Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 536


Although Li Luoyang blocked Xu Fang\'s steel whip with a knife, it was still a step slow after all. Great power surged in and directly rammed Li Luoyang out, falling five or six steps away. After sitting down, a fart pier still couldn\'t eliminate the huge impact. The whole person rolled twice again, covered with dust and dirt, and then stopped.

His head was dizzy, and his arms were as weak as broken ones. The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth hurt, but he still remembered that he was on the battlefield. If he couldn\'t turn over, he would be cut into pieces at the next moment!

It\'s a pity to know that it\'s a matter of a while. Whether the body can keep up with the brain is another matter. Besides, Xu Fang\'s speed over there is faster. After a whip smashed Li Luoyang, the figure just paused. Then his feet stamped heavily on the ground, the figure flew into the air, and the steel whip in his hand aimed at Li Luoyang\'s head.


Li Luoyang is weak all over. At present, if he has a little strength, Li Luoyang won\'t mind even if he can use a move to roll the donkey. As long as he can avoid Xu Fang\'s killing move, he can live more. Some people may say that it doesn\'t make much difference to live more. Since you have lost the power of resistance, wait for death. Why waste your energy?

But Li Luoyang doesn\'t think so. Look at the screen. In the screen, how many people insist on it for so many times. As a result, life has ushered in a turnaround. Sometimes fate is so magical. God often puts hope where you need to stand on tiptoe.

Since you\'re not even afraid of death, do you mind standing on tiptoe again?

Unfortunately, Li naked eye did not even have the strength to stand on tiptoe this time. The gap in combat power between him and Xu Fang is really too big. It\'s like that no matter how fierce a bulldog is, it can\'t make an adult bear. Even though the bulldog can make some scars on the bear and see blood, it\'s impossible to bite the bear to death.

Looking at the iron whip falling from the sky, Li Luoyang took a long breath in his heart. He accepted his life. What else can he say at this time? Can he still count on the people over Mo Jiao to help? Obviously, this is impossible. Li Luoyang just glanced at the situation of Mo Jiao. Although the situation has changed after Mo Fu joined, it is generally not optimistic. If there is no cannon fodder pouring in, perhaps Mo Jiao will still win in the end of the fierce battle, but as long as Xu Fang and other generals are still alive, how can cannon fodder not pour in?

And now Xu Fang is about to free up his hand. Once Li Luoyang dies, Xu Fang can turn around and kill Mo Jiao and others. At that time, the whole situation will soon be reversed.

"It\'s completely over. Unexpectedly, people are not as good as heaven!"

Li Luoyang closed his eyes. He seemed to have felt the threatening iron whip. The compressed air hit his face like a shell. It seemed that it was difficult for him to breathe.

When leaving Luoyang City, Li Luoyang thought that the possibility of his safe return was as high as 80% or even higher. After all, he never thought of relying on force to solve the battle from beginning to end. Since he did not rely on force, his life was not easy to be in danger.

But after the repeated events, Li Luoyang found that he was forced to fight. To Li Luoyang\'s surprise, Manichaeism would intervene in the famine in Taiyuan and manipulate the refugees secretly.

Because of the intervention of Manichaeism, great changes have taken place in the situation of Taiyuan city. Li Luoyang has evolved from "intellectual support" to "military support", which is exactly the change that Li Luoyang is most reluctant to accept.

From success to failure, Li Luoyang didn\'t find his fault. Perhaps the biggest problem is that he overestimated his combat effectiveness and underestimated the combat effectiveness of Manichaeism. At least he is also a great general in the Holy Church. Since he is a great general, how can he become a great general if he has no level?

"Well, it\'s all your own fault. A mistake will become eternal hatred!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t have a clear feeling about how fast a person thinks, but he finally knows now.

A lot of thoughts passed through his mind, but Xu Fang\'s iron whip hasn\'t fallen yet. It\'s not because Xu Fang\'s actions stopped, but because people\'s thinking was too fast. At this moment, Li Luoyang\'s attention was highly focused, so it felt as if time had been slowed down.

In fact, Xu Fang\'s iron whip is still falling as usual. Li Luoyang has an illusion because of his high concentration.

Watching the angular iron whip getting closer and closer to his forehead, Li Luoyang\'s state of mind calmed down. Maybe people will have an awareness at this time. After all, life and death is the same thing.


Suddenly, a spark burst open less than three inches from Li Luoyang\'s face. The dazzling brilliance made Li Luoyang close his eyes involuntarily. At the same time, he heard a familiar but strange voice in his ear: "villain, dare to touch my brother and die!"

"Li Guo!"

Although the voice has become mature, there are still 70% or 80% similarities, which makes Li Luoyang recognize Li Guo\'s voice at once, but Li Luoyang is also uncertain. Is this the illusion of his death, or is Li Guo really coming?

The question is, how could Li Guo suddenly appear at such a time? Didn\'t Li Guo practice martial arts with Zhou Dong? Thinking of this, Li Luoyang suddenly opened his eyes. Doesn\'t Li\'s arrival mean that Zhou Dong has also arrived?

A huge force suddenly appeared on his shoulders. Li Luoyang immediately felt that he had been dragged on the ground. Immediately behind him came an old but thick voice, "young man, are you okay?"

"You are."

Li Luoyang\'s arms were still in pain, but he couldn\'t help turning back and looking at the voice.

Although the face is old, but the spirit is very hale and hearty. A pair of eyes are bright, with a tiger mouth and a lion nose. When you open your mouth and laugh, the two rows of teeth are white and neat.

From the aspect of face, when a person is old, his teeth are still neat, so he should say, "good teeth, good appetite and good body."

"You are."

Although Li Luoyang had guessed in his heart that the old man must be Zhou Dong, he was still not sure.

Unable to wait for the old man\'s answer, Li Luoyang had turned back and saw a tall figure - is this Li Guo? Why didn\'t you see it for two years? Li Guo\'s body grew so fast. It was at least one foot higher than two years ago, that is, more than 30 cm. Now, according to visual inspection, Li Guo\'s height should be about one meter and nine of that of later generations?

That\'s really tall and powerful. Even Xu Fang, a "flying bear general", has no advantage in front of Li Guo.

With an iron bar in his hand, Li Guo, who is silent, is fighting with Xu Fang.