Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 517

Li Luoyang\'s thinking is undoubtedly very realistic.

According to Mo Jiao, the imperial court considered the safety of the grain transportation team and arranged corresponding soldiers and horses as guards. If the soldiers and horses that have been guarding have been defeated by Manichaeism, it is of little significance to add more than 20 people here, and there is little possibility of reversing the situation.

However, Mo Jiao thought that this was the performance of Li Luoyang\'s fear of death. As an official of the imperial court, he should stand up when needed, rather than retreat. If everyone chooses to retreat like Li Luoyang in the face of life and death, the country will be ruined.

"What you said is right, but you forgot a very important point. You are an official of the imperial court, but I am not. In addition, Manichaeism belongs to the contradiction among the people. In this case, I think I can choose to avoid it."

Mo Jiao certainly couldn\'t understand what the contradictions among the people were, but she understood Li Luoyang\'s meaning and said fiercely: "You can hear me clearly, little devil. Here has the final say, you have no choice! Or you can walk with us honestly, or I will kill you now, and then wait for me to return to Luoyang, and then send all your relatives and friends to prison."

Don\'t question Mo Jiao\'s words. Li Luoyang believes that this woman has this ability.

So Li Luoyang was lost in thought.

At present, the signs are very obvious. Manichaeism is definitely thinking about this batch of food, and even people have made arrangements. Lu Laishun\'s group is just a small layout. Even if Li Luoyang finds and kills them, it will have little impact on the whole situation.

Although half of the reason for going to Taiyuan this time was Wu Xinyi\'s plea, Li Luoyang felt that he had fulfilled his commitment. After the combination of ups and downs in Taiyuan, the crisis in Taiyuan and the surrounding areas had basically been lifted, the displaced people were shunted, and the food in the city could support at least half a month. Even if there was a problem with this batch of relief food, Manichaeism It has been exposed that the imperial court will certainly arrange people and horses to encircle and suppress. At that time, the second batch of relief food will arrive in Taiyuan safely, and it will not take more than half a month.

So it seems that there is no need to fight with Manichaeism with your own life.

However, Li Luoyang missed Mo Jiao\'s attitude. He didn\'t think that Mo Jiao was a dead brain. It\'s said that he came out of an official family like the Mo family. Shouldn\'t he be a dandy?

Sure enough, there are a hundred kinds of people. You can\'t see through some things until they happen.

"Well, have you considered it?"

"You won."

It is true that Li Luoyang can not consider Mo Jiao\'s threat, but he can\'t guarantee that he can escape from Mo Jiao\'s eyes. If he annoys this woman, well, it must be Li Luoyang, unless -- kill Mo Jiao now!

The question is, can Mo Jiao really kill?

If no one knows that she came out, there is still such a possibility, but now it\'s not possible. Mo Shou and others know that Mo Jiao came out with Li Luoyang. Everything has something to do with Li Luoyang. Even if you push the Manichaeism, Mo Jiao is dead. Why should Li Luoyang go back with good hands and feet? If you say that you have excellent martial arts, you can get away, it\'s also necessary Someone believes it.

"Why are you so fierce? Are you going to kill people?"

Li Luoyang doesn\'t know whether Mo Jiao guessed or didn\'t control her expression well, but he has given up the idea of killing people. "Nothing, I\'m just complaining about the damn Manichaeism. I really don\'t do good. How many people have died for no reason."

"Oh, are you thinking that those people who just died in your hands are worthless? That\'s right. Originally, they were honest farmers who gave their lives because they believed in Manichaeism. Do you think you need to live in peace?"

"Forget it, it\'s boring to say this. Go back and see if you can meet the grain team tomorrow."

"You finally want to understand?" Mo Jiao glanced at Li Luoyang faintly without saying much. She lit the torch in her hand and walked along the stream to the camp.

Li Luoyang shook his head and lit a torch to keep up, but he was silently calculating what he should do if he really met Manichaeism tomorrow.

"Am I thinking too much? Manichaeism may not be able to work as a grain team? Besides, it\'s not a military order for me to destroy Manichaeism. I really can\'t beat it when the time comes. I should have time to run again."

Returning to the camp, it was not long before dawn. Li Luoyang did not intend to sleep. He simply sat cross legged, meditated and regulated his breath to recover some physical strength. At the same time, he also took the time to practice. Even if she hugged Buddha\'s feet temporarily, it was better than not. Similarly, Mo Jiao didn\'t sleep. After eating some things, she talked with Mo Shou and others there, although Li Luoyang could concentrate Yes, but now he was not in the mood to listen, just thinking about his own.

When people fall into thinking, they will feel that time passes very fast. Li Luoyang feels like a blink of an eye, and the East turns white.

"Eat, eat, everyone is ready to go."

"What are you talking about on the road? It\'s not a broken meal. It\'s really ugly!"

"Isn\'t it? Get out of the way. I\'ll make a bowl of porridge for the eldest lady."


The camp became lively. Li Luoyang couldn\'t calm down at the moment. He continued to breathe and hurried to wash. He was really worried that he was slow and couldn\'t even eat a full meal. God knows when he can take the next meal.

Fortunately, the emperor was not short of hungry soldiers. He carried a lot of food out of the city this time. Li Luoyang didn\'t worry about it. Everyone was full before he left the camp. Mo Jiao kept looking through the drawings to determine the route on the way. However, he never saw the trace of the grain team. What\'s more strange is that he didn\'t see anyone else along the way, Whether they are refugees or manichaeiss, there are not even travelers on the road.

This situation is really a little strange. Not everyone in the team knew about Manichaeism, but everyone was experienced. Their faces gradually became ugly. They should have guessed that the situation was a little bad.

"Listen, hoofs!"

At noon, no lunch was prepared. More than 20 people found a shady place to rest and eat dry food. Each of them had no spirit to talk. When Li Luoyang was ready to take a nap, Mo Shou suddenly whispered.

"Hoofs? Which way?"

Mo Jiao suddenly stood up and asked.

"Northeast, miss, look!"