Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 526


The front end of the cavalry team should have begun to collide with the Manichaeism camp. I don\'t know what it was. It made a huge noise. Li Luoyang estimated that the sound was made by the mace in Niu Gao\'s hand. At the end of the crane, Li Luoyang just felt that the speed of the team was slightly delayed. Immediately following the cavalry, two teams became four teams, four teams became eight teams, and eight teams became sixteen teams. The team originally like a stream spread all at once, forming an overwhelming wave and rushing towards the Manichaeism camp!

Although he was at the end of the team, Li Luoyang also felt the atmosphere of fighting. Fighting in battle is quite different from fighting among fighters. Shouts and screams poured into our ears from all directions. Although it was late at night, the torches in the hands of cavalry, lanterns and bonfires in the camp could also shine brightly in this area. In the eye, we could see that someone was trampled by the hoofs of war horses, blood gushed out from his mouth and nose, and some Manichaeism soldiers were led by Niu Gao, The blood gushing from the neck pile turned the surroundings into a blood mist. Some cavalry soldiers were not so much tied up by spears and guns. They screamed and dragged Zhongsheng off his horse\'s back. Then they were surrounded by Manichean soldiers with knives and axes, and their flesh and blood splashed.

This is the fighting field and Shura field!

Although Niu Gao gives people the feeling of having few tendons, he is not lost to anyone in the battle array, and he is not lost to those famous generals in some basic skills. For example, he has accurate information about Manichaeism camp, so he can accurately find the main camp of Manichaeism in the dark. Here, there are only dozens of elite riders of Manichaeism, At the same time, it also focuses on two-thirds of the pawns.

In fact, Li Luoyang decided on this kind of tough battle strategy. To catch the thief first and catch the king first. If the Manichaeism started the 3000 cannon fodder, it would be exhausting to kill the cannon fodder alone. Instead, it\'s better to take the initiative and directly kill the elite of the Manichaeism. As long as the country is determined in the first war, the remaining cannon fodder will be broken without attack, Li Luoyang doesn\'t believe how strong the fighting will of a group of hungry people can be.


Li Luoyang, who was at the tail of the cavalry, eventually entered the camp with the impact of the cavalry. At this time, he felt that when he was in the battle, especially when the number of people was at a disadvantage. Except for his own people in front, he was surrounded by the enemy at the left, right and back. There were soldiers in iron armor and leather armor. It seemed that he was a cavalry who didn\'t have time to get on the horse, There are cannon fodder in cloth clothes with frightened eyes but ferocious expression.

"If you come, you will be at ease."

Li Luoyang took a long breath, then turned over and dismounted. At the same time, he took off the two nail hammers hanging on the winning hook.

The heavy nail hammer was wielded by Li Luoyang, which made a dull roar with the air. Although the hammer in his left hand failed, the iron rod knocked heavily on a stabbing spear. Only a crisp sound was heard, and the spear broke. The spear with a red tassel couldn\'t bear to fly into the air.

At the same time, the nail hammer in Li Luoyang\'s right hand threw a small arc, and then the sharp hammer hit an armored Walker\'s chest. Unfortunately, the walker didn\'t deliver the steel knife in his hand to Li Luoyang. When he was hammered down by Li Luoyang, his body was suddenly frozen - blood gushed from his mouth and nose, although he fell on his back, At the moment when he separated from the nail hammer, Li Luoyang even saw a stream of blood erupting from the place where he separated.

"Tut Tut, you can really smash through it directly!"

Li Luoyang sighed in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to stop his movements. The two nail hammers were waved in turn. Under the flash of chaos, there were two circular killing arrays, whether long guns, short knives, heads, hands and limbs. Whenever he came into contact with these two discs, it was the end of fragmentation!

At this time, Li Luoyang finally understood why Niu Gao asked him to take these hammers. The lethality was so terrible that it was almost like a meat grinder.

In fact, not only did Li Luoyang kill happily, but also Niu Gao and Mo Jiao, who tore up the camp as the spearhead, were in the same situation.

Mo Jiao didn\'t use her standard long knife or personal sword this time. As a woman, she chose a heavy long gun made of all-round fine steel. Although Mo Jiao looks delicate, the nine foot long gun dances flowers in her white hands. Ordinary soldiers will die if they encounter it, Fight with some niugao who danced his mace into flowers!

The Manichaeism camp just now actually has a simple fence, and there is a simple horse rejection in front of the main camp. In fact, the loud noise heard by Li Luoyang was not smashed by Niu Gao with a mace. After all, horse rejection can\'t liberate the passage, but will make things that affect the passage of war horses deeper.

At that time, the situation was very urgent, and the rear teams had rushed up. If the horse rejection was not solved in time, it could only rely on the flesh and blood of the war horses to collide. Generally, the cavalry did the same when they rushed to the camp, which was completely a channel piled up by the lives of people and war horses.

In this case, a leader of the force value explosion table is very important.

Although the spear is not Mo Jiao\'s guard weapon and can only be used temporarily, she still has some basic tricks. Seeing that the horse was in the way, Mo Jiao didn\'t have to wait for Niu Gao to say hello. She sent out the long gun, and the head of the gun went under the horse. Then her arms competed with Dantian. In the eyes of those manichaeiss who couldn\'t believe it, Mo Jiao picked up the horse weighing hundreds of kilograms as a woman.

In fact, it is impossible to lift the whole horse weighing hundreds of kilograms. Even Zhou Dong can\'t do it when sitting on the horse. After all, even people can exert such power, but when they are on the horse, the human body can\'t borrow from the ground, so they can only rely on the power of the horse.

However, ordinary war horses simply can\'t provide thousands of kilograms of power to the people on their backs, let alone bear the instantaneous impact when they pick up hundreds of kilograms to resist the horse, so Mo Jiao can only pick up the resisting horse at the same time, and then use her skillful force to make the resisting horse turn 90 degrees with one foot as the center, so that the resisting horse originally blocking niugao cavalry becomes placed along the line, It\'s giving way to the channel.

The loud noise Li Luoyang heard at the beginning was the noise when he hit the ground when he fell after resisting the horse\'s turn.

If Mo Jiao hadn\'t done this, Niu Gao would have directly used his war horse to hit and resist the horse. As long as he hit it, Niu Gao might be fine, but the war horse he sat down must suffer and be abandoned.