Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 529

Although the weight of a pair of nail hammers is almost equivalent to a mace of niugao, after all, where is the body gap between Li Luoyang and niugao? If niugao is a black iron tower, Li Luoyang is at most a small white poplar. Can the headquarters let the small white poplar compare with the black iron tower?

Fortunately, the weight of the nail hammer plus the acceleration generated when waving has generated enough kinetic energy. When the kinetic energy is concentrated at the small point on the tip of the nail hammer, the instantaneous pressure is not only unbearable for muscles and bones, but also unbearable for ordinary armor. Basically, every time Li Luoyang successfully hits a person, he can splash blood.

If two fighters fight, you may still have a trial process, and you are also picky about the position of your attack, especially for the key, for the deadly or the nature of competition. Even if you want to see blood, you can expect in your heart and try to avoid the direction of blood splashing.

In particular, Li Luoyang, a passer-by, knows that the blood of the human body is actually very terrible. Who knows what kind of viruses, germs or messy things are hidden in the splashed blood. Therefore, Li Luoyang is unwilling to be contaminated with other people\'s blood unless he has to.

But at this moment, in the real battle, there were shouts of killing in all directions. It was really the shadow of the sword and the murderous spirit was like frost. In this environment, a person\'s emotions are easily wrapped and clamped and become excited. Of course, if you are not excited, your body will not be excited enough. If your body is not excited enough, your sports attributes will not reach the peak, that is, you can\'t play a real level or even exceed the level.

In a scuffle, it\'s impossible to keep hands. Every enemy you target has only one purpose, that is, to kill you! If you can\'t kill each other in the most labor-saving and effective way, you must try your best to kill each other at once, because even if you don\'t do so, the other party will certainly do so. If the level of two people is almost the same, the difference of force is almost the gap between life and death.

Therefore, even Li Luoyang has no time to think about anything else at this time. He can only do his best to wave the nail hammer in his hand and hit it without fancy according to the target. Hit it and kill it. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to choose a position and avoid those splashing blood. Moreover, there are battles around. Soon, the low altitude of the whole battlefield is full of scattered blood fog. Even if you just breathe, you will inhale a lot of blood, So it makes people feel that the bloody smell in the air is about to solidify.

Li Luoyang killed two or three people, and his whole body was covered with a layer of blood. I don\'t know whether he came from Manichaeism or under Niu Gao\'s command. In short, it\'s lucky that he didn\'t have his own.

The combat effectiveness of Xu Fang\'s followers is still very strong, at least not lost to Niu Gao\'s. After all, Niu Gao is only a cavalry trained by the imperial court in a conventional way, and Xu Fang\'s followers are much better than Niu Gao\'s in terms of food and use.

It can only be said that the officers and soldiers have a slight advantage in the number of people. However, this advantage is becoming small because more and more cannon fodder is added. I\'m afraid this advantage will disappear soon. Once there is a one-to-one ratio, I\'m afraid the officers and soldiers will suffer.

At this time, Li Luoyang finally found that the plan he made was not as perfect as he imagined. Perhaps the plots in film and television literary works in the past affected him. He always felt that it should be a simple thing to rush into the array with cavalry. Otherwise, why do he always say that cavalry is the king of the cold weapon era?

Now it seems that everything is bullshit. The so-called king of cold weapons also has its own limitations. Especially when directly attacking other people\'s camps, it seems that the combat effectiveness is not as strong as expected. Of course, this is also related to the strength of niugao\'s cavalry. They are light cavalry, but they are used by Li Luoyang in the way of heavy cavalry. Of course, there will be a problem.

However, it can\'t be entirely blamed on Li Luoyang. Although he is a Strider, he is not an omniscient man. Besides, he doesn\'t know any about the arms of this era. He can\'t distinguish the difference between light cavalry and heavy cavalry. If we must say responsibility, Mo Jiao and Niu Gao have unshirkable responsibility in this matter, When they heard Li Luoyang\'s plan, they should set out the realistic conditions and let Li Luoyang analyze and deduce again.

However, it\'s too late to say anything now. The troops of both sides are involved. The victory or defeat almost depends on who can stick to the end.

Although Li Luoyang was driven by the environment, he was lucky to keep a clear mind. After killing four or five of Xu Fang\'s followers in succession, he finally saw Xu Fang, the leader of this place.

The five words "catch the thief and catch the king first" flashed through Li Luoyang\'s mind. It was almost instinctive. Li Luoyang began to move to Xu Fang\'s position. In fact, he didn\'t have to move too far, because Xu Fang also found Li Luoyang. After all, as a real general, if he didn\'t have the ability to look at the overall situation, how could he mobilize troops and horses in time and arrange troops?

Xu Tong and Ying Ming fought with Niu Gao and Mo Jiao respectively. Apart from Li Luoyang, Xu Fang didn\'t find anyone particularly eye-catching. In particular, Li Luoyang\'s location just blocked his way to Xu Fang, and the officers and soldiers clearly fought with Li Luoyang as the core. In this way, Xu Fang also had the same idea as Li Luoyang: kill this boy, I can take people out to grab food and grass!

The two sides can also be regarded as a "hit it off" in a sense. They rush towards each other almost at the same time, but Li Luoyang has two legs and Xu Fang has four legs.

"Boy, die!"

Xu Fang instigated his war horse to knock away a light rider of niugao, and immediately exposed Li Luoyang on foot. At that time, Xu Fang raised his simple knife in his hand, the tip of which was shining with cold light, and fell directly to Li Luoyang\'s forehead.

"That\'s all?"

Li Luoyang, who was already like a bloody man, made a mistake with his feet and rotated his body. He wanted to avoid Xu Fang\'s knife. But Xu Fang is also a warrior. Park Dao, a simple weapon, seems to have a soul in his hand. It turns around at the moment when the blade falls, and flies out sideways. The blade ripples in the air like a water wave and cuts to Li Luoyang\'s chest - because of the height of the war horse and the distance between them, even if Xu Fang\'s blade technique is good, he can\'t keep pressing the blade down.