Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1095

At dawn, the one eyed dragon embarked on his mission. It\'s easy to buy some spices, but the stamens on it will be a lot of trouble.

In the cabin, Xiao Si asked in a low voice, "master, how long does it take that guy to collect it?"

"It is estimated that it will take at least five days."

"At that time, will we have to stay here for at least a month or so?" Xiao Si knew that even if the raw materials were all available, Li Luoyang would need a lot of research time.

"Why? Are you anxious to return to Wenjun Yazhu?" Li Luoyang saw through Xiao Si\'s idea at a glance. The beauty was in Wenjun Yazhu not far away. Xiao Si naturally wanted to stay with yu\'er. The two people who were happy with each other were separated for a period of time. In addition, yu\'er almost died in the assassination of the merchant Federation, and Xiao Si wanted to stay with yu\'er.

Little four touched the back of his head awkwardly: "master, who knows me, I\'m just worried about yu\'er\'s physical condition."

"With Ouyang Wenjun, yu\'er will be fine. With my herbal medicine, yu\'er should almost recover. You\'d better restrain yourself. If others see you, won\'t you know that I\'ve come back? After this matter subsides, how about I choose a day for you to preside over your wedding?"

"I don\'t know if yu\'er is willing to grow old with me," said the little girl with red ears and red head

"Don\'t worry, that girl must be your person. She\'s too anxious to eat hot tofu."

Little four nodded, he asked, "master, you plan to let the newly developed perfume into the palace, and get the right and proper appearance after you get appreciated in the palace. But have you ever wondered who will send perfume to the palace for you? Are you going to let Lin Bomu come in?" Xiao Si knew that the key part of Li Luoyang\'s plan was to send perfume into the palace, which would give him the opportunity to use the queen and other concubines. Finally, instead of the perfume that Sima Yingming and the court cooperate, he can prove his use value. At the moment, there is no link between Lin and Luo Lin\'s family near Li Luoyang, but no one has contact with the court. Sima Yingming and Mo Yun Tian will not be given the newly developed perfume.

Li Luoyang smiled and then said, "after the perfume is developed, you and I will leave Luoyang."

"Get out of here? It\'s not easy for us to come back. There\'s an ambush outside when we leave Luoyang."

"Rest assured, what I call leaving is not us, but I need to send perfume to south of the Five Ridges."


"Yes, of course I won\'t touch the relationship between the Lin family. I don\'t want them to help me at any point. In addition to the Lin family, there are still some contacts between the Yang family in Lingnan city and the imperial court. Although it\'s not as frequent as it used to be, at least they have the opportunity to contact the imperial court."

Xiao Si nodded with a smile. "I understand, master, you are planning to let Yang Yanwen send perfume into the palace." after Li Luoyang\'s narration, Xiao Si also knew that there was a Li Luoyang confidante in south of the Five Ridges, and there was a layer of relationship between Yang and Li Luoyang.

"Yes, the Yang family is the best choice. I believe Yang Yanwen knows what to do."

The master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled. Then they went back to bed to rest. After returning to Luoyang City, Li Luoyang was busy planning until he arranged for the Cyclops to look for raw materials.

At the end of the night, Mo Yuntian quarreled with Sima Yingming in the Sima Yingming residence opposite the wooden house where Li Luoyang and Xiao Si were located.

"Mo Yuntian, what\'s your intention? You already know that Zhou Xiangong came down to Luoyang City. Why didn\'t you tell me about it?" Sima Yingming was blaming Mo Yuntian for getting this important news. Why didn\'t he inform him in time, so that he almost "died" in Ye Yu\'s hands. If you had known about it earlier, Sima Yingming would have made other arrangements, As the Lord of Luoyang City, I can\'t help washing the dust for Zhou Xiangong\'s team members. Where will there be previous misunderstandings.

Mo Yuntian said slowly with a smile and a glass of wine: "I just learned that the entourage I sent to monitor Wenjun Yazhu came back and reported to me that a stranger had entered Wenjun Yazhu. I suspected that it was related to Li Luoyang. I led a team to Wenjun Yazhu. Then I met the girl Ye Yu. After testing, I found that her arrival here had nothing to do with Li Luoyang. I didn\'t tell you about it. Naturally, I didn\'t bother Li Liwan about unimportant things You are the king of the machine. "

"Fart! That\'s Zhou Xiangong\'s man. If you cater well, you may be able to win over with Zhou Xiangong. You don\'t tell me such a good opportunity. Zhou Xiangong\'s people rarely appear in the town. Ye Yu\'s arrival may be an opportunity for us to cooperate with the military camp!"

"Why? Prince Sima\'s attention is now on the barracks? Is it Zhou Xiangong\'s team? Do you think everyone will accept your move? Zhou Xiangong is not someone you can contact with with a few words of flattery. On the contrary, he hates flatterers most. I\'m doing this to protect you. If you contact that girl Ye Yu, you\'ll find that you are a habitual undertaker, It is bound to attract people\'s displeasure. At that time, you will not only fail to win over the relationship, but will let others know who you are. Why? "

"Mo Yuntian! Did you scold me around the corner? I have my way to deal with it. No matter what reason, you should inform me of the major events in Luoyang at the first time so that I can make my own response. You have your own way and I have my own style. Don\'t forget, I also need to use my own way to win the relationship and let you enter the six doors headquarters. What\'s the matter now Are you looking down on my style? "

Hearing Sima Yingming say so, Mo Yuntian\'s smile gradually disappeared and drank alone without answering.

Sima Yingming saw Mo Yuntian\'s silence and said slowly after humming: "You\'d better not forget your identity now. If something happens to me, I\'ll restore my position that I didn\'t have the right before. Mrs. Bai will protect my life, but what about you? I didn\'t enter the headquarters of the six gates. I\'m afraid Lin Luoshui will surround you once the matter of Li Luoyang is exposed? When the east window incident happens, it\'s estimated that you can\'t even protect the position of the person in charge of the six gates in Luoyang!"

Mo Yuntian resisted his anger, frowned and remained silent. He knew that he had no way out now. Either cooperate with Sima Yingming, or Sima Yingming was caught dead. As Sima Yingming said, he had Mrs. Bai\'s protection, but he didn\'t have any backstage. When he faced the anger of the Lin family, he would only lose more than gain.

Sitting at the stone table, Mo Yuntian didn\'t say a word, but the anger in his heart was to endure again and again. Thinking about his future and life, Mo Yuntian had to bear Sima Yingming\'s complaint. When did the person in charge of the six gates of Luoyang suffer such a loss.