Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1094

In the dark night before dawn, Luoyang City was already sparsely populated. The one eyed dragon shuttled through the alleys. According to the map given by Ye Yu, the one eyed dragon soon came to the people\'s house opposite the street of Sima Yingming\'s residence, knocked on the door according to the secret signal provided by Ye Yu, and soon Xiao Si opened the door with a smile and looked at the one eyed Dragon: "who\'s the visitor?"

The one eyed dragon whispered, "vice captain Ye Yu asked me to come."

Little four sideways let the one eyed Dragon into the cabin and looked around to make sure it was safe before returning to the cabin.

As soon as the one eyed dragon entered the wooden house, he saw Li Luoyang smiling at the wooden table. By the faint candlelight, the one eyed dragon saw Li Luoyang\'s face clearly. Then, it was like being hit by five thunders. He stood still and raised his trembling finger to Li Luoyang: "you, you are..." a face appeared in the sea of one eyed dragon\'s brain, The reason why the one eyed dragon was so impressed by Li Luoyang was that Li Luoyang was holding the ancestral jade pendant of the Yang family. It was Zhang Yue who was suspicious of the jade pendant and ordered him to lead people to ambush outside the Fengyue building. Because the one eyed dragon betrayed Zhang Yue with people under the instigation of Chaijin, Li Luoyang can be regarded as the fuse of this matter, The one eyed dragon is still fresh in my memory.

"Haven\'t seen you for a long time. I really didn\'t expect that we would meet in this way. Last time I met you, you were still Zhang Yue\'s man, and you still planned to ambush me and rob my jade pendant. Today, you are my brother\'s man." Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile. Since Ye Yu\'s guarantee and Li\'s test, Li Luoyang\'s trust in one eyed dragon is naturally enough, In addition, he knew the man of the one eyed dragon, which made Li Luoyang naturally have no aversion to the one eyed dragon.

"Your brother\'s men? You, you are Li Luoyang?" the one eyed dragon recovered from the shock. He realized that the hairy boy who had the Yang family jade pendant was Li Luoyang.

"Sit down first. We are all acquaintances. There\'s no need to be so formal." Li Luoyang said as he poured tea for the one eyed dragon.

The one eyed dragon stared at Li Luoyang and then whispered, "I have a question for you."

"Ask, if I can answer, I will tell you."

"Huarong\'s is whether it has anything to do with you?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly: "why did you ask like this?"

"In your capacity, you can\'t appear in Lingnan city for no reason, and you pretended at that time because you didn\'t want people to know your purpose of appearing in Lingnan City, and the major event in Lingnan city was the Huarong incident. In addition, I really can\'t think of why you appeared in Lingnan city. In addition, Captain Li Guo failed in this operation, and Huarong was killed Saved, I naturally think the identity and strength of the other party are not simple. If so, everything makes sense. "

"Oh? Makes sense?"

The Cyclops said without hesitation: "Based on my understanding of Captain Li Guo, he wouldn\'t give up so easily. After Hua Rong was robbed, Captain Li Guo didn\'t seem to be in a hurry. He seemed to have expected it. Later, most of his focus was on how to deal with the punishment of the imperial court. He didn\'t pursue Hua Rong and others who escaped. Now it seems that everything is clear because he knew to participate in the rescue of Hua Rong Rong\'s team has his brother, so he looks nervous. "

Li Luoyang laughed wildly: "Hahaha, I didn\'t expect you to have a delicate heart for a moment. It seems that you know my brother very well. You have a good mind. You\'re right. I really saved Hua Rong with Lin Chong and others at that time. When I robbed the prison, I met my brother. It\'s precisely because of his existence that I can make my trip to Lingnan so smooth. If I want to die, I\'ll change to another one I\'m a camp team leader. I really don\'t know how things will develop. "

The one eyed dragon swallowed his saliva and whispered nervously, "you, why do you want to help the people of Liangshanpo? Are you related to them? Or are you the people of shuipo Liangshan?" Naturally, the one eyed dragon didn\'t understand why Li Luoyang wanted to help the people of Liangshanpo at all costs. Even if he was an outsider in Lingnan City, he knew the danger. If he was careless, Li Luoyang was not only in danger, but also likely to involve Li Guo and others.

"I\'m not from Shuibo Liangshan. I\'m forced to help them. As for the details, you can ask my brother when you go back. Today I asked Ye Yu to call you. It\'s important for you to help me."

"Important thing? I remember you are a popular man in Luoyang City. Why are you hiding here now? Someone in Luoyang wants your life. Is your so-called important thing related to your life?"

"You\'re a good boy. You have a good mind. You\'ll develop in the future when you stay with my brother. I just hope your Chengfu had better not be used on my brother, or I\'ll let you know what life is better than death." Li Luoyang can see that the one eyed dragon is a wise man. If he can control it well, he can make Li Guo more powerful in the military camp. If he can\'t control it well, he can destroy Li Guo in an instant. This is a double-edged sword. It\'s handy when used well, but it will hurt himself if not used well.

After hearing Li Luoyang\'s warning, the one eyed dragon knocked hard on his chest: "you don\'t have to worry about this. My life was picked up by Captain Li Guo. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand beside captain Li Guo."

"I hope you do what you say."

"Since you are captain Li Guo\'s brother, I will go all out to help you. Come on, what do you want me to do? Kill the man who wants your life?"

"It would be nice if it were so simple. The other party is the person in charge of the six gates in Luoyang City and the prince who regains power. Can you kill them?"

The one eyed dragon stared at Li Luoyang: "well, these people want your life?"

"As for the reason, I don\'t need to explain. What I need you to do is actually very simple. You will go in and out here frequently during this period. This is the hiding place of my apprentice Xiao Si. Can you understand the meaning?"

The one eyed Dragon nodded and whispered, "I know. Don\'t worry. Every time I go in and out, I will clean the tail behind me and determine the secret here. Before coming, Captain Ye Yu told me that this operation belongs to the secret of the military camp and should be carried out according to the secret task of the military camp, so I know the stakes."

"That\'s good. I\'ll write you some original. I need you to buy in Luoyang. Some original even need you to look outside the city, or get them through other ways. Bring them to me after you find them."

"That\'s it? Let me buy things and run errands."

"Well, it seems simple, but you should ensure the concealment here. The people of six doors will not pay attention to you in your identity. At that time, you frequently appeared outside the city, which is bound to attract their attention, so you should ensure that you are silent in your actions."

"Yes! I see." the one eyed dragon answered firmly.

Li Luoyang smiled and handed the note prepared in advance to the one eyed dragon. It was all the names of some raw materials, and even accurately painted the appearance of the raw materials. Some of the flowers described above were really only one eyed dragon looking outside the city. These things could not be sold by merchants. There was no flower shop in this era.

"What are these things? Flowers?"

"Yes, these are raw materials for developing perfume."

"Perfume? What\'s the use of that?"

"Do you have a wife and concubine?"

"Not yet."

"When you have me, I will send you a bottle, you will know what perfume is."

"Women\'s things? Forget it. I\'m not interested in these things. I\'d better buy them for you."

Li Luoyang smiled and nodded: "you can start to act after dawn. I\'m here waiting for your good news."