Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 539

No one expected Xu Fang\'s defeat. Anyone who saw Xu Fang\'s embarrassment just now could not believe it. As one of the Manichaeism generals, he didn\'t even want his face. He shouted the withdrawal order at his throat, which really gave cold water to the Manichaeism who rekindled hope.

Seeing that Xu Fang fled in a hurry, Xu Tong and Ying Ming immediately decided to fight a path of blood and stay here if they kept pestering.

"Where to escape!" seeing Xu Tong\'s two hearts retreating, Niu Gao angrily rushed up and hit Ying Ming behind him. Ying Ming hurriedly escaped. He couldn\'t bear the beating of these two maces: "what are you waiting for! Come on! Who killed them and gave them a reward of one hundred and two hundred Liang!"

As soon as this was said, some of the cannon fodders really took the lead in rushing to Niu Gao, Mo Jiao and others, not for anything else, just for the reward. These people don\'t use their brains. They are going to retreat. It\'s obvious that you are going to throw you out as cannon fodder. If your life is gone, how can you get the reward.

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder after all. People with a little brain are divorced from this identity.

Dragged by cannon fodder, Xu Tong and Ying Ming drowned in the crowd and followed Xu Fang\'s evacuation direction. Finally, in the bushes at the foot of the mountain, they met Xu Fang: "general, you."

Xu Tong wanted to ask what was released, but he didn\'t dare to ask. Isn\'t this exposing people\'s scars? The most important thing is that Xu Fanggang just lost such a big man. Isn\'t it a real slap in the face to ask for details? However, Ying Ming\'s eyesight was much worse. He breathed heavily, and the weapons in his hand were already dilapidated: "general, did you lose to that boy?"

"Bah!" the angry Xu Fang slapped Ying Ming in the face. He slapped Ying Ming in a circle: "I will lose to a boy? Especially, if someone hadn\'t suddenly appeared to disturb me, the boy would have been a mess at this time."

Xu Tong immediately asked, "general, there are not many people who can compete with you in this tens of miles. Wang GUI is in Taiyuan. Niu gaokong has a skill, but he is also entangled in front of us. Those six doors guys are not your opponents. Who is the person who suddenly appears?"

Of course Xu Tong knows Xu Fang\'s ability, not to mention his unparalleled martial arts. Otherwise, he can\'t be competent for the post of general mani. He came here all the way to rob grain and didn\'t meet any experts outside the world. There is no one else except the grain transportation team led by Niu Gao. Even if the six doors suddenly appear, Xu Tong knows Xu Fang\'s ability. As long as there is no accident, he will get the grain, But unexpectedly, the most critical and trusted link had an accident and Xu Fang lost.

Thinking about the fight with Li Guo just now, Xu Fang was terrified. If his physical strength could not keep up, Xu Fang would not have left his face and fled. In the final battle between the two sides, Xu Fang obviously felt that he had more heart and less strength. He retreated step by step and began to plan his retreat plan. It was the most appropriate choice to use the only remaining physical strength to protect his life, So when Li Guo was in a fierce battle, Xu Fang suddenly turned around and ran away. Only then did he fall into such a field.

"When I finally killed Li Luoyang, two people came. I didn\'t know who I was fighting with. That guy has excellent martial arts and some skills. He must worship the old man who appeared with him."

"Old man?"

"Zhou Dong."

"Suck!" Xu Tong and Ying Ming take a breath at the same time. No one knows the strength of Zhou Dong. Lin Chong only received Zhou Dong\'s advice and did not officially worship under Zhou Dong\'s door. However, Xu Fang\'s words surprised them. Let alone that they are tied with Xu Fang now, no one can predict the strength in the future, Maybe the leopard\'s head will be defeated.

Xu Fang frowned with embarrassment: "This matter can\'t be careless. Although Zhou Dong never interferes in the government and has no direct contradiction with our Manichaeism, his disciple is different. He calls Li Luoyang his brother. The boy is from six doors. The guy I fought with seems to be Li Guo. The boy is not old. Who knows if he will become another Zhou Xiangong under Zhou Dong\'s training."

He has had countless dealings with the imperial court. When Mo Jiao and others shot, Xu convenient learned the identity of Mo Jiao and others from the moves. Li Luoyang wanted to protect Mo Fu and support Mo Jiao regardless of life and death. From this point, Xu Fang determined that Li Luoyang must be a person of six doors.

"General, you can\'t joke about who Zhou Xiangong is. You think there can be a second Zhou Xiangong in the Wu Tang Dynasty. Even if the guy in martial arts may be able to do it, at least he can\'t match Zhou Xiangong in unifying the army." Xu Tong said without hesitation.

"It\'s hard to say. It seems that there will be no following in Taiyuan. We might as well go back earlier. Although the Lord can cope with Zhou Xiangong, it\'s not a good thing to prolong the time."

"But, general, this mission failed. It\'s estimated that we will be punished when we go back. We lost so many people and took in a Guo Shiguang. The saint Timo didn\'t find it. We also failed to rob food. Don\'t we go back like this to die?"

Xu Fang didn\'t know the danger of going back this time. He lost everything. He originally planned to expand the Manichaeism in the year of famine. The number of hungry people in Taiyuan Prefecture was enough to form a scale, but he didn\'t expect that there was nothing left in the end. There were less than 10 elites left around, and the cannon fodder was almost covered by the whole army. So many people and elites were lost. Even if Xu Fang went back, the punishment of the Holy Lord could take him half Life.

In Manichaeism, there is only half life left, which means that the use value will be greatly reduced. At that time, the Lord will give a holy order and heaven will recruit you, and you have to learn from it.

"Do you want to stay here in Taiyuan? What\'s the difference between that and waiting to die."

Xu Tong smiled treacherously and said to Xu Fang, "naturally, we can\'t stay in Taiyuan. I have a plan to break it. At least go back and the Lord won\'t kill us."

"Say it!"

"Before blocking the stream, didn\'t we shoot spies to investigate nearby? According to the spies, many hungry people in Taiyuan have flocked to the manors near Taiyuan city. I think they have gone to find food. It shouldn\'t be a problem to attack some small villages with our strength. We can still use food to collect a lot of hungry people if we rob the food from those villages at that time, It\'s also a lot to take these people back. "

Hearing Xu Tong\'s clever plan, Xu Fang nodded repeatedly: "yes! We can\'t get the official grain, and we can\'t get the grain from the village? You should immediately arrange people to gather and move to the nearby village, waiting for the opportunity to attack. As long as we can get the grain, I don\'t believe that the starving people will not join our Manichaeism."

Ying Ming stood aside and smiled: "those hungry people don\'t recognize people now, regardless of whether they are the imperial court or mountain bandits. As long as they feed them, they will follow. Xu Tong, this is a clever plan!"

The three regrouped, set their targets on the nearby grain storage village, and left quickly with some residual people and horses.