Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1091

It had been dark for a long time. Dark clouds covered the night sky, blocking the bright moon and stars, making the night more dark and light. Ouyang Wenjun and Ye Yu left the wooden house and forgot Wenjun\'s elegant building. After a few steps, they met a team of people. The big sedan carried by six people stopped in front of them. Ouyang Wenjun recognized this as Sima Yingming\'s favorite son at a glance.

Sima Yingming stooped out of the sedan chair with a smile and went straight to Ouyang Wenjun: "isn\'t Ouyang in charge of the family? You\'re still here so late? It\'s not safe outside. You\'re going to die in the middle of the night. If you meet a malicious person, you don\'t fall into danger."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled. Although he was bored in his heart, he also had to keep smiling. After all, Sima Yingming regained his power at this time, and cooperated secretly with Mo Yuntian. At this time, his position in Luoyang City has been very different from before: "Lord Sima, I didn\'t expect to meet you so late. Where did you come back from?"

"I can\'t sleep alone. I just came out to blow the night breeze and recall the past life. This is..." Sima Yingming noticed Ye Yu around Ouyang Wenjun. At this time, Ye Yu was dressed in ordinary people\'s clothes. Although his exquisite facial features were not as charming as Ouyang Wenjun, they were also sunken fish and wild geese. Coupled with the momentum forged in the military camp, Ye Yu gives Sima Yingming a bright feeling in front of him. He sees many charming beauties. Ye Yu is a rare type.

Sima Yingming would not have been so aggressive before, but now he is different. He has regained the rights given by the imperial court. There are really few people in Luoyang. Even Mo Yuntian is not afraid, and he can even beat Mo Yuntian to adjust his power. After all, Mo Yuntian still depends on him to enter the six gate headquarters at this time.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "this is Miss Ye Yu, a good friend of mine." Ouyang Wenjun naturally didn\'t want to reveal Ye Yu\'s identity as a member of the army. As for whether to say his identity or not, Ouyang Wenjun naturally left it to Ye Yu\'s own judgment.

Sima Yingming smiled at the corners of his mouth and stared at the scenery in front of Ye Yu: "Ye Yu... Good name, I don\'t know the girl\'s age. Is it the family in Luoyang?"

Ye Yu said slowly with an expressionless face, "what do you care?"

Ye Yu\'s answer attracted the dissatisfaction of several attendants behind Sima Yingming. They took out a long knife around their waist and pointed to Ye Yu: "are you tired of working with a girl? This is the Lord. You\'d better have a correct attitude."

Sima Yingming smiled and waved to his entourage. The entourage nodded immediately and took back the scabbard. Sima Yingming smiled and said, "what are you doing? What do you do when you are frightened? What about the prince? It\'s just a common child, just an identity. It\'s no different from the people. Are you right? Miss Ye Yu."

Ye Yu didn\'t answer. Looking at Sima Yingming with a sly smile in front of her, Ye Yu felt bored from the bottom of her heart. If it weren\'t for Luoyang City and the other party\'s identity as a lord, Ye Yu probably had started to make him a useless man.

Seeing ye Yu didn\'t answer, the smile on Sima Yingming\'s face gradually solidified. Ouyang Wenjun on the side knew that Sima Yingming couldn\'t hang his face, so he immediately came out and made a round of it: "Lord Sima still cares for the people as always after regaining his rights. This is also the reason why the Lord is deeply loved. It\'s so late. Please go back to the residence and have a rest as soon as possible."

With that, Ouyang Wenjun immediately took Ye Yu aside. Sima Yingming moved sideways and stopped in front of them: "Don\'t worry, these two girls in the middle of the night are also very dangerous in Luoyang. Ouyang is in charge. Don\'t you forget that it\'s not peaceful here recently. My Luoyang brothers still have no news at this time. Why don\'t I take you back and take care of it."

Ouyang Wenjun knew the meaning of Sima Yingming\'s words. She smiled and said slowly, "we won\'t bother King Sima. It\'s not far from Wenjun\'s elegant building. It\'s just a moment. Besides, there are six doors in Luoyang. There are patrol personnel day and night. Nothing can happen."

