Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 527

The court officers and soldiers suddenly rushed into the array and took the initiative to kill them. It really surprised the manichaeiss. It can be seen from their rush to fight.

However, the chaos is always temporary. After all, the Manichaeism team is not without leaders. It is the so-called courage of soldiers. With two roars in succession, the chaotic camp gradually becomes orderly.

Xu Fang used to rest in the account. This time, he received the order of the Duke to work in Taiyuan house. As a flying bear general, Xu Fang was not happy at first. Later, the Duke personally promised him a heavy reward after the event. Only then did he take his 50 Pro cavalry, Xu Tong, the family of the Twelve Gods, and Ying Ming, lead 500 infantry around the road and arrive at Taiyuan house all the way.

In order to successfully intercept the grain transportation team of the imperial court, Xu Fang arranged several strategies, among which he made the strategy of cutting off the water source. It was through this means that the speed of niugao\'s grain transportation team was seriously delayed, giving Xu long and others enough time to tangle up nearly 3000 people from the surrounding refugees, Form a team temporarily.

For Xu Fang and others, such things as building a team from refugees are simply familiar. After all, it\'s too far away from Taiyuan government. It\'s unrealistic to bring your team here. Even if you can find a way, it\'s too late in time, so you can only use this means.

Fortunately, the senior generals of Manichaeism are familiar with this method. In addition, the hungry people are willing to do anything as long as they have a full meal. Therefore, the only thing people like Xu Fang need to do is to select those who are in good health from the hungry people who are willing to serve as cannon fodder for a full meal. They can\'t be the kind of waste who can\'t run. Just those people want to participate, Xu Fang still thinks of wasting food.

After collecting nearly 3000 cannon fodder, Xu Fang issued an order to attack the grain transportation team. Originally, he thought he could defeat at one blow, but unexpectedly, he met a Hun like niugao. As soon as he found that the situation was wrong, he quickly set up camp and sent someone out to shout that he wanted to burn grain and grass.

Xu Fang was really angry at that time.

How can it be like this? You burn the food all the time. What do thousands of people here eat? Besides, according to the instructions of the Holy Father, this batch of relief food must be taken down. Only when we get this batch of food can we continue to strengthen the cannon fodder team.

In the original plan, people like Guo Shiguang, if they smoothly incite the hungry people in Taiyuan, open the gate of Taiyuan, let the refugees outside the city rush in, and completely destroy Taiyuan. Coupled with Xu\'s hand, maybe the whole Taiyuan government will fall into the hands of Manichaeism.

At that time, Xu Fang, as the supreme leader of Manichaeism in Taiyuan government, could start to develop strength centered on Taiyuan government and echo with the holy religions in the south, which made it difficult for the imperial court to attend to both ends.

If Zhou Xiangong doesn\'t leave the south, Fang La will continue to send everyone to Taiyuan house, contact the green heroes, mountain bandits and bandits around Taiyuan house, and let these people who don\'t obey the king join in to do great things together. Maybe the momentum will be greater than that in the south.

If the court mobilized Zhou Xiangong, Fang La would just let his holy army continue to go south, seize Lingnan and other places, and create greater strategic space for himself.

The plan is indeed beautiful, but as the old saying goes, planning depends on people, and success depends on heaven. The plan often can\'t catch up with changes. Who would have thought that the Taiyuan city fell short because of the intervention of Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang, and even more than 100000 refugees outside Taiyuan were divided by Li Luoyang\'s trick.

At the beginning, Xu Fang didn\'t know that the plan of Taiyuan city had failed completely. He and Xu Tong and Ying Ming were still implementing according to the original plan. In fact, even if Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang stabilize the side of Taiyuan house, if Xu Fang smoothly gets the first batch of relief food, he can still use food to gather refugees around Taiyuan City, so as to form an army of tens of thousands of people.

At that time, Taiyuan city will never get grain recorded in the account. Sooner or later, the food obtained by the city scribes will be eaten up. At that time, Xu Fang will lead the army to surround Taiyuan City, and the city will still be broken!

Therefore, it seems that Niu Gao made a great contribution by preventing Xu fangmou from seizing relief grain in a generous way.

"Go inform Xu Tong and Ying Ming and lead the troops to kill me! Kill these bold guys, and the food will be ours!"

When he got the news that the imperial soldiers and horses were sneaking into the camp, Xu Fang was in a happy mood. He was not afraid of niugao moving, but he was afraid of niugao not moving. In Xu Fang\'s opinion, how could Niu Gao\'s troops and horses be his opponent of 3000 men and horses. Xu Fang\'s consideration itself has no problem. It can only be said that his consideration is not perfect.

War is never a simple comparison of figures, just as no matter how many scarecrows can\'t stop sparrows who want to steal food.

It can only be said that Xu Fang led the army well. With his soberness and command, at least those close followers around his camp quickly responded. Even if it was too late to get on the horse, they began to fight to the death with the cavalry under Niu Gao. In contrast, Xu Tong and Ying Ming\'s reaction was obviously slow. What\'s more, they didn\'t take all their 200 soldiers with them at this time.

Nearly 3000 refugees need a real pacer to command every 20, and then divided according to a small leader of 100 people. In fact, there are not many Pacers who really stay with Xu Tong and Ying Ming, and some of them have been lost when Niu Gao and Mo Jiao rushed in.

Like the cavalry troops stabbing a spear into the camp, Mo Jiao and Niu Gao are the sharpest and most destructive points of the spear. At the moment of contact between the two sides, the refugees fully reflected their cannon fodder attribute, and the ordinary soldiers were just the enemy of one move. Mo Jiao and Niu Gao were like entering a no man\'s land, killing from the camp fence to the front of the Chinese Army\'s big tent.

"Stop and kill them all!"

With the emergence of Xu Fang, the morale of the army here finally stabilized, and Ying Ming and Xu Tong had no choice under this situation, one against Mo Jiao and the other against Niu Gao.

Both of them are not weak in martial arts, and they have led the soldiers to fight for some time. They have a considerable understanding of the battle array. They have changed into long and heavy weapons.

"Under the command of the holy Duke, Ying Ming, those who come sign up!"

"Under the command of the holy Duke, Xu Tong, don\'t kill nobody!"

They took their own soldiers to block Mo Jiao and Niu Gao, but they were full of momentum.

"Where\'s the Holy Father? He\'s just a generation of chicken singing and dog stealing! Your grandfather and I niugao, who will die quickly!"