Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 528

As a woman, Mo Jiao is inconvenient to argue with a group of men before the battle. She just holds the long gun tightly and stares at Ying Ming who uses the same long gun.

"The imperial court has no way, and the holy religion should prosper. You can join our holy religion. Life can be the common life in the world, and death can live in heaven long live!"

Even when the two armies met, Xu Tong still did not forget Amway. It would be a great credit to Xu Tong if he could plot against the two court generals and get this batch of food and grass smoothly.

"Is this guy a fool?" Niu Gao smiled and asked Mo Jiao instead.

"What do you do with so much nonsense? Those who surrender don\'t kill!"

Mo Jiao was really impatient. She drank coldly with a horizontal spear!

Time is precious to both sides. The officers and soldiers don\'t want to gather the cannon fodder of Manichaeism, while Xu Fang hopes to stick to it and wait for those cannon fodder to surround him.

It was precisely because each other\'s purposes were very clear, so Mo Jiaocai didn\'t let Niu Gao talk nonsense, but directly killed after a loud roar. The fine iron spear in her hand is like a dragon going to sea and taking Yingming\'s chest directly. If Yingming doesn\'t respond well, it will be poked out of a transparent hole.

Unfortunately, since Ying Ming dared to use a long gun in the array, he naturally had his own assurance. When he saw Mo Jiao stabbing with a long gun, he calmly raised the gun and stirred it. If Mo Jiao\'s gun head was stirred, he would immediately lose accuracy. If a weapon like a long gun loses its accuracy, it must be an empty door. At that time, Ying Ming just needs to enter with it and stab it with one shot, he can kill Mo Jiao!

There is no green forest fight in the battle array. You come and go. All moves pay attention to efficiency. However, for opponents with high skills, basically the battle of one or two moves will end.

Seeing Ying Ming\'s long gun stirring the sea like a dragon, Mo Jiao immediately shook the long gun, making the gun head rotate in the opposite direction, and the two guns hit each other. They only heard a loud "jingling" sound, and then they pulled their guns at the same time, staring at each other like a cockfight.

In this fight, Mo Jiao and Ying Ming both felt that the other party was a strong enemy and didn\'t dare to be slighted. They didn\'t fight again until they had a loud drink. Niu Gao over there also fought with Xu Tong. Despite Niu Gao\'s simple and naive appearance in ordinary times, those 30 kg Maces were waved, which is really something that ordinary people can resist.

Before the battle, the generals caught and fought each other, while Niu Gao\'s cavalry attacked the infantry under Xu Tong and Ying Ming. If there was room for the horses to speed up, I\'m afraid three or four hundred infantry could not stop the two cavalry attacks. Unfortunately, the terrain was narrow, there was no room for horses to gallop, and their strengths could not be displayed. The cavalry could only rely on their exquisite riding skills, The small back and forth collision integrated with their own war horses can make concessions, and the soldiers can\'t form an array, but the lethality is still greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the cavalry under Niu Gao\'s command are well equipped. Although they are light cavalry, their leather armor is thick, and the general blade is not easy to cause serious injury. On the contrary, they have a simple knife in their hands. As long as they hit the enemy, they will die one by one and have no chance to run.

Soldiers to soldiers, generals to generals. In the war circle, a hundred flowers bloom, red blood, white brain and green bile can be seen everywhere.

In this case, Xu Fang still didn\'t play. His eyes narrowed slightly and couldn\'t help scanning the battlefield back and forth. Finally, the figure of cannon fodder began to appear around him. Although the combat effectiveness of these cannon fodder was limited, it was good to block the knife. At least two or three cannon fodder could exchange for a chance to seriously hurt the officers and soldiers.

"You hit just in time, and I just went to steal food!"

It has to be said that Xu Fang is bold, but since he was born in Lvlin, how can he stay until now if he doesn\'t have the courage. Xu Fang saw that the fight here was evenly matched. Although Xu Tong and Ying Ming were slightly disadvantaged for the time being, there should be no problem with a steady stream of cannon fodder.

Xu Fang felt that since all the officers and soldiers had been killed, the grain would certainly be unable to defend. Isn\'t it just his chance? As long as he gets food, no matter how much cannon fodder he dies, Xu Fang won\'t be distressed. Are you afraid of no cannon fodder when there is food?

It was decided that Xu Fang immediately ordered his own soldiers and ordered them to turn over and mount their horses, so that they would rush to the grain team from the side.

"Li Luoyang, stop him!"

Mo Jiao and Ying Ming can be distracted and pay attention to the surrounding situation, which is also the basic requirement for generals. If they turn red at the beginning of the fight, such generals will often only bring tragedy to their subordinates, and even they will not live long.

"Shit, how can I stop it!"

Hearing Mo Jiao\'s roar, Li Luoyang frowned. Of course, he also saw the movements of Xu Fang and the cavalry, and guessed the other party\'s intention, but he was not a cavalry general. How could he stop him?

"Sir, we still have crossbows!"

Several cavalry soldiers around Li Luoyang suddenly shouted, which reminded Li Luoyang. At that moment, he pointed the nail hammer of his right hand at Xu Fang and said loudly, "brothers, shoot that dog day!"


There were few enemies around the cavalry falling at the end of the team. Even the cannon fodder surrounded from the outside was not enough for the cavalry to cut. Hearing Li Luoyang\'s order, they immediately hung up their Park knives and replaced them with hand crossbows, "poopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoo.

Xu Fang was distressed. He brought out fifty soldiers with him. He just broke a few and was shot over again. Now the number of soldiers still around him is less than 40!

Revenge or food? At this moment, Xu Fang fell into contradiction.

"Hey, old man, don\'t think about food. As long as you get close to the traffic, the people over there will light a fire and burn food. Make sure you have no food. Don\'t regret it then!"

In fact, Li Luoyang knows that he and the cavalry around him can\'t stop Xu Fang who is determined to break through, so he just attacks his heart. Don\'t you want to rob food? I\'ll tell you directly, don\'t think about it. Set fire in the past. You rob a fart! You\'d better fight honestly. Maybe you can take revenge?

Although Li Luoyang is not even a conspiracy at all, Xu Fang can\'t do anything. People have shown their cards and the food should be burned. Don\'t think about it. The resentment is just on these officers and soldiers.

"Boy, take your life!"

Xu Fang thought clearly, immediately turned his horse\'s head, danced a long knife in his hand, and rushed towards Li Luoyang,

"I\'ll go. The old man has to work hard! Brothers, bow and arrow!"

"Sir, it\'s too late to start the string. Spell it!"

"Spell it!"

The cavalry under Niu Gao\'s command did not advise one by one. Even if Xu Fang came fiercely, people threw down their crossbows, took off their Park knives and greeted them. The two sides "crackled" into one.

"Oh, I\'ll go and I\'ll smash it!" Li Luoyang\'s blood was boiling after all.