Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 530

As a transgressor and a transgressor living in the new era, Li Luoyang knows the truth of "despise the enemy strategically and pay attention to the enemy tactically". Therefore, when Xu Fang killed, Li Luoyang\'s bloody face was only despised, even with eyes.

However, as soon as an expert makes a move, he knows whether there is one. Park Dao\'s changing moves in the middle of the way fully shows Xu Fang\'s martial arts accomplishments, especially the fluctuation of the blade during cross cutting, which will not only dazzle people, but also block a considerable space. If Li Luoyang\'s body is not flexible enough, a Kung Fu of an iron plate bridge at a critical juncture makes the blade of Park Dao fly over close to the bridge of his nose, I\'m afraid he will be injured.

Ordinary skin injuries can not be called injuries in this battle, but those that can be called "injuries" will basically die.

The chill from his chin to his forehead made Li Luoyang\'s mind clear again. His upper body was still in the state of iron bridge, but his steps moved quickly. It would be terrible if he waited for Xu Fang PuDao to brush back!

Xu Fangren must have advantages on horseback, especially using a simple knife with the same length as the blade on horseback. It\'s like rowing on a canoe. You can muddy the water of a lake from left to right.

"Come down!"

Taking advantage of his low posture, Li Luoyang simply couldn\'t get up. He waved the head hammer with both hands in turns to hit the horse\'s legs!

In general, horses that can act as war horses must be fat and strong. Even if they are smashed a few times, they may not have anything to do. However, the joints of any horse\'s four big long legs are always weak. Especially if the direction is selected correctly, it only needs the strength of an ordinary person to discount the horse\'s legs.

Of course, this is a cruel thing. After this joint is discounted, no matter how much the horse owner loves his mount, he can only kill the horse with tears, because in this era, there is no veterinarian who has the ability to let the injured horse stand up again, and a horse who can\'t stand up will be more uncomfortable to live than to die.

Xu Fang didn\'t know what had happened when he felt his mount overturned. He was just a little careless and gave Li Luoyang this opportunity.

"Boy, die!"

The man fell from the horse\'s back, but watched his horse fall to the ground with a loud hiss. At this time, Xu Fang\'s heart was like 10000 divine beasts running past! He was going to rob grain, but the war horse was abandoned. He still robbed wool! At this time, Xu Fang really hated Li Luoyang in his heart. As soon as he landed, he killed Li Luoyang.

"Looking for shit? Yes, I\'m looking for you!"

Li Luoyang wiped his face with his backhand. Sweat and blood mixed together, which made him feel like he was wearing a mask. He was very unhappy. The fall of Xu Fang itself was expected by Li Luoyang. It was also expected that Xu Fang would kill him.


Xu Fang\'s simple knife was supported by two nail head hammers. Xu Fang was surprised by the power shown by Li Luoyang. He tried to press down the blade again. If Li Luoyang couldn\'t bear the force, the blade could directly cut into Li Luoyang\'s shoulder or neck. No matter where, as long as it was cut, Li Luoyang would never survive.

However, park Dao only moved slightly and did not continue to move down as Xu Fang imagined. Instead, he was jacked up by a cross nail hammer in Li Luoyang\'s "hey hey" laughter.

"Boy, there\'s a bit of brute force!"

"Little sister, watch the ball!"

ball The ball came from nowhere on the battlefield, but Li Luoyang really didn\'t lie. He put his arms on Xu Fang\'s Park knife, and his right foot lifted a head. It was like playing football. The whole action was perfect and rapid. If this action was enough to trigger the shrill calls, flowers, kisses and even dedication of female fans on the green field, Unfortunately, what Li Luoyang smoked was not a football pieced together by five sides and six sides, but a bloody head.

Not to mention, Li Luoyang\'s foot was very accurate and went to Xu Fang\'s head. If Xu Fang didn\'t react, he might not be able to blow Xu Fang\'s head at once, but if you think about such close contact with a dead man\'s head, no one would be happy.

Maybe it was to show his strength. Xu Fang, who could have avoided only by leaning his head, burst a spring thunder in his mouth at this time, suddenly lifted his left foot and pointed the flying head on the tip of his foot. He only heard the sound of "wave", and his head exploded into a blood mist. Then he heard Xu Fang\'s exclamation: "boy, cheat!"

Li Luoyang\'s figure rushed out. Xu Fang\'s figure retreated for more than a Zhang. His right hand held the park knife and pestled it on the ground, but his left hand wiped it on his abdomen. When he opened it at the moment, Xu Fang\'s mouth twitched slightly, "good knife!"

"Hey, hey, general!"

Li Luoyang has already thrown away the pair of nail hammers. Although these two household items are really easy to use in battle, they are aimed at ordinary soldiers. Ordinary soldiers who don\'t know much about martial arts don\'t need to pay attention to the subtlety of their moves. They can make achievements by beating them with brute force.

However, Xu Fang is not an ordinary soldier. His martial arts rank may still be above Li Luoyang. In this case, Li Luoyang felt that the nail hammer was not easy to use, so he used the human header as a cover, took advantage of Xu Fang\'s ostentatious opportunity to throw down the nail hammer and draw out the sword Li Chengcheng made for him.

Although Xu Fang reacted and pulled away at the critical moment, he let the tip of the knife pass through his abdomen. Unexpectedly, he directly broke the armor in front of his chest and cut a layer of oil skin, which really made Xu Fang sweat.

"Don\'t be happy too early."

After discovering that it was only skin trauma, Xu Fang\'s mind calmed down quickly. However, Li Luoyang\'s martial arts cultivation has been recognized and valued by Xu Fang, so he also threw away the park knife used on the horse\'s back and took off the iron whip tied around his waist.

The iron whip is not a whip, but an iron stick with no edge. The length is similar to that of an ordinary waist knife, but the cross section of the iron whip in Xu Fang\'s hand is a square, and the plane is concave, so that the four edges are very protruding, and there are ups and downs on the edges, like ripples.

This weapon is relatively heavy and not afraid to chop. The protruding edges also have the effect of cutting and tearing. However, those who use this weapon are often full of strength and can be regarded as fierce generals.

Although the waist knife in Li Luoyang\'s hand was carefully crafted by Li Chengzhen, it was an enemy when it met the iron whip. It can be imagined that when the blade hit the iron whip, whether it was edge or concave, it would never be the iron whip that would suffer in the end.