Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1092

Sima Yingming stood in front of the sedan chair and said with a smile on his face: "two girls, in the middle of the night, only my Sima house is the safest. I haven\'t been to Wenjun Yazhu for a long time. It\'s lucky to meet Ouyang\'s master today. It\'s also an old friend. My family also treasures the yaochi jade dew left by Luoyang brothers when they left. How about we have a drink tonight."

Just after that, a dark shadow rushed out of the sedan chair in an instant, and a long sword was already on Sima Yingming\'s throat. Before Sima Yingming even had time to make any response, he felt the cold from his neck. The previous smile disappeared, and the sweat the size of beans slipped: "you, what do you want to do!"

It was Ye Yu who suddenly kidnapped Sima Yingming. Ye Yu looked at Sima Yingming with a cold face: "you have a good life as a prodigal son."

"If you have something to say, put down the sword first. Do you know what you\'re doing? I\'m the Lord. You\'re facing me like this with a sword, but it\'s a great sin. You let me go now. I can consider giving you a lighter punishment!" Sima Yingming looked a little flustered at this time. After all, he really didn\'t know ye Yu\'s identity, or he had a color center, He would not take unidentified people to his door so rashly, which created this opportunity for the other party.

At this time, Sima Yingming was most worried about whether Ye Yu was an assassin. After all, after Li Luoyang disappeared, he completely ignored Wenjun Yazhu. Even though he had already learned that Wenjun Yazhu had been at a loss, he had never thought of extending a helping hand. He was worried that his move to cross the river and dismantle the bridge would cause Ouyang Wenjun\'s revenge, Now he even began to suspect that Ye Yu was the assassin arranged by Ouyang Wenjun, and deliberately met himself at night.

Ouyang Wenjun came out of the sedan chair with a smile on his face. She looked at the wooden house across the street subconsciously from the corner of her eyes. She knew that this movement was enough to attract Li Luoyang\'s attention: "Lord Sima, my friend knows a little martial arts, and although you are the Lord, you may not be able to deal with her." the court and the military camp were originally different in politics and law, If Sima Yingming wants to deal with the people in the barracks, he still needs to negotiate with the general of the imperial court\'s rain barracks. Finally, the two rooms will jointly decide on the treatment of the soldiers.

Hearing Ouyang Wenjun\'s words, Sima Yingming showed a trace of surprise: "no, I don\'t know who this girl Ye Yu is? Can\'t I be a noble Lord to deal with you?" Sima Yingming\'s mind was running fast. What kind of people have no right to deal with themselves and are higher than the Lord? Obviously, a weak woman can\'t do it. The favorite concubine around the emperor? But Mrs. Bai didn\'t tell me that there would be noble people in the palace coming to Luoyang during this time.

Ye Yu was still like ice, and there was no expression on his face: "I\'m under general Zhou Xiangong. I have private affairs to deal with in Luoyang today. If you want to deal with me, you can let the imperial court react to general Zhou Xiangong. If the general wants me to die to apologize, I will commit suicide."

After listening to Ye Yu\'s words, Sima Yingming\'s back is cold. He knows that Zhou Xiangong is the one who can\'t offend at this time. The whole court also depends on his strength to fight against foreign enemies and internal worries. Foreign invasion and Manichaeism court all depend on Zhou Xiangong. Zhou Xiangong is an indispensable existence for the court. The people who offended him will die and let the court know, Surely he will stand on Zhou Xiangong\'s side. He is just a prince who has just regained his power. Maybe the court will exile him again to apologize.

"Originally, it was the man under general Zhou Xiangong\'s account. No wonder his skill is so good. Girl, please take back the sword, and Sima Yingming thanked him here!" after learning Ye Yu\'s identity, Sima Yingming\'s attitude has obviously changed dramatically. His words were more or less provocative before, but now they are full of respect, and even his words have eased a lot.

Ye Yu glanced at Ouyang Wenjun. After the two made eye contact, Ye Yu put down the sword. Sima Yingming was relieved: "thank you, Miss Ye Yu. What\'s the matter when the girl comes to Luoyang?"

"I have just made it clear that if it\'s not a private matter, you\'re going to get information from the military camp?" Ye Yu didn\'t intend to forgive Sima Yingming\'s frivolity so easily. What she hates most is people like Sima Yingming who are dishonest officials. They go to war with Li in exchange for the peace of the court. However, these officials have such a style, Ye Yu naturally feels angry.

Facing Ye Yu\'s question, Sima Yingming smiled and said, "I don\'t dare. I\'m just thinking about Miss Ye Yu. I\'m a prince in Luoyang City. I can handle big and small things. Since it\'s a private matter, I can help. I don\'t know if the girl is useful." since I\'m Zhou Xiangong, Sima Yingming did not hesitate to choose to curry favor with him. This is also the way Sima Yingming lived for so many years. Before he made up for Mrs. Bai\'s perfume to help him complete the counterattack, he naturally loved his skills.

"I don\'t need you to deal with my own private affairs."

Sima Yingming turned his head to look at Ouyang Wenjun, and then directly threw out a sentence: "since Miss Ye Yu and Ouyang are friends, compared with your private affairs, it is likely that Ouyang Wenjun came here? Is it the whereabouts of the Luoyang brothers?" Sima Yingming naturally wanted to test Ye Yu and see if ye Yu\'s arrival is related to Li Luoyang, At present, apart from Mo Yuntian in Luoyang, he is the one who cares about Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts most.

Ouyang Wenjun immediately smiled: "Lord Sima\'s words hurt me. How can I invite general Zhou Xiangong? Miss Ye Yu just came to Luoyang to deal with her private affairs, which has nothing to do with Luoyang. However, I hope Miss Ye Yu can find Luoyang for me. Don\'t bother Lord Sima about it."

Sima Yingming turned his eyes and then said with a smile, "in that case, I won\'t bother you two. The one who is going to die in Ouyang has the news of the Luoyang brothers. I hope to tell me at the first time that the Luoyang brothers are not here during this period. I\'m very worried about it. If I can have fun and drink as a song with the Luoyang brothers as usual, it\'s what I\'ve been looking forward to."

Ouyang Wenjun kept smiling without any waves on his face: "that\'s natural. As soon as there is news about Li Luoyang, I will send someone to inform the Lord at the first time. I thank the Lord for his concern for Luoyang. In that case, we\'ll leave."

With that, Ouyang Wenjun turned away with Ye Yu. Sima Yingming looked at his back in the distance, his smile gradually disappeared, and stood in place waiting for him to yell: "Shit, I didn\'t expect to meet Zhou Xiangong. What\'s the matter with this guy coming to Luoyang? It seems that Mo Yuntian is going to investigate this matter. There\'s a big man. Mo Yuntian doesn\'t know? Or does this guy deliberately hide it?"

Across the street, looking at Sima Yingming turning around and returning to the mansion alone, Li Luoyang said slowly with a sigh of relief: "it seems that things have been resolved. Although I don\'t know why Sima Yingming brought Ye Yu and Ouyang Wenjun here, Ye Yu\'s move just now is very risky."

The little four nodded again and again: "the sword threatened the Lord. It\'s a capital crime."

"Ye Yu probably revealed his identity, otherwise Sima Yingming would not give up so easily. Fortunately, Ye Yu will leave Luoyang tomorrow. Naturally, it won\'t cause unnecessary trouble. Well, keep waiting. It\'s time for the one eyed dragon to come when they go back."

"Master, is this guy really reliable?"

"Don\'t worry, do you think Li Guo will hurt me?"

"That\'s impossible."