Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1153

"Mo Yun Tian, you old fox, first you have a secret recipe of perfume and Sima Ying ming to cooperate with Sima Ying, so that Sima Ying can kill the heart of Li Luoyang. The purpose is to let Sima Yingming maintain his cooperation with the court. He can gain endless benefits by regaining his rights. Now, you have put your mind on me and persuaded me to kill Li Luoyang. "Mrs. Bai looked dignified and stared straight at Mo Yuntian.

Mo Yuntian took a deep breath and said slowly: Flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, "I admit that I did all this for myself," Mrs. white. "But I just want to enter the six door headquarters. The reason why I put this plan is that this plan can ensure that the biggest beneficiaries are you and Sima, Ying Ming Wang, Li Luoyang is alive and well, and he can create countless kinds of incense. This time you are coming to Luoyang city for a flash in the pan. Because it has been flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, and it has been a great loss to you. Once you have no Li Luoyang, who else knows the creation of perfume? Only you and Sima Ying Ming Wang, you will not be worried about other perfumes in the future, so that your position will be threatened.

Mrs. Bai raised her mouth slightly and looked at Sima Yingming: "what do you say?"

Sima Yingming immediately said: Flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum. Madam, I think it is right for Mo\'s words. We all want to be led by Li Luoyang. We need to bend over and wait for him to get a flash in the pan. This time we will cooperate with him. Then next time, he can send a flash into the palace. Next time, he will probably send other perfumes into the palace. Sleep without any anxiety? What is the matter? We are looking for Li Luoyang again. This account is very good. We have Li Luoyang. We don\'t know when we will be led by him. Without you, you and me can all be carefree. As long as Mrs. Bai is alone in the fragrance of roses and roses, who else can rob the emperor of you?

Mrs. Bai covered her mouth and smiled: "get up, you two are scared."

Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming slowly stood up from the ground. Looking at Mrs. Bai\'s smile, they knew that the plan might really succeed. As long as Mrs. Bai had a heart to kill, no one in Luoyang made a decision to stop her, even Lin Luoshui.

"Chop and change flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum." you have said it right. I have thought about this. Keeping him is probably a scourge. No one can use it for others. Nor can he be used by others. This time he did not give me a temporary cooperation. Instead, he chose the tribute of Yang family in the southern city of Leng, which means that the gang is a person who keeps on changing. If I flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, I will not have enough time to get in. If he dies... Ha, rose and rose perfume are not as good as a flash in the pan. When they are the only perfume they need, at least, I will not worry about the other flavors of other concubines.

Mrs. Bai can naturally think of these. All these are related to her rights and future in the harem. The uncertainty of Li Luoyang let her know that she will be led by Li Luoyang in the future. Instead of being restrained by others, she might as well take the initiative to kill the only possibility. Naturally, there is no need to worry that something similar to a flash in the pan will threaten her rights and position.

"So, madam, you promised?" Sima Yingming said excitedly. At the beginning, he always worried that Li Luoyang was favored by Mrs. Bai. If Li Luoyang found out his plan with Mo Yuntian, he would be retaliated by Li Luoyang. In the future, he could not raise his head in front of Li Luoyang, but now, he moved Mrs. Bai and made Mrs. Bai aware of the danger of Li Luoyang\'s existence, which made Sima Yingming Naturally feel happy.

The happiest thing is mo Yuntian. As long as Li Luoyang can be successfully solved, the plan will continue according to his previous settings. Sima Yingming will certainly be able to hold the position of the Lord, and Mrs. Bai\'s position in the air will be unshakable. At that time, it will be just around the corner to enter the six doors headquarters.

Mrs. Bai waved her hand and said slowly, "later, you can act according to your circumstances. It\'s a cup. I\'ll bother Lord Mo to do it at that time." Mo Yuntian is the only one who will have martial arts skills. In terms of Mo Yuntian\'s martial arts, it is not a problem to deal with a Li Luoyang. Since there is Mrs. Bai\'s consent, Mo Yuntian will not hesitate. He smiled and whispered, "don\'t worry, madam. As long as you drop the teacup on the ground later, I will kill him at the first time."

Sima Yingming then asked, "madam, why not wait for Li Luoyang to get rid of it directly?" Sima Yingming doesn\'t want to give Li Luoyang any chance. As long as he appears in his backyard, he will kill Li Luoyang directly. He is always worried that with Li Luoyang\'s ability, this matter may have unimaginable changes. Instead of waiting for Mrs. Bai\'s signal, Sima Yingming is more willing to directly kill Li Luoyang locally without giving him any chance to breathe.

Mrs. Bai said slowly, "listen to you or listen to me?"

"Yours, of course."

"It\'s understandable that Li Luoyang is a talented person. If such a person is willing to follow me wholeheartedly, he will be more useful than both of you. The life I want is within reach. As long as I blow the wind in the emperor\'s ear, the Li Luoyang family will fall to the ground. Why should I be so anxious? Since a flash in the pan has come out, the next one will threaten my position Perfume has not yet appeared. In the middle time, I can decide his life and death. "

Mo Yuntian thought with his head down. He didn\'t expect that Mrs. Bai just listened to their suggestions, and Mrs. Bai had more considerations about the plan, which made Mo Yuntian instantly realize the horror of Mrs. Bai, and it seemed that he had been ready to take measures. At this time, Mo Yuntian also raised the same concerns as Sima Yingming. He was worried about Li Luoyang\'s mind and tongue, There seems to be a chance to resolve the crisis.

Sima Yingming whispered, "Lord Mo, what do you think of this?"

"Lord Sima, you don\'t want me to kill Li Luoyang at the first time? Did you hear what madam said just now? It\'s my fault to rush to kill Li Luoyang, but Mrs. Bai obviously has a heart to kill Li Luoyang, but she also has her selfishness. It\'s against her will to die. You can imagine the result."

"Are you going to let Li Luoyang communicate with Mrs. Bai? That boy is glib. Maybe Mrs. Bai won\'t kill him in the end."

Mo Yuntian was about to say something when he saw an attendant with Li Luoyang coming in from the door. Mo Yuntian immediately said to Sima Yingming, "we two act according to the circumstances. Remember, no matter what Li Luoyang said, we must find a way to make him annoy Mrs. Bai."

"No problem, wait and see."