Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1152

In Sima Yingming\'s residence and in the pavilion in the backyard, Mrs. Bai\'s face was dignified. It was not long before the sun set. There was still no news about Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts. At this time, she forbear her anger. If she failed to reach a short-lived cooperation with Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian this time, she would naturally vent all her anger on Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian, However, when she was about to leave, Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian came to her in a hurry.

"Madam, good news, we have found Li Luoyang." Sima Yingming told Mrs. Bai the news for the first time. He also wanted to make Mrs. Bai happy. After all, Mrs. Bai lived in her residence for the past three days and never smiled on her face, which made Sima Yingming on pins and needles. All this was because he and Mo Yuntian didn\'t find Li Luoyang.

"Really? What about others?" Mrs. Bai showed a rare smile. She knew that as long as she found the people in Li Luoyang, the short-lived cooperation could be achieved. The news these days could be regarded as a glimmer of hope for her.

"He is still greeting his mother. He will come here to see you later."

Hearing Sima Yingming\'s words, Mrs. Bai\'s face became ugly again. She slowly sat down, picked up her tea cup and whispered, "this Li Luoyang, it seems that he didn\'t pay attention to me at all? He didn\'t come here to greet me the first time when I saw him? It seems that he is arrogant and domineering. Do you think I should teach him a lesson?" When she learned that Li Luoyang didn\'t come to see her for the first time, but wanted to wait here, Mrs. Bai was naturally unhappy. When she was in the palace, except the emperor, others scrambled to greet her. When she came to Li Luoyang, she became a fate to wait, which embarrassed Bai Fu\'s human feelings.

Sima Yingming quickly explained: "Madam, Li Luoyang and his mother have depended on each other since he was a child. The Lin family has been ill fated against the mother and son everywhere. At this time, Li Luoyang returns from the outside and must look for Lin Luoshui at the first time. Everyone in Luoyang knows that Li Luoyang cares most about his mother. There is no one else he can accept. Madam, please forgive him for his filial piety 。”

While Sima Yingming was explaining for Li Luoyang, Mo Yuntian pulled Sima Yingming\'s clothes. Sima Yingming looked at Mo Yuntian suspiciously, but Mo Yuntian smiled and said to Mrs. Bai: "Madam Bai, just now Lord Sima told Li Luoyang that you had been waiting for him for three days. He also told him that you came here for a flash in the pan, but Li Luoyang didn\'t seem to care. He asked us to come back first. He also said that after greeting his mother, he would go to wenjunyazhu to meet his old friends and finally come here to greet you. This practice really didn\'t pay attention to you Inside. "

Hearing Mo Yuntian\'s words, Sima Yingming opened his eyes. He clenched his teeth and whispered, "Mo Yuntian, what are you doing? Instead of talking for the boy, you exaggerate. Are you trying to annoy Mrs. Bai?" Sima Yingming didn\'t expect Mo Yuntian to say these words at this time, which would make Mrs. Bai feel murderous.

Mo Yuntian immediately explained in a low voice: "Prince Sima, are you stupid? Do you want to see Li Luoyang live? As long as he cooperates with Mrs. Bai today, you and me will be in the control of Li Luoyang in the future. Mrs. Bai only cares about a flash in the pan, not Li Luoyang. Whoever controls a flash in the pan will master Mrs. Bai\'s position in the palace. However, you ignore a question Mrs. Bai said before A life and death struggle flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum and rose flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, and the Li Luoyang\'s death, and completely stop the short-lived occurrence of the present. It is good for her. As long as there are roses and roses, she can still wind up in the harem. Without Li Luoyang, it means that there is no way to stop Mrs. Bai\'s rights from a flash in the pan or other perfume. Why not use this opportunity to let Mrs. white kill Li Luo? Yang, as long as she gives an order, can Li Luoyang still live? "

Flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, Sima see light suddenly, "yes, you are right. Mrs. Bai sees Li Luoyang for a flash in the pan. If there is no Li Luoyang in the world, then there will never be a flash in the pan. Madam Bai holds the rose and rose perfume. Our cooperation will continue and be more stable." Sima Yingming immediately smiled, looked up at the angry white lady with a red face, and planned to pour another handful of hot oil:

"Madam Bai, Lord Mo and I are also for your cooperation. We are humbly courting Li Luoyang in order to promote cooperation between you. However, he has to meet his old friends first, and finally come here to negotiate with you. I have warned him many times that this behavior is contempt for the imperial court and disrespect for you, but he seems to disagree."

Mrs. Bai slapped on the table: "presumptuous! I am the head of the imperial palace! I was belittled by a commoner. Does he care so much about my queen\'s identity? Does he think I can\'t do without him? Mrs. Bai didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang was so arrogant and arrogant that she didn\'t pay any attention to her queen.

Looking at the angry Mrs. Bai, Sima Yingming smiled. However, Mrs. Bai took a deep breath and did it again: "I really can\'t kill him before I get a flash in the pan."

Mrs. Bai\'s face was full of helplessness, but Mo Yuntian smiled and said: What flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, "Mrs. white, we know what you are worrying about. You are worried about executing Li Luoyang, and you can not get that short-lived. But think of it, as you said before, because the appearance of a flash in the pan has begun to shake your rights, but without Li Luoyang, there will be no flash in the pan. Flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, Li Luoyang is the only one who creates new perfume. Whenever he dies, no matter when and where, madam, you will not worry that another flash in the sky will appear in your life. You can always maintain the initiative, because he will disappear from the world, and only you and Sima will master the secret of perfume.

Mrs. Bai looked at Mo Yuntian: "Mr. Mo, I have been in the harem for many years and have learned the art of power for a long time. I know you want to use my hand to kill Li Luoyang. Such tricks are everywhere in the harem. Don\'t play tricks in front of me." Mrs. Bai saw Mo Yuntian\'s idea at a glance. From the beginning, Mo Yuntian said about Li Luoyang, Mrs. Bai felt that Mo Yuntian was going to get rid of Li Luoyang with her own right, so Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian whispered in front of her.

Mo Yuntian quickly lowered his head: "madam, I don\'t dare. I\'m just thinking about my wife. As for Li Luoyang\'s death or immortality, there is no obstacle for me. He\'s alive. I\'m just the same as he was. He\'s not here. I continue to cooperate with Lord Sima Yingming. For me, the only loss may be the opportunity to enter the six door headquarters."