Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1090

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to the freezing point. The four people fell silent in the wooden house. They were all trying to deal with Li Luoyang. Looking at Li Luoyang with a worried face, Ye Yu said in a helpless whisper: "why don\'t I stay in Luoyang for a few days, but I can\'t stay here for too long." Ye Yu finally decided to stay in Luoyang temporarily and deal with the immediate crisis for Li Luoyang first.

Li Luoyang shook his hand and said slowly: "You go back to my brother first. Compared with the situation here, he needs more manpower. It\'s a big deal that I can delay the time I hide in Luoyang. As long as Mo Yuntian doesn\'t find out, I can always hide in Luoyang. The situation over Li Guo will be different. As soon as Manichaeism appears, he will immediately go to the battlefield. It\'s urgent. I think it\'s safe for Li Guo."


"Miss Ye Yu, I appreciate your kindness. I also know that you are also for my good, but we should distinguish the situation. I can deal with it here. I also worry about my brother. Although he has other members of your team around him, you also know that the only person my brother can fully trust is you, so I hope you can return to my brother earlier."

At this time, Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "I have a candidate."

Li Luoyang and Ye Yu turned to look at Ouyang Wenjun and asked in unison, "who is it?"

"Miss Ye Yu, don\'t you forget that you\'re not alone in Luoyang this time? Why don\'t you go back to Li Guo first, leave him with Li Luoyang to help, and let him go back after it\'s done. Don\'t you kill two birds with one stone."

Ye Yu slapped on the wooden table and then smiled awkwardly: "how can I forget this? I also brought a man to Luoyang."

"Miss Ye Yu, is this person credible?" what Li Luoyang is most worried about is trust. If he wants to die, he can\'t trust completely, which is equivalent to directly exposing himself to Mo Yuntian.

Ye Yu nodded without hesitation: "don\'t worry, this man is credible. He is dead set to captain Li Guo. You should know this man, too."

Li Luoyang looked at Ye Yu in surprise: "I know? I remember the soldiers around Li. I haven\'t touched any of them except you. How do you know?" Li Luoyang can clearly remember what happened in Lingnan city. Except for his contact with Ye Yu, he has never met other people around Li Guo, and he also believes that Li Guo will not tell anyone except ye Yu about him.

"One eyed dragon." the one eyed dragon Ye Yu remembered was the one eyed dragon who came to Luoyang city with her. Since he left Lingnan city with Li Guo, the one eyed dragon vowed to be loyal to Li Guo. Anyway, Li Guo was his life-saving benefactor and becoming a soldier was his dream. Otherwise, how could he become Zhang Yue\'s entourage.

"Who is the one eyed dragon?" Li Luoyang doesn\'t remember the one eyed dragon at all. For unimportant people, Li Luoyang naturally doesn\'t bother to remember. After all, he has little contact with Zhang Yue, let alone the man calculated by Chai Jin.

Ye Yu smiled and said slowly, "the man before Zhang Yue, the guard at the gate when you entered the casino, was calculated by Chai Jin and left lingnancheng with Zhang Yue and more than a dozen other thugs."

After Ye Yu\'s reminder, Li Luoyang suddenly realized: "it\'s him? Why did this guy follow my brother?"

Ye Yu told Li Luoyang about Li Guo saving the one eyed dragon from Zhang Qiong. Li Luoyang knew that not only Mo Jiao and others lived in lingnancheng government, but also the one eyed dragon had been hiding there: "are you sure this guy can trust? Can he betray Zhang Yue? Can\'t he betray me?" Li Luoyang, as always, is worried about the degree of trust. He asks that every move be really used by him.

Ye Yu nodded hard: "Don\'t worry, I can use my life as a guarantee. He is really credible. The reason why this guy betrayed Zhang Yue is that he is not used to Zhang Yue\'s arrogance and arrogance. He is very honest, but he chose to stay with Zhang Yue for his life. Now he was saved by Captain Li Guo and took him into the military camp. He always remembers this. Captain Li Guo has tested his loyalty Cheng has been affirmed by Captain Li Guo. "

"Since Li Guo has also personally tested it, it won\'t matter. If you can, you can leave him with me for the time being. After you return to Wenjun Yazhu later, let him come here to find me. I\'ll talk to him. By the way, is yu\'er okay?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "people need you to care about yu\'er?" Ouyang Wenjun said, looking at Xiao Si behind Li Luoyang: "right? Xiao Si."

Xiao Si touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "that\'s nature."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at Li Luoyang and asked in a low voice, "Luoyang, before, people from the merchant Federation went to Wenjun Yazhu to rob the secret recipe for the drunkenness of immortals. If Miss Wu Xinyi hadn\'t appeared, we would have died. However, after the assassin left, Miss Xinyi also disappeared. Xiao Si said she went into Lingnan with Chai, but how could I see that she wasn\'t with you?" After Ouyang Wenjun came to the wooden house, he only saw Li Luoyang and Xiao Si. Wu Xinyi was not seen. Naturally, she was curious and asked this time.

"Xinyi has returned to Baiyun Mountain. She should go back and have a look after she has been away from home for so long."

Oh, so that is what it is. What I thought was wrong with her, since all is well. That\'s the best. Wen Jun Ya Chu has already started making the Jade Pool dew. Before you return, you need not worry about the income of Wen Jun\'s ya, and at least you can stay here. You can stay here and develop new perfume. But you can promise me that when the new perfume is developed, I and jade will be able to make it. One bottle. "

Li Luoyang smiled wildly and patted his chest: "it\'s not easy? I\'ll have someone send it to you then."

And one side of the rain leaves his head down, and he carefully says, "well, that, Luoyang, before Li passed the captain once gave me a bottle of perfume, but I gave Mo Jiao, no, I don\'t know if you can give me a bottle, too."

Li Luoyang smiled and said to Ye Yu, "I don\'t have any perfumes. Can you wait for me to develop them?"

Ouyang Wenjun said at this time: "nothing, rain girl, if you love, I have Li Luoyang\'s perfume before, I will give it to you first."

Ye Yu asked excitedly, "really?"

"That\'s needless to say, but Li Luoyang, you\'ll have to pay me back two bottles at that time!"

"You\'re really good at making up your mind. By the way, Miss Ye Yu, when you go back this time, you bring some boxes of herbs to Li. This is what I promised him and let him publicize them in the military camp." Li Luoyang naturally wants to promote the herbs he developed. The military camp is the best choice. In addition, Zhou Xiangong has secretly returned at this time, and there will be a war with Manichaeism next, Casualties are inevitable. This is the best time for herbal medicine. How could Li Luoyang give up such a good publicity opportunity? Besides, the other party is his own brother. Herbs can also ensure Li Guo\'s life at a critical time.

Ye Yu nodded without politeness. She had learned from Li guokou that herbal medicine was milder than medicine stone, easier to be absorbed by wounds, and its curative effect was several times that of Jinchuang medicine. However, she had never witnessed it and was skeptical about herbal medicine. After all, herbal medicine was very strange to them and was completely a new thing.

"It\'s almost dawn. You\'d better go back while it\'s dark. Be careful on the way. After you go back, let the one eyed dragon come to me the first time. I\'ll wait for him here." Li Luoyang looked out of the window and said with a smile.

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun and Ye Yu getting up to go, Xiao Si said to Ouyang Wenjun with a smile: "sister Wenjun, go back and tell yu\'er to take care of herself. Before long, I will come back with my master."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "I see. I can\'t wait to see you like this. When your teachers and disciples return, let your master choose a good day and let you two succeed!"