Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1093

After successfully returning to Wenjun Yazhu, Ye Yu and Ouyang Wenjun found the one eyed dragon in the backyard for the first time. The one eyed dragon who was practicing martial arts looked at Ye Yu with sweat: "vice captain, you\'ve been there for so long, and I\'m worried about what happened to you?" the one eyed dragon knew that Ye Yu and Ouyang Wenjun had gone to the Lin family, but didn\'t expect to delay so long.

"One eyed dragon, there\'s one thing I need your help." Ye Yu said directly.

Without any hesitation, the one eyed dragon patted his chest and said with a smile, "Deputy captain, don\'t be so polite. If you can use me, just open your mouth. I was originally the person of you and captain Li." although his words were awkward, they were enough to express the sincerity and sincerity of the one eyed dragon.

"Tomorrow I will leave for home. Captain Li Guo needs a trusted person around him."

"Leave tomorrow? Captain Ye Yu, aren\'t you still looking for captain Li Guo\'s brother Li Luoyang? Have you seen him just now?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled helplessly. The one eyed dragon looked big and thick in front of him. He had deliberately acted in front of Mo Yuntian before, which almost made Ouyang Wenjun mistakenly think that this guy is a brainless person. Now it seems that this guy\'s heart is also thin, otherwise he won\'t react to the meaning of Ye Yu\'s words at the first time.

Ye Yu nodded without any concealment: "I have met him."

As soon as he said wow, the one eyed Dragon said excitedly, "yes! I\'ll pack my bags now. We can start at dawn."

Looking at the one eyed dragon walking to the wooden house at night, Ye Yu reluctantly said, "wait first."

The one eyed dragon looked at Ye Yu suspiciously: "vice captain, is there anything else? “

"The thing is, I will leave alone tomorrow, and you will stay in Luoyang for the time being."

Hearing Ye Yu\'s words, the one eyed dragon stared and asked subconsciously, "why? Captain, aren\'t you going to let me go back to the barracks? Or what did I do wrong?"

"Don\'t think about it. I\'ll ask you to go to a civilian house in the city later. Li Luoyang will tell you why you stay. Remember, this is an order. When you\'re done with him, you can go directly back to the barracks to find captain Li Guo and me. I\'ll naturally report your whereabouts to captain Li Guo, and captain Li Guo will certainly support you and help Li Luoyang. Don\'t forget that Li Luoyang is captain Li Guo The brother who cares most. "

The one eyed dragon stared blankly at Ye Yu: "Li Luoyang? What is he looking for me?" the one eyed dragon didn\'t know that he had already seen Li Luoyang in Lingnan City: "I never met him. Why did he look for me?"

Ye Yu handed a piece of paper to the one eyed Dragon: "this is his current location. You will know when you go. Remember, after finding the meeting point, deal with the paper and treat this operation as a confidential operation."


"This is an order!"

"I see. Captain Ye Yu, I\'ll go now?"

"Well, it\'s not too late. Go while it\'s dark. Remember, it\'s confidential."

The one eyed Dragon nodded hard: "well, don\'t worry, Captain, I know."

Looking at the one eyed dragon who turned and left the backyard, Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "can this guy do it?"

"The one eyed dragon\'s brain works well. He knows what confidential action is. Moreover, during his time with Captain Li Guo, he knows how important Li Luoyang is to Li Guo. He won\'t have trouble."

If you have the affirmation, I will not worry about what it is. It\'s not too early. You have to go tomorrow. Let me go to my room, take perfume and herbs.

Following Ouyang Wenjun into the bedroom, yu\'er hasn\'t rested yet. Looking at Ouyang Wenjun who pushed the door, yu\'er smiled and said, "sister Wenjun, you\'re finally back."

Ouyang Wenjun came to the bed differently: "you haven\'t rested yet?"

"I\'m worried that you\'ve been away for so long, so I\'ve been waiting for you to come back."

"Silly girl, what can I do in Luoyang? I met Li Luoyang just now."

