Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 532

Xu Fang ignored the joint efforts of Mo Fu and Li Luoyang.

The three fought together again. At their stage, other soldiers could not intervene at all. They had to go back and fight with Manichaeism soldiers and cannon fodder.

Although Li Luoyang has two dozen and one, Xu Fang is really good at martial arts. The moves of the iron whip are not only exquisite, because the weight of the iron whip itself has overwhelmed Mo Fu and Li Luoyang. However, after more than ten moves, even if they did their best, they were still completely suppressed by Xu Fang.

At the same time, Mo Jiao and Niu Gao still couldn\'t decide the outcome.

Niu Gao\'s situation is good. After all, he is strong and hard to hear. Even if his internal breathing is exhausted, he can fight fiercely with his physical strength. At least Xu Tong can\'t break the defense circle of Niu Gao\'s Maces. If they want to win or lose, they are afraid of death until a human body can be completely exhausted.

However, Mo Jiao, as a woman, fought hard with Ming Zhao, and gradually her disadvantages came out. Although Ying Ming looks sweaty, Mo Jiao is unbearable. Not only her face is full of sweat beads, but even the back of her clothes has been soaked with sweat beads, tightly clinging to her skin. With a little force, she can throw sweat beads!

"Lord Mo, are you ok?"

"You don\'t care about me, kill me!"

Mo Jiao clenched her teeth and roared in her throat. Her strength suddenly became stronger, and she even regained a point or two advantage.

Unfortunately, you should have seen through Mo Jiao\'s situation tomorrow morning. After avoiding the edge of these moves, you press it again, and in the twinkling of an eye, Mo Jiao will fall into the disadvantage. I\'m afraid if you have more than ten moves, Mo Jiao will be completely lost. At that time, you must die.

Niu Gao looked in his eyes, but he was worried.

However, when Mo Jiao was about to be difficult to resist, a figure came out in time to block Ying Ming for Mo Jiao.

"Mollu, come on, be careful."

"Don\'t worry, miss. Look at me!"

Mo Fu and Mo Lu were originally near Mo Jiao,

It was originally Mo Fu who came to the rescue site at this time, but not long ago, Mo Jiao was worried about the impact of Manichaeism behind her, so she ordered Mo Fu to go back to support Li Luoyang. Mo Lu couldn\'t be idle. He wandered around to clean up the Manichaeism soldiers or cannon fodder, but actually killed several.

When she felt that she was about to be overwhelmed, Mo Jiao didn\'t ask for help, but clenched her teeth, but anyone with a little insight could see her situation. Molu naturally saw it, so she hurried back from there in time.

"I thought there were many experts from the officers and soldiers. Hum, that\'s all!"

As soon as you fight with Molu, you should clearly feel that Molu\'s Kung Fu is an external door. Although he is strong when he comes up, this outbreak can\'t last long. After all, only relying on the body to fight, not only consumes fast, but more importantly, the body will soon get tired, and the reaction speed of muscle and bone will be slower and slower.

The master\'s fight is the difference between milliseconds. An carelessness will lead to casualties. Although Molu seems very fierce now, Ying Ming and Mo Jiao know that this kind of fierce time is very limited.

"Moro, you hold it first!"

Mo Jiao responded quickly. She knew that even if she joined hands with Mo Lu now, she might not be able to kill Ying Ming in a short time. Moreover, Mo Lu had no lasting power at all, so she immediately chose another way - to join hands with Niu Gao!

Originally, Niu Gao had to compete with Xu Tong. The situation between them was that Ying Ming and Mo Jiao had just lost their head. As soon as Mo Jiao joined, Xu Tong\'s pressure doubled. Just after two or three moves, Niu Gao almost broke his shoulder blade with a mace!

"The wind is tight, pull!"

Xu Tong is the kind of person who values his life very much. He has fought with Niu Gao until now because he thinks he has no problem. If he doesn\'t say he can beat Niu Gao, he can at least ensure that he won\'t lose. But Mo Jiao knows that he can\'t do it when he joins Xu Tong. He must withdraw.

If this man were smarter, he would be easier to survive even on the battlefield, especially as a general. If he ran as soon as he saw Mo Jiao coming, it would certainly have a great impact on Xu Tong\'s image. However, his strength was indeed inferior to that of others. At this time, he "shouted" and had less gossip.

Seeing Xu Tong leaving the war circle and retreating into a group of Manichaeism soldiers, Niu Gao and Mo Jiao looked at each other, and neither of them meant to pursue. After all, Mo Jiao was about to overdraft, and Niu Gao was actually not much better. If he was deeply trapped in the enemy line, it would be easy to happen in case.

"Let\'s kill Ying Ming!" Mo Jiao couldn\'t wait to breathe. She pulled up the long gun and turned around. Niu Gao strode away without saying a word, but she entered the battle circle faster than Mo Jiao.

Originally, with one breath, Molu was equal to Ying Ming\'s fight. Niu Gao suddenly waved his mace and killed into the battle circle. Ying Ming was scared and almost made a mistake. He roared: "even if you have a special wheel fight, now you have to fight two to one?"

"What two dozen one?"

"We fight three to one!"

Mo Lu and Mo Jiao are just like talking back and forth in a spirit of communion. Mo Jiao\'s long gun also joins the battle circle. It should be clear that the left is short of the right, and the people between the blocks can only retreat one after another.

Seeing that Ying Ming can\'t resist, Mo Jiao is very happy. They try their best to increase pressure on Ying Ming and try to take Ying Ming in one fell swoop, so as to turn around and kill Xu Tong who escaped.

However, the three did not pay attention, because Ying Ming retreated again and again. After they followed up, they were out of touch with the officers and soldiers behind them, and almost fell into the pawn camp of Manichaeism.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot an arrow!"

Xu Tong, who was hidden in the array, suddenly began to drink. The three people were alert. At the same time, Ying Ming also gave a sneer and took his body away. He dived into the array like a monkey. Unexpectedly, there was no shadow at all!


Niu Gao\'s heart was almost a "clatter" for a while, but before they could react, a sound of string movement, and then the roar of crossbow arrows breaking through the air sounded in their ears!

At this time, no one had time to respond. Niu Gao instinctively waved a pair of maces without leakage. However, Mo Jiao had a long gun in her hand. Unless she was a person skilled in this art, it was impossible to swing it to block the crossbow. Just when Mo Jiao was ready to close her eyes and die, Mo Lu nearby screamed and jumped at Mo Jiao with open arms.


Feeling that she was knocked down, Mo Jiao had no time to respond. She heard a dull hum from Mo Lu\'s mouth. The sound of crossbow arrows entering the flesh was clear and audible. Unfortunately, all crossbow arrows shot at Mo Jiao were borne by Mo Lu with her own body. Mo Jiao fell to the ground unharmed.

Niu Gao was not as lucky as Mo Jiao. He still got an arrow in his arm. Fortunately, his skin was thick and his food was painful. When the crossbow stopped, he didn\'t dare to delay. He came forward to pull up Mo Lu and shouted at Mo Jiao, "withdraw, withdraw!"