Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1151

"Tiger skin captain, where are you going to perform the task?" Mo Fu looked at the tiger skin thoughtfully. The seven people behind the tiger skin were carrying bags and seemed to be ready to travel across the mountains and rivers. However, as the elders of the six doors, Mo Fu and Mo Shou knew that such a task far away from Luoyang was very rare, Therefore, the luggage of the seven people has attracted Mofu\'s attention, which raises a question.

The tiger skin could feel the track of the sweat on his forehead, leaving a cold feeling on his face: "Mo, uncle Mo Fu, I, we were ordered to leave Luoyang City and look for the nearby Manichaeism!" the tiger skin was quick to think and threw the pot to the Manichaeism. Anyway, when the people of the six doors ambushed Li Luoyang outside the city, This identity was used. The people in the city also heard that there were Manichaeism outside the city. Tiger skin knew very well that as long as he carried Mofu\'s inquiry, he could still continue their evacuation plan.

Mo Fu frowned and said slowly, "manichaeists? Those guys have actually appeared in Luoyang City? In recent years, everything in Luoyang City has been well, and few mountain bandits have appeared. I didn\'t expect that Manichaeism would visit this time. Is the news reliable?" Mo Fu never thought that they would leave the six doors in front of the tiger skin and several attendants, And it has been paid for action.

"Well, it is precisely because this news has spread in the city that we have to leave Luoyang City to find Manichaeism nearby and kill them."

Mo Fu looked down for a moment, then slowly said, "I\'ve just come back with Mo Shou. It\'s hard to go in the green forest. We\'re exhausted at this time. We won\'t let us go with you. This mission is very dangerous. You should pay more attention."

Hearing Mo Fu\'s words, tiger skin smiled. He was worried that Mo Fu would propose to perform the task together. At that time, he and his seven attendants would completely lose their plan to leave the six gates. Fortunately, Mo Fu did not intend to leave Luoyang with the team: "Uncle Mo Fu, uncle Mo Shou, you\'ve just come back. You\'ve worked hard during this period. Just now, I saw that Miss Mo Jiao was physically and mentally exhausted. I knew you were exhausted. Leave it to us. You\'ll have a good rest at the six doors. Lord Mo is at King Sima\'s house at this time."

Mo Fu nodded and took Mo Shou around the tiger skin and others to the six gates. The tiger skin was relieved and looked at Xiao Si with lucky eyes. Xiao Si whispered, "don\'t be happy too early. You can rest assured when you leave the gate of Luoyang."

Tiger skin smiled and just wanted to lead the team to the city gate. Mo Fu\'s voice came again: "tiger skin."

"Uncle Mo Fu, do you have anything else?"

Mo Fu turned to look at the tiger skin and said slowly, "tiger skin, we heard about Xiao Hui when we were in the green forest. I didn\'t expect that he would become our wanted criminal. I didn\'t expect that he would be a traitor. I believe there must be something strange about this. Don\'t be sad. We must have come to the bottom of the matter."

"Knowing uncle Mo Fu, I also believe in Xiao Hui\'s innocence. He is my best brother. No matter what choice he makes, I will support him."

Hearing what tiger skin said, Mo Fu showed a surprised expression. He was about to say something. He hesitated and swallowed his words back to his stomach: "it\'s all right. Go and be careful all the way."


Looking at the distant tiger skin and others, Mo Shou said helplessly, "did he slip his tongue just now?"

Mo Fu smiled awkwardly: "yes, how did he know Xiaohui\'s decision? It seems that he knows Xiaohui\'s whereabouts, and their task of leaving Luoyang city is not so simple. Did you notice it just now?"

Mo Shou nodded and said slowly: "Those seven people... Are all Xiaohui\'s former subordinates. One of them\'s luggage is not our six Salmonella\'s package, but his personal belongings. From a point of view, they left Luoyang not for the task of six gates, but probably for their own private affairs. What can make the seven of them deal with private affairs at the same time to leave Luoyang? I think they intend to leave Luoyang like Xiaohui , they have left the six doors completely. "Mo Fu and Mo Shou are old experience. They can see the intention of tiger skin and others at a glance, but they don\'t want to expose it.

Mo Fu sighed helplessly: "I\'m afraid that during the time we left, Lord Mo did something again. As Lord Mo gets older, he looks forward to entering the headquarters more and more. The more anxious he is, the more likely he is to make mistakes. Now Xiao Hui and tiger skin have left and taken away a group of good talents. Now there are not enough people in the six doors. If it goes on like this, I\'m afraid Lord Mo can\'t get there Department, all the people around us are going away. "

"They are young, and they do not have to spend their lives in six doors. Even though we have seen the clues, we have tried to persuade Mo, but he can not hear any persuasion at this time. He has blinded his eyes by wild nature. Since he got the secret of perfume given by Mojiao, my indistinct plan was aimed at Li Luoyang. If Miss Mo Jiao is allowed to know the truth about Lord Mo, I guess Miss Mo will also leave. At that time, there will be only two of us left beside Lord mo. "

"At this point, I\'d like to ask you, if Miss Mo Jiao is going to leave the six doors one day, are you going to leave with Miss Mo or continue to serve Lord Mo?" Mo Fu asked Mo Shou as he walked forward.

Mo Shou sighed and said slowly: "We are all old bones. What\'s the use of staying with Lord Mo? As we get older, Lord Mo is alienating US intentionally or unintentionally during this period. The reason is very simple, because we are old and can\'t fight. In his eyes, the use value is greatly reduced. His task for us is to protect Miss Mo Jiao, who is so relaxed, but Mo Jiao is different, I watched her grow up. She is like our daughter. Do you have the heart to watch Miss Mo Jiao wander after leaving the six doors? If there is such a day, I will follow Miss Mo Jiao, just like a father, and I hope to see her get married. "

Mo Fu put his hand on Mo Shou\'s shoulder: "you and I have had a tacit understanding for so many years. This is also my idea. I just feel sorry for Lord mo. a good game of chess was played by him. Tiger skin and Xiaohui are the best examples. I expect that tiger skin will be the enemy of Lord Mo when we leave this time and see you again next time."

"You mean that the departure of tiger skin is probably related to Li Luoyang?"

"Didn\'t you see the little four beside the tiger skin? It was probably planned by Li Luoyang. Otherwise, why did the little four appear beside the tiger skin who was going to leave the six doors?"

Mo Shou smiled and nodded: "yes, yes."