Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 533

No one expected that Ying Ming and Xu Tong would use this trick to entrap people. The victory that had already been in front of them disappeared in an instant, which plunged Mo Jiao and Niu Gao into a bitter battle. Molu was several arrows in his body. Although Niu Gao dragged him back desperately, in the process of dragging him back, Molu, who had fallen into a coma, was hit by the arrow again, but he didn\'t respond at all.

"Moro, Moro!"

Mo Jiao was unharmed, but now she was in a very bad mood. Looking at Mo Lu with blood stained robes, Mo Jiao\'s tears couldn\'t help flowing down. Although the two are strictly speaking masters and servants, the relationship between Mo Fu and Mo Jiao has been inseparable for so many years. In a sense, they are not only the servants of Mo family, but also the elders of Mo Jiao. Without the company of Mo Fu, Mo Lu and others, Mo Jiao may even die halfway. After all, in such a family, such an era, It is normal for a child to die young in the process of growing up.

"Stop shouting, he has gone."

"No, it\'s impossible. How can it be? For so many years, Molu is impossible. I didn\'t agree. How can he?"

"Wake up, this is a battlefield, not a family!" Niu Gao is not a servant of the Mo family, and he will not be used to Mo Jiao. That is, in the Wu and Zhou dynasties, women were allowed to become officials and generals. According to Niu Gao\'s idea, women should have children at home, do housework, go out for what, be civil servants and military generals of Lao Shizi? This is not a trap!

Fortunately, Mo Jiao soon woke up and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She didn\'t catch a man she knew like an ordinary woman and ask: what should I do next?


The long gun has fallen off. Moreover, the other party is shot by a wave of crossbow arrows from time to time. It can\'t be blocked with the long gun. Instead, the steel knife at the waist is good. Mo Jiao has been at his command for more than ten years. It\'s very easy. It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s splashing water or not, at least the ordinary crossbow arrows can\'t break the iron curtain formed by the steel knife.

"OK, listen to you!"

At this time, Niu Gao had no other choice. If he retreated, he would be surrounded by Manichaeism. After all, the fighting time was so long that he didn\'t follow the planned steps. Now those Manichaeism cannon fodder have been surrounded. It\'s impossible to retreat. What else can he do except a dead battle.

In fact, things have not reached a dead end. If we can kill all the heads of Manichaeism here, those cannon fodder will not be worried. Just intimidating them will scare them away.

But in this case, no one is sure to kill the head of Manichaeism. They failed to win when they just caught each other. Now Ying Ming and Xu Tong have hidden among those pawns and come out from time to time, but they have no intention of coming out to fight with Niu Gao and Mo Jiao.

However, this is not all bad. Without Xu Tong and Ying Ming standing in front, Mo Jiao holding a steel knife is like a tiger going down the mountain. Well, if Li Luoyang said, it must be a female tiger. Where are the ordinary pawns of Manichaeism Mo Jiao\'s opponents? Coupled with the niugao beside Mo Jiao, there is a black iron tower and two maces waving like two wheels, Crush those pawns all the way!

In this way, Ying Ming and Xu Tong\'s plot has become a reminder for the Manichean soldiers, whether they are soldiers or cannon fodder. In short, they are killed. They cry for their parents and run away. They only hate that their parents have lost two legs!

Even Ying Ming and Xu Tong didn\'t expect such a change in the situation. They thought that with the help of the long-range lethality of the crossbow, they could block Mo Jiao and Niu Gao and consume the imperial soldiers brought by Niu Gao. The problem is that they forgot that the crossbow could not be produced by a group of rebellious refugees, even in the current holy army, The number of crossbows of the real imperial court system is pitifully small. Among the soldiers under the two men, an average of two or three people have only one crossbow, and these crossbows can not guarantee that each can be used normally.

After less than 200 crossbows were fired for several rounds, many soldiers were killed. They were killed by Mo Jiao and Niu Gao. As generals, they were very competent. They took the lead to ignore life and death. All the generals are like this. Of course, the soldiers below won\'t be lazy. They yell and come forward to fight!

It\'s pretty good to kill here, but Mo Fu, who helped him fight Xu Fang in Li Luoyang, stepped back two steps after discovering the sudden changes in Mo Jiao, and said loudly to Li Luoyang, "childe Li, you hold on here first. I\'ll go and see the eldest lady. The eldest lady can\'t have anything wrong."

"Well, Mofu, you go!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t see what happened to Mo Jiao just now. He also knows that Mo Fu\'s goal in life is to protect Mo Jiao\'s life. Now Mo Jiao\'s safety is no longer guaranteed, and there is a Mo Lu who doesn\'t know his life and death. Even if Mo Fu forcibly stays here, I\'m afraid it\'s a situation where he doesn\'t work.

Instead of forcing people to stay here, it\'s better to let Mo Fu go and let others go back to do what they want to do. As for himself, Li Luoyang shook his head, but can\'t he escape?

"You can go if you want?"

Li Luoyang let Mo Fu go, but Xu Fang didn\'t promise!

He\'s not blind just because of the change there. Wouldn\'t it be a big deal to ask Mo Fu to help at this time? Anyway, Li Luoyang seems to have little combat effectiveness in Xu Fang\'s view. As long as Mo Fu is taken, today\'s battle is basically over.

"Get out of the way!"

Mo Fu was anxious. He was not only worried about Mo Jiao\'s life safety, but also anxious to see Mo Lu\'s injury. After all, there was a distance between them. He just didn\'t have a chance to see how Mo Lu\'s injury was. If Niu Gao had just roared at Mo Fu in a loud voice and said that Mo Lu was hopeless, I\'m afraid he would be much calmer and would not rush there blindly.

Some things are just like this. Mo Fu is worried, and Xu Fang is reluctant. The two talents fight two or three moves. Mo Fu\'s martial arts are not as good as Xu Fang. He can hold up in a short time only because of his external muscles and bones. After two or three moves, Mo Fu will lose to Xu Fang.

Li Luoyang had planned to withdraw. When he looked back, he saw that Mo Fu was entangled by Xu Fang and retreated step by step. Suddenly, Li Luoyang sighed "bad luck" in his heart and had to pick up the steel knife and turn back.

"Mo Fu, hurry to help and give it to me!"

"OK! Thank you, childe Li!"

"Don\'t you two exist to be our generals? Leave them all to our generals!"