"It\'s possible that this intentional villain will appear when you are ready. Let\'s take precautions. Come on, please be proud."

Several attendants immediately surrounded Ouyang Wenjun and Ye Yu. Ye Yu immediately planned to take action when he saw the potential. Ouyang Wenjun grabbed Ye Yu\'s hand and whispered: "Don\'t act rashly. Sima Yingming is suspicious by nature. Now he is cooperating with Mo Yuntian. You are a member of the army and Li Guo. Looking at this guy\'s behavior, Mo Yuntian doesn\'t seem to tell him your identity. He can hide it as long as he can, and he doesn\'t dare take us."

Ye Yu nodded gently and said slowly, "you\'d better not touch my bottom line, otherwise I won\'t pay attention to his Lord\'s identity!"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and looked at Sima Yingming: "since this is the intention of the Lord, we might as well obey orders." he pulled Ye Yu into the sedan chair. The sedan chair man put down the curtain and then got up.

However, Ouyang Wenjun suddenly felt something wrong. The sedan chair did not go in the direction of Wenjun\'s elegant building, but turned to Sima Yingming\'s residence. Ouyang Wenjun frowned and whispered to Ye Yu: "it seems that this guy is going to take us to his residence."

"What are you doing at his mansion?"

"Can\'t you see that? This guy has a crush on you." Ouyang Wenjun reluctantly replied. She didn\'t expect Sima Yingming to fall in love with Ye Yu. Besides, Ouyang Wenjun asked himself that he should be more feminine than Ye Yu. Sima Yingming has never been so kind to himself for so many years. She didn\'t expect to love Ye Yu for the first time.

Ye Yu said slowly with a murderous look on her face, "I don\'t want to waste time on him. Li Luoyang is still waiting for the one eyed dragon to go!" Ye Yu naturally thought about Li Luoyang\'s plan. Coupled with her boredom with Sima Yingming, she wouldn\'t follow him home. Seeing ye Yu\'s murderous intention, Ouyang Wenjun and ye didn\'t intend to dissuade him, and she didn\'t want to be sent to Sima Yingming\'s residence.

"Stop the car!"

A roar came from the sedan chair, and the sedan chairs did not move at all. They still carried the sedan chair to Sima Yingming\'s residence. At this time, they had come not far from the door of Sima\'s residence. Ye Yu\'s roar naturally attracted the attention of Li Luoyang in the wooden house across the street.

Lying on the bed, Li Luoyang immediately turned over and fell down. He leaned down at the window and looked out through the gap. He saw more than a dozen attendants surround a sedan chair in the middle. Sima Yingming stood in the front with a smile on his face. Xiao Si also heard the sound, squatted beside Li Luoyang and asked suspiciously, "I just seemed to hear the voice of Miss Ye Yu."

Li Luoyang frowned and whispered, "it seems to come from Sima Yingming\'s sedan chair."

"Did this guy catch Miss Ye Yu?"

"This is unlikely. If ye Yu were really in the sedan chair, Ouyang Wenjun should also be there. I don\'t know what happened. How could they meet Sima Yingming?"

Li Luoyang, who doesn\'t know why, has been paying attention to every move outside the window. More than a dozen attendants have a smile on their faces. The sedan bearer holds the sedan chair. Without Sima Yingming\'s order, they naturally won\'t put down the sedan chair. Sima Yingming doesn\'t think much of the roar from the sedan chair. He turns and looks at the attendants and slowly says: "Let\'s go down and have a rest. Let the kitchen cook prepare a snack for us. I\'ll entertain Ouyang\'s head tonight. I haven\'t had a drink with Ouyang\'s head for a long time."

More than a dozen attendants smiled. They didn\'t know Sima Yingming had ulterior motives: "yes, Lord."

Sima Yingming waved his sleeves and the sedan chair man put the sedan chair at the door of Sima\'s house.