Yu\'er looked at Ouyang Wenjun in surprise: "really? How\'s brother Luoyang?"

"Don\'t worry, but like before, that mouth hasn\'t changed."

Ye Yu came to the bed and said with a smile, "miss yu\'er."

"Sister Ye Yu, you can be at ease when you see Li Luoyang."

"Well, the task has been completed. I\'ll leave tomorrow."

At this time, Ouyang Wenjun suddenly thought of something: "Miss Ye Yu, haven\'t you always been curious about Luoyang herbs? You can see the curative effect by looking at yu\'er\'s back."

Yu\'er instantly understood Ouyang Wenjun\'s intention, took off his coat and turned his back to Ye Yu. Ye Yu bent over and looked at the long scar behind yu\'er: "this knife wound is very serious... Is it left by the assassin who robbed the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness?" Ye Yu was surprised because she knew that it had only happened soon. According to the calculation of time, the knife wound on yu\'er\'s back could not recover to its current state in such a short time. At this time, the knife wound was close to healing. In addition to leaving a clear scar, it had recovered very well.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "yes, it\'s only half a month, but yu\'er uses the herbal medicine developed by Li Luoyang. Its curative effect is beyond your expectation?" After hearing that Li Luoyang asked Ye Yu to bring herbs back to the barracks, Ouyang Wenjun knew Li Luoyang\'s intention. As Li Luoyang\'s business partner, she knew Li Luoyang\'s purpose very well. If herbs become an essential article in the barracks, it means that Li Luoyang can successfully establish cooperation with the imperial court, even with Zhou Xiangong. The publicity of the barracks will naturally bring benefits to herbs In the future, people who buy Herbal Medicine will far exceed those who buy Jinchuang medicine.

Jinchuang medicine is created by medicinal stone, and its price is not what ordinary people can buy. The superior Jinchuang medicine is even beyond the reach of ordinary people. Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine not only has better curative effect than Jinchuang medicine, but its price is many times lower than Jinchuang medicine. However, people can\'t accept a new species for a time, so it\'s difficult to sell so far. Once the curative effect and effect of herbal medicine spread, Li Luoyang and Ouyang Wenjun are confident to carry forward herbal medicine and even replace Jinchuang medicine.

Ye Yumu stared at the scar on yu\'er\'s back and couldn\'t help touching it gently with his hand: "does it hurt?"

Yu\'er shook her head and said with a smile, "it doesn\'t hurt anymore."

"I\'m really surprised by the curative effect. Captain Li Guo praised the herbal medicine developed by Li Luoyang before, but I once thought it was just captain Li Guo\'s nonsense after drinking. It\'s worthy of its reputation today."

"It\'s hard to match this herbal medicine. Li Luoyang has studied it for a long time to have such an effect. If you go to the military camp, it will certainly bring you endless benefits."

Ye Yu nodded without hesitation: "of course! There are countless casualties in the battlefield. With herbs, the soldiers can recover as soon as possible, which is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the whole March and fight."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at yu\'er with a smile: "sister yu\'er, don\'t you go to the drugstore and bring some boxes to miss Ye Yu?"

Yu\'er quickly jumped out of bed and said with a smile, "I\'ll come soon."

A moment later, yu\'er came to Ye Yu with several boxes full of drugs: "these are herbs developed by brother Luoyang. So far, their curative effects are the same. I hope I can help you."

Ye Yu was a little embarrassed: "this, this is not very good, such a valuable thing."

"You are welcome. These things have been given to Lee too. Who let them be brothers?" said Ouyang Wenjun. "Perfume, this woman doesn\'t like it. When you have the chance to come again, I will let Li Luoyang give you a bottle of new flavor. It\'s a taste to use with the queen."

Ye Yu smiled: "I believe Li Luoyang has this ability. Don\'t worry. I will come to see you when I have time."

"Then miss Lao Yeyu will take good care of Li."

"It\'s my duty."