at a young age.

"This set of sabre technique was given to me by my mother." in a word, I threw the pot to the Lin family. Besides, those martial arts scripts were really obtained by Lin Luoshui hiding Li Luoyang in the secret room. In a sense, they were indeed the sabre technique scripts given to him by Lin Luoshui, but Li Luoyang spliced and combined them again to form a completely different martial arts.

This boy is not true. Although the Lin family has a rich family background and a collection of thousands of books, there are no such exquisite martial arts secrets. Maybe the Lin family is hiding from me? Well, how could he take root in Luoyang in such a short time without any city government.

The two people shut up and focused on Li Guo and Xu Fang.

The iron bar went up and down and pointed directly at Xu Fang\'s face door. The speed left a black shadow in the air. Xu Fang immediately stabilized his body and raised the iron whip horizontally for defense. The vibration of the percussion made Xu Fang\'s hands tremble. He quickly stepped back and withdrew. The whip shadow hit Li Guo. Li Guo leaned slightly on his feet and stabbed the stick head straight. One inch long and one inch strong, the iron bar hit Xu Fang\'s chest with a dull sound.

Seeing the opportunity, Xu Fang grabbed the iron bar and jumped. After jumping, the iron whip of the other hand hit Li Guo. His weapon was bound. Li Guo had to retreat and ask for the second place. He put the iron bar across his head. The huge impact force plunged Li Guo\'s feet into the mud.


With a furious rebuke, Li Guo clenched his hands on the iron stick and swung it. Xu Fang immediately let go and rushed directly to Li Guo. The flying bear general has rich practical experience and has fought against the imperial court many times, including many experts in making guns and sticks. Facing this situation, he pulled the distance between the two sides, making weapons such as guns and sticks lose the distance advantage, and the iron whip in his hand will surely take the advantage, This is why Xu Fang rushed to Li Guo.

Although Li Guo is not as sophisticated as Xu Fang, he can also see Xu Fang\'s strategy. He also knows that the weakness of the iron rod is close proximity. How can an iron rod that is not round become a weapon to hurt people. He quickly approached Xu Fang. Li Guo immediately raised his foot and kicked it hard. The soles of his feet were on Xu Fang\'s iron whip, turned back, drew an arc in the air, and landed steadily three meters away.

Seeing that his close plan had failed, Xu Fang roared and ran to Li Guo with an iron whip. There was a taste of desperate struggle: "bold child! I have to kill you today!"