Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 524

Niu Gao\'s worry was the food for relief, and Li Luoyang\'s way to solve this worry was very simple - let the servants surround the food. As the outermost layer of the formation, there are servicemen inside. Inside, there are Niu Gao\'s confidants. Only a dozen people are enough. At most, together with several people brought out by Mo Jiao, it\'s good to ensure that this defense will not be broken by refugees in a short time.

If you can\'t stand it, you can set fire, set fire to the car array or burn food. In short, you should let the refugees despair, and then add psychological warfare.

Of course, people in this era can\'t understand what psychological warfare is. Li Luoyang won\'t explain it to them in detail, but just make arrangements for everyone to implement it.

Most of the night passed in this arrangement. The people sent by Niu Gao also brought Mo Fu and others. Seeing the battle here, Mo Fu was very headache at the beginning, but when he knew Li Luoyang\'s plan, he couldn\'t help clapping his hands.

Since everyone recognized Li Luoyang\'s tactics, Niu Gao and others acted separately before dawn. After Mo Fu and others arrived, they were assigned their own tasks immediately. The only problem is mo Jiao.

Li Luoyang played a clever trick here. He didn\'t arrange Mo Jiao\'s specific work. In other words, Mo Jiao can either do nothing or choose to fight with Niu Gao. Of course, it\'s OK to stay here. However, Mo Fu strongly opposes the latter two schemes. He believes that Mo Jiao should evacuate here first. After all, it is too dangerous. It is a military array, not a place where officials of six doors should stay.

For Mo Fu\'s arrangement, comrade Mo Jiao, who is not inferior to women, does not agree. The officials of the imperial court should have the consciousness of being loyal to the country. Since they come to the battlefield, they can\'t consider their own safety. If the national military intelligence is more important.

Although Mo Jiao can\'t directly command the cavalry under Niu Gao, Mo Jiao thinks her force value is high. She rushes with Niu Gao. If she meets a hard stubble, Mo Jiao can stand up. No, she can stand up and entangle the other party, so that the cavalry can rush to kill those ordinary arms wantonly, achieve the effect of one hit and one defeat, and lock the victory.

"Li Luoyang, do you think what I said is reasonable?"

"Well, hey, hey."

"What does Hei hei mean?" Mo Jiao frowned. She was very dissatisfied with Li Luoyang\'s attitude.

"Hey, hey. I have no problem."

"That\'s settled. I, Li Luoyang, Mo Shou and others rushed to kill with Niu Gao. Mo Fu, you\'ll take command here. I\'ll tell you first. Although these grains are very important, they can\'t be lost. If necessary, they\'d rather burn them than fall into the hands of Manichaeism."

"But miss, it\'s too dangerous to rush. If the other party has more stubble, it may"

"My life may be in danger, don\'t I know? But our Mo family has six hereditary doors, Mo Fu. In this case, if I have to consider my own safety, how do you want me to face the ancestors of the Mo family in the future? Our Mo family is about to decline in my generation. There are no men to inherit the family. What I want is the recognition of the imperial court and want to recruit redundant people To inherit the Mo family, you must show the achievements recognized by the imperial court. Do you understand what I say? "

Mo fuming didn\'t understand that Li Luoyang didn\'t know, but Mo Jiao\'s words made Li Luoyang have a new understanding of Mo Jiao, the Mo family and even the "aristocrats" of this era. When did the Chinese nation lose this sense of responsibility?

Li Luoyang, who doesn\'t have a deep study of history, can\'t be sure, but he can be sure that in the next few hundred years, the Chinese nation\'s sense of responsibility for the family, nation and country is indeed constantly losing, so that in the darkest few hundred years, the whole nation has become a slave to others, even in the future, When we have entered the era of civilization, there are so-called cultural people discussing whether people such as Yue Fei can be called heroes?

Among the arguments of those people, Yue Fei\'s fight is not an outsider, but an insider, so it can\'t be said to be a hero. Is it a hero if his family fights badly? Li Luoyang really doesn\'t understand this. If Jin people are insiders, does it mean to defeat the braids of the Ming Dynasty who came to the Central Plains? It\'s unnecessary to cooperate with any revolution against the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. It\'s no problem for braids to continue to be emperor. They are all their own people anyway!

Li Luoyang thinks that in this era, noble children like Mo Jiao are not rare. A family that can last for hundreds of years is impossible if it only produces dandies. It would have been annexed by other forces. In front of interests, although people strictly abide by the rules of the jungle, they maintain their integrity.

Therefore, Li Luoyang thinks that this is the best era of the Chinese nation. People living in this era are actually happy, because everyone has his own faith and can fight for his own faith. But in that era of developed material civilization, Li Luoyang could not see any faith, or people\'s beliefs were very unified, that was money.

When Mo Jiao carried the family out, no matter how unwilling Mo Fu was to accept it, what else could he do in this case?

"The end will be ready."

Although Niu Gao\'s IQ is somewhat different from the average level, he does have a set of skills in running the army, otherwise he will not become a famous blessing general in history. To explain the blessing general from quantum theory, we can use a very philosophical sentence, that is, "it seems accidental, but it is inevitable." if a general is always loose, Everything is perfunctory. How can you become a blessing general?

Find Mo Jiao to report this. Niu Gao means to ask when you can act, but Mo Jiao can\'t answer this question. She can only turn her head and look at Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang looked at the weather. It should not rain from today to tomorrow. Niugao forgot a very important thing from beginning to end. He threatened the manichaeiss with burning food, but forgot that if it rained and lit a fire, would the manichaeiss still worry about the threat of niugao?

Li Luoyang thought of what Niu Gao couldn\'t think of, so he felt that he should seize the time to take action.

"Just after midnight, let\'s prepare ourselves."