Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 531

If Xu Fang underestimated Li Luoyang at the beginning, Xu Fang began to take it seriously after being stabbed.

As several experts in the holy religion, general Fei Xiong, who is at the same level as General Guo Shiguang\'s general Fei Bao, actually ranks Xu Fang higher in terms of actual combat effectiveness. The bald heads of the Wu family all need four people to kill in order to catch Guo Shiguang. Li Luoyang obviously overestimated his combat effectiveness against Xu Fang alone.

At the beginning, they could kill each other equally. However, Xu Fang\'s cultivation time is much longer than Li Luoyang\'s, and his Qi pulse is longer. Even if Li Luoyang has his own special way to cultivate martial arts, and he starts from the secret collection collected at home, the starting point is much higher than Xu Fang, but it does not mean that his actual combat power can surpass Xu Fang, coupled with the suppression of military blades, After the two sides fought back and forth for ten times, Li Luoyang felt that he couldn\'t keep up with Xu Fang\'s rhythm.

"This boy is too powerful. I can\'t do it alone!"

After several rounds of exchange of swords and whips, Li Luoyang caught a glimpse of several notches on his blade. Although he knew that it was not the time to love the blade, bursts of sour and numb taste came from his right arm, as if he was calling the police for Li Luoyang. This feeling of hard work was very terrible. Xu Fang\'s iron whip was faster than one move, one move after another, Li Luoyang may be beaten by a whip if he makes a slight mistake.

In terms of the destructive power of the iron whip, whether it is whipped in any part of the body, the injury is not light, and even it is possible to go to the hell palace with a whip.

It is said that heroes don\'t suffer immediate losses. When Li Luoyang felt that he was not Xu Fang\'s opponent, he began to try to get away.

His first thought was to ask Mo Jiao or Niu Gao to help. However, the battle circle expanded at this time. The officers and soldiers led by Niu Gao were mixed with Manichaeism soldiers and cannon fodder. The shaking figures around blocked Li Luoyang\'s sight layer by layer. In addition, the two sides were divided head and tail, so Mo Jiao and Niu Gao couldn\'t find the situation in Li Luoyang at all. Besides, Xu Tong and Ying Ming are not weak. Even if Mo Jiao\'s martial arts are better than Ying Ming, it\'s not easy to win or lose in a short time.

This road is impassable, and Li Luoyang has another plan in mind - to slip away.

It\'s said that he "slipped away", but in fact he can\'t go far. After all, the purpose of this night attack is to break up Manichaeism and ensure the safety of relief food. If Li Luoyang turns around and runs away, he gives Xu Fang the opportunity to rush to grab food, wouldn\'t it be a failure?

Therefore, even if Li Luoyang wants to turn the tide, the premise is to entangle Xu Fang.

Because of the calculation in his heart, Li Luoyang inevitably lost his mind, and in front of Duan wuzhe like Xu Fang, losing his mind itself is a matter of death. A whip shadow flashed through the flaws of Li Luoyang\'s moves in Li Luoyang\'s trance, and went straight to Li Luoyang\'s face. Li Luoyang trembled, hurriedly stepped back and blocked with a horizontal knife.

However, Xu Fang had already seen through the strength of Li Luoyang. He was still blocked by Li Luoyang, but he did not move. He only heard a loud bang. Li Luoyang trembled like an electric shock, and the treasure knife made by Li Chengcheng got rid of it!

Li Luoyang was shocked when he lost his weapon. Seeing the shadow of Xu Fang\'s whip coming one after another, Li Luoyang couldn\'t help shouting. Then he jumped up in situ, turned in the air and ran away!

"Where to go!"

Before the fight with Li Luoyang, Xu Fang really wanted to grab food, but since he had missed it for the first time, Xu Fang\'s mind suddenly woke up: Why did he rush to grab food? Isn\'t the black iron tower the general in charge of escorting grain in the imperial court? And the woman and the young man who fought with him must be the head in charge of escorting the grain this time. As long as we kill them all and eat all these elite soldiers, there will be only the serviceman left in the grain transport team. At that time, we are afraid that the grain will grow wings and fly to the sky?

After thinking about this, Xu Fang was no longer in a hurry to grab food. He decided to kill the leader of the officers and soldiers first, and then eat all the officers and soldiers here. Even if he put all his troops together, it would be cost-effective in the long run as long as he could achieve his goal.

Because Xu Fang changed his mind, Li Luoyang\'s plan deviated. He thought that as soon as he retreated, Xu Fang would order his troops to move towards the grain team. As a result, he was frightened by the wind behind him. NIMA\'s iron whip was only a foot away from the back of his head.

There was no time to change the move, and there was no possibility of blocking. When Li Luoyang was in the air, he could only sink into the Dantian. Suddenly, the whole person seemed to fall vertically like a sudden increase in weight, distancing himself from the iron whip.

But Xu Fang pressed down the iron whip as if he had expected. If the gangrene attached to the bone continued to hit Li Luoyang, and Li Luoyang\'s feet had fallen to the ground at this time, couldn\'t he get into the soil? In desperation, he carried his breath to his arms and stretched out his arms to fight with the iron whip. Even if his arms were injured, it was better to let the iron whip hit his head and body.

However, if you get hurt like this, you will get hurt. Li Luoyang doesn\'t have the heart to think about what to do next.

Seeing Li Luoyang\'s action, Xu Fang sneered in his heart and said, "young boy, how can you resist Lao Tzu\'s iron whip with your body?"

It\'s not that Xu Fang is too confident. This is also the conclusion he reached after countless actual battles. Unless he is an expert who has trained both inside and outside to the extreme, the iron whip will fall and the skin will be torn apart. The bones are also fragmented and can\'t resist at all.

Seeing that Li Luoyang\'s arms were about to intersect with the iron whip, Xu Fang\'s face had appeared a ferocious smile. Suddenly, an iron gun went between them and suddenly picked up and exploded a tent of sparks!

"Keng Zheng" made a crisp sound, and Xu Fang\'s right arm was shocked. He was bounced up by the great force from the iron whip. At the same time, the whole person couldn\'t help falling back.

"Childe Li, are you okay?"

"Uncle Fu, it\'s a good time for you to come. The old boy is powerful. He knocked my knife away."

Mo Fu\'s sudden appearance saved Li Luoyang\'s arms at once. At the same time, Li Luoyang was relieved. While he was talking, someone sent his treasure knife back. Compared with the moment when he witnessed the treasure knife flying, he could find it.

"Don\'t worry. No matter how good his martial arts are, we\'ll fight him together!"

It is said that this two dozen one is not in line with the rules of Greenwood, but Mo Fu and Li Luoyang are not Greenwood people. At this time, it is not Greenwood to make a quarrel. Everyone has their own masters. Where are the bad rules?

Listening to Li Luoyang and Mo Fu\'s discussion, Xu Fang still had an indifferent expression on his face. The iron whip moved in his hand, and the whole man killed the general again.