Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 518

"It\'s a war horse!"

As a member of the hereditary six door family, if Mo Jiao can\'t even tell the difference between the war horse and the civilian used nag, it\'s really not up to standard.

Along the direction of the hoof sound, people with good eyes can already see a horse coming. The people on the horse\'s back are clearly the dress of the imperial court officers and soldiers, but they are obscured by the shadow of leaves and can\'t see their appearance clearly.

"Someone stop!"

Mo Jiao doesn\'t have to speak. Mo Fu has rushed up. His voice is loud and full of spirit. I believe that as long as the other party is not deaf, he will be able to hear.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I\'m an officer and soldier!"

The cavalry didn\'t slow down. He just yelled. At the same time, he could see his action of dragging the reins. I think he was afraid that the horse would hit Mofu.

However, who is mo Fu? If he was hit, he would really lose the face of the Mo family. When the two sides were about to pass by, Mo Fu flashed. He was originally on the left side of the horse\'s head. He suddenly appeared on the right side of the horse\'s head, and the horse\'s reins came into his hands.

"Stop it!"

With Mo Fu\'s roar, the war horses hissed, and a burst of smoke and dust dispersed on the ground, mixed with the curse of the cavalry: "don\'t you want to die, old man? I\'m going to send an emergency military information. You\'re rebelling, copying your family and killing your family, copying your family and killing your family!"

"Shut up!"

Mo Jiao didn\'t have such good patience. She rushed over with an arrow step, relaxed her arm and clasped one foot of the cavalry. She was stunned to pull it off the horse\'s back.

"You, cough, cough..."

The cavalry was knocked unconscious, but he choked when he wanted to speak. He couldn\'t help coughing violently.

At this time, Li Luoyang walked calmly, and others surrounded him. As soon as those King GUI\'s warriors appeared, they didn\'t have to show their identity.

"You, you are all from the imperial court?"

The embarrassed cavalry glanced at the crowd with mixed surprise and suspicion on his face.

"You should know the waist token of the six doors?" Mo Jiao lightly showed her waist token. In fact, when she saw the waist token, the cavalry basically believed it. With several warriors pestling there, what doubt is that there is something wrong with his brain.

"You came out of Taiyuan? If so, it would be great. Hurry to Taiyuan to ask for help. We, we were attacked!"

"Who are you? Who is the one who attacked you?"

Mo Jiao glanced anxiously at Li Luoyang. In fact, the answers were almost clear. She just wanted to confirm it.

"We are in charge of delivering relief food, and it is..."

"Say it." Mo Jiao glared fiercely. She was really worried.

"I don\'t know, but the captain said that those people were Manichaeism."

Hearing this answer, Li Luoyang couldn\'t help sighing. What he was most worried about happened. But it\'s good. At least we don\'t directly bump into others\' encirclement. We still have a little time to prepare.

"This is the only person you have. If you can\'t, you\'d better go to Taiyuan and call for reinforcements. There are a lot of manichaeists."

"Call for reinforcements? Do you know how long it will take from Taiyuan to here? Do you know the current situation of Taiyuan? Do you want me to tell you how many troops can be sent in Taiyuan?" Mo Jiao\'s face is a little ugly, isn\'t it? The most worried thing has happened after all, and it\'s unclear how long the grain team over there can last.

"I... alas, I know that far can\'t quench near thirst, but now the manichaeiss just surround the grain team and don\'t make a strong attack."


Li Luoyang moved in his heart, suddenly flashed in front of the cavalry and asked, "since they can surround you, it shows that there are a lot of people, why didn\'t they make a strong attack?"

"We have a fleet of cars!"

"Nonsense! The convoy can withstand farts!" Li Luoyang refuted the cavalry almost without considering. The grain transportation team is different from a simple army. If it is a simple army, it may last for a while, but most of the grain transportation team are conscripts, even prisoners in custody. These people have no morale at all, What\'s more, it has little combat effectiveness. Once a battle occurs, I\'m afraid it will flee at the first time, which will not only destroy morale, but also disrupt the formation.

"What\'s going on?"

When Li Luoyang roared, Mo Jiao also came back and stared at the cavalry and shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, that\'s right. Our school captain told the other party that if they wanted to make a strong attack, he would order to set fire to food at the first time!"

"Hiss ~"

Mo Fu and others took a breath when they heard this. Li Luoyang narrowed his eyes slightly and showed a trace of joy on his face.

"How brave! What\'s your captain\'s name?" Mo Jiao was the imperial court\'s commander after all. When she heard the knight\'s words, she was furious: "the food provided by the imperial court said it would be burned. Who gave him the courage? Aren\'t you afraid of being destroyed by the imperial court?"

Isn\'t it? According to the laws and regulations of the imperial court, even if there is a problem in the local granary, the officials responsible for managing the granary have to cut off their heads, let alone allocate food for relief in the disaster area. The imperial court allowed the loss of this kind of relief grain when it was transported on the road, but it was crazy to order the burning. You know, in a sense, the relief grain is a stabilizer. As long as the disaster area knows that the relief grain is on the way, those who are going hungry will always have a glimmer of hope and hope.

However, if the news of the burning of relief food reaches the disaster area, the result must be disastrous. If not, it will directly cause a turmoil.

"I, our captain\'s surname is Niu, and his single name is Gao."

"Niu Gao?" Mo Jiao frowned. She didn\'t remember the name at all, but it\'s not surprising. The captains in the Wuzhou army don\'t know how many, and they are almost the smallest official titles in the army. No matter how good Mo Jiao\'s memory is, it\'s impossible to remember all the names.

Besides, there is basically a little credit. As long as there is a seat, you can be promoted to a school captain. There are no 50 or 30 school captains promoted every year. Some promotions are not even recorded at the six doors. It is normal that Mo Jiao hasn\'t heard of this name.

"Niu Gao!"

I\'m afraid only Li Luoyang is sensitive to this name.

"Do you know?"

"Well, no, I just think the name is strange." facing Mo Jiao\'s eyes, Li Luoyang quickly denied it.

"I\'m going to arrest him and ask him for guilt! I dare to burn relief food!"

"Calm down, don\'t people burn it? Besides, since the grain team has been surrounded by Manichaeism, he doesn\'t say so. Maybe the grain team has been beaten down long ago. Do you think it\'s better to burn the grain or give it to Manichaeism?"

Li Luoyang dragged Mo Jiao aside and asked in a low voice.

"This... Of course it\'s good to burn it."

Although Mo Jiao didn\'t want to admit it, she finally let go.

"That\'s right. I think the school captain is also a man with brains."

"Are you saying I have no brain?"