Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 525

Li Luoyang prepared a set of simple armor for himself. He got it from Niu Gao. It\'s not good, but at least it can protect important parts of the body. Martial artists like Li Luoyang may not be afraid of ordinary soldiers, but who can tell the things above the battle line?

When trapped in the boundless battle, even the most skillful martial artist can\'t guarantee that he can see all directions and listen to all directions all the time. Who can guarantee that he will never miss those sneak attacks that may appear at any time, even the arrows flying from afar?

I\'m afraid even Zhou Dong can\'t guarantee this. At least Zhou Dong was dressed in armor when he went to the battlefield, and he didn\'t use the thin blade of sword at all. Instead, he chose to use the double pointed long gun with goose egg thickness. The heavy and non sharp blade is the most useful in random war, especially in the face of soldiers wearing armor, the sharpest blade will soon be scrapped, After a little passivation, these weapons cannot penetrate the armor and cause fatal damage to the enemy.

On the contrary, it is a non front weapon. As long as the weight is enough, the impact damage can directly lead to serious injury or even death of the enemy, especially in the hands of people with great strength or long Qi pulse. It is basically one move at a time. It\'s not easy to kill people.

Because of this reason, Niu Gao told Li Luoyang not to use the steel knife he carried with him, but to take out two nail hammers.

"Isn\'t that ugly?"

Looking at the nail hammer placed in front of me, the thick and thin grip of the thumb and the hammer with two sharp ends the size of papaya, the shape has been very sad, not to mention that the iron grip and hammer head have been rusted, and there are black marks on them. I don\'t know whether it is the blood stain of air drying and discoloration. It really doesn\'t sell at all.

"This pair of nail hammers can\'t be moved by ordinary people. Although it\'s not as heavy as my old cow\'s mace, one also has 18 Jin, which is easy to use!"

"Er ~"

Li Luoyang feels that he can\'t communicate with Niu Gao. Is it easy to use a heavy weapon? Isn\'t the big stone on the roadside the best?

Seeing that Li Luoyang was still hesitating, Mo Jiao, who was well dressed, turned around and said to him, "take it. Niu Gao\'s words are right. In the battle array, this nail hammer can break through the armor at once. Its lethality is very strong. You can use it right."

"All right."

Since Mo Jiao said so, Li Luoyang didn\'t want to appear too pretentious, but when someone brought the war horse for a while, Li Luoyang was stunned.

Nima, I told them for a long time, but I forgot one of the most important things - I can\'t ride a horse!

Of course, Li Luoyang can ride a horse. It\'s not difficult to ride a horse. As long as you don\'t touch it from behind the horse\'s ass, you can ride a horse if you can grasp the saddle and step on the stirrup. The problem is that riding a horse and riding a charge are two different things. Without long-term training, even if you have to be knocked down as soon as you go, how can you fight with people?


"Isn\'t it?"

Niu Gao was surprised, while Mo Jiao stared at Li Luoyang suspiciously, as if to judge whether Li Luoyang was lying again and unwilling to contribute.

"It\'s not a shirk, but I can only ride it. As long as it runs, I won\'t do anything else except holding the horse\'s neck with both hands. How do you let me fight?"

"You haven\'t trained?"

"Elder sister, I\'m different from you. I\'m just a common people. You let me do cavalry training at ordinary times? Even if I have this ability, the imperial court won\'t agree!"

"That\'s true. What should I do?"

As soon as Mo Jiao heard Li Luoyang\'s reason, she immediately recognized it. The fact is the same. The cavalry training is the same as the tank and armored vehicle arms of later generations. If anyone buys a tank or armored vehicle, he will engage in actual combat training in his yard. Can the country agree?

"Or I\'ll follow you. You charge in front and I\'ll follow you. Try not to fall behind. In case I stop to fight, I\'ll do it again."

Li Luoyang also knows that Mo Jiao will not let him go. She always wants him to attack with the team, so she can only think of this compromise. Cavalry can\'t charge all the time. If it\'s on the Great Plains, it may still be possible. Here, at the top of the sky, it\'s to rush up the slope and kill into the other party\'s elite square array, and then we fight separately.

At that time, there was no need to sprint on horseback, let alone cut and kill on horseback. At that time, Li Luoyang thought he could dismount and fight. Wouldn\'t it be good to get on his horse when he needed to transfer his position?

Mo Jiao and Niu Gao approved Li Luoyang\'s statement. After all, it is unrealistic for Li Luoyang to train the skills on horseback at this time. According to Li Luoyang\'s scheduled attack time, there is only less than one hour left. We have to organize everyone to eat.

An hour later, niugao\'s 300 cavalry had been assembled. In order not to prepare the Manichaeism, these cavalry came with their horses in the dark. They just waited for niugao\'s order and everyone set out.

"Let\'s go."

People of Niu Gao\'s character naturally don\'t say those impassioned pre war mobilization. After counting the number of people, they turn their horses and walk first. Although this scene seems a little dull, as a first soldier in a general\'s life, it can stimulate the blood of the soldiers to the greatest extent. What are you afraid of with such a general? Even if you die unfortunately, you must not be lonely on the yellow spring road.

"Be careful yourself."

Mo Jiao set out with Niu Gao. Before leaving, she looked at Li Luoyang deeply, and there was a trace of apology in her eyes.

For Mo Jiao\'s apology, Li Luoyang felt that he had a clear conscience. Originally, he was good enough to be his rich man in Luoyang City. His life was boundless. Mo Jiao dragged him into the mire. I\'m sorry, that\'s right.

"I see. Let\'s go."

Li Luoyang fell at the end of the team. The cavalry team gradually ran towards the Manichaeism camp, and the torches were lit one by one. Unfortunately, Li Luoyang didn\'t have that ability. He needed to hold the reins tightly with both hands and clamp the saddle with both legs to ensure that he wouldn\'t be knocked off the horse\'s back at this speed.

"It\'s very difficult to ride a horse!"

Li Luoyang felt that his whole body was about to fall apart before he rushed out of 100 meters. Even he, a successful martial artist, felt so. You can imagine what it would be like to be an ordinary person at this time?