Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 519

Li Luoyang felt that there was really nothing to discuss about who had no brains and who had brains. It was already a very obvious thing. Everyone who knew it knew it, so he ignored Mo Jiao, but continued to ask the cavalry, how huge the lineup of Manichaeism surrounded the grain transport team?

"About 3000 people? A lot."

The cavalry\'s answer made Li Luoyang feel very headache. Three thousand people, ah, this number has exceeded the original estimate when Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang discussed this matter. Li Luoyang just didn\'t understand how Manichaeism transferred three thousand people from thousands of miles away. Such a large team was transferred within the territory of the Wu and Zhou dynasties, Are all local governments blind?

"You are slandering the court."

Mo Jiao was very angry when she heard what Li Luoyang said. Although there is some corruption in local yamen, generally speaking, the operation is still orderly. At least it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the mobilization of thousands of people. Those local officials still know the priorities. Even if corruption is exposed, they can protect their lives by various means, but if it involves the stability of the imperial court, Once something goes wrong, no one will help. Not only is he a dead end, but also his family will be harmed.

"It sounds like the officials of the imperial court are very conscientious, but in fact?" Li Luoyang shrugged his shoulders. "Well, let\'s not talk nonsense. Brother, you give us the specific position of the grain team. We\'ll go and see it first, and then decide what to do."

"Here you are? Are you going to die?"

The cavalry may have slowed down now. He has no doubt about the identity of Mo Jiao and others, but he doubts the ability of Mo Jiao and others. After all, it is such a few people to face the 3000 Manichaean army? Are you kidding? If you want to die, don\'t drag me!

"We are just the first team, and the big troops are still behind."

Seeing that Mo Jiao was about to get angry, Li Luoyang quickly opened it with his eyes, patted the cavalry on the shoulder and talked to him kindly.

I have to say that Li Luoyang\'s ability in communication is really not good, but he let the cavalry man dig his heart and lungs with the Kung Fu of a cup of tea, so he was almost a brother with him.

"It\'s clear that the distance is not very far. It\'s about a hundred miles. It\'s a mountain depression. It\'s also because of the terrain. Niugao can use the car array to block out the Manichaeism, so as to ensure that he has enough time to burn grain and grass."

"He really wants to burn?" Mo Jiao frowned and said to herself.

"Isn\'t it? For me"

"What\'s the matter with you? You burn it for you?"

"Well, I\'ll give the food to Manichaeism." Li Luoyang shook his head and joked. He\'s not the kind of person who always commits suicide. First of all, he must survive, and then he can work hard in the direction he wants to go. If a person dies, everything he says is in vain.

"Well, what do you say we do now? For a team of 3000 people, I think what you said earlier is right. We are too idealistic."

"It\'s not too late to know. Well, 3000 people sounds terrible, but I think there must be a problem from your trust in the local Yamen."

"What\'s the problem?" Mo Jiao asked with a frown.

"That\'s what you said. If a team of 3000 people goes on such an expedition from east to west, it is impossible for local Yamen to turn a blind eye. In other words, there is only another possibility."

"Oh? What\'s possible?"

Perhaps because of her impatience, Mo Jiao\'s mind is like paste at the moment. She completely forgot that she should be the backbone. At the same time, she is chatting with Li Luoyang in private. Otherwise, if others see it, they may doubt Li Luoyang\'s identity - not the relationship between Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao, Instead, he doubted whether Li Luoyang was a big man who paid a private visit in micro clothes. Otherwise, how could Mo Jiao obey him.

But it\'s not right to say that Li Luoyang is a big man, because soon Mo Jiao came out and announced that we should go to the place where the grain team is located to investigate the situation. Of course, we should also arrange three people to return to Taiyuan city to report the news. At the same time, please ask Wang GUI to send people. After all, the situation in Taiyuan city is stable and the number of refugees outside the city is gradually decreasing, There should be some looseness in the hands.

The cavalry soldier surnamed Zhang mingergou was originally unwilling to turn around and go back. The reason of others is also very good. The school captain Niu Gao asked him to go to Taiyuan for help. Now he has only gone half way. In theory, the task has not been completed. In terms of discipline, if the task has not been completed, he will be killed.

This kind of thing is even difficult for Mo Jiao to take out her waist token. After all, people are the army. They don\'t stop you from six doors, and six doors can\'t manage military affairs. In the final analysis, whether Zhang Ergou wants to buy Mo Jiao\'s account depends entirely on his mood.

Li Luoyang came forward and persuaded Zhang Ergou. Of course, he also gave Zhang Ergou some insignificant promises. I\'m afraid Li Luoyang can\'t fulfill some of them. For example, no matter how the result of this battle is, it won\'t affect Zhang Ergou\'s life and safety.

In fact, how can it not have an impact? If Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao hang up, will Manichaeism people let Zhang Ergou go home because of Li Luoyang\'s words? Obviously, that\'s impossible. Zhang Ergou himself is also confused by Li Luoyang. It can be seen that sometimes communication ability is really important. Well, it seems right to say that it\'s the ability to deceive. Businessmen, what do they rely on without flickering?

In short, with the efforts of Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao, the team finally began to move forward towards the position of the grain team. A small number of people also has the advantage of a small number of people. It\'s convenient to move. With an accurate purpose, some unnecessary materials are directly thrown away at the suggestion of Li Luoyang. It\'s really necessary to pack light. It\'s less than a hundred miles away, and it\'s still a road. It\'s not far for Li Luoyang and others, as long as it doesn\'t delay time, Half a day is enough.

"You can see through the depression in front. You\'d better be careful. Manichaeists set up checkpoints outside."

"Oh, I still know how to set up sentry posts. It seems that we should be more careful about this. Lord Mo, why don\'t you send two experts to touch the sentry posts first?"

Li Luoyang\'s proposal is just a conventional one. In special operations, he has to touch each other\'s sentry posts first, but he has forgotten a very important problem - although he regards himself as a civilian, in fact, when it comes to martial arts, among the 18 people at present, he and Mo Jiao are actually the best. Mo Fu are all external martial arts practitioners, Killing may not be afraid, but there is still an essential gap between the realm and Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao.