Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1089

"Miss Ye Yu, do you have anything else important to do when you come to Luoyang city except that my brother asked you to report peace?" Li Luoyang naturally wants to know ye Yu\'s next trip. If there is no big thing to do, Li Luoyang\'s idea will be very simple. Before, he was still worried and couldn\'t find a suitable person to buy raw materials for him. He also planned to take a risk to let Lin Luoshui run errands with Lin Xu, Now there is Ye Yu, who is the only candidate. Whether it is strength or trust, Ye Yu perfectly meets Li Luoyang\'s requirements for candidates.

Ye Yu said in a low voice, "this time, in addition to reporting peace to you, I also visited my mother for captain Li Guo. You saw it just now. Under the introduction of shopkeeper Ouyang Wenjun, I met aunt Lin, and there is another thing captain Li Guo asked me to tell you."

Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "what else?"

"General Zhou Xiangong has secretly returned. After you left, he appeared in Lingnan and met captain Li Guo."

Li Luoyang frowned and asked in a low voice, "the foreign affairs have been solved?" Li Luoyang knew that Zhou Xiangong left because he was ordered by the imperial court to go to the border to deal with the foreign invasion, and the Manichaeism became more and more rampant during this period of time. Without Zhou Xiangong, they naturally had no fear. The troubled times were even more chaotic these days, which was the ghost of Manichaeism, Zhou Xiangong came back quietly. Li Luoyang had a hunch that he would have something important to do secretly.

"Well, the attack of the foreign family has been suppressed. General Zhou Xiangong\'s Secret return is to mobilize troops secretly, aiming at the Church of Mun, and Li led the captain to let me tell you that during this period, he should not be contacted with him. He has become the mainstay of the religion of Zhou Xiangong. At this time, he has officially entered the camp of general Zhou Xiangong and become the pioneer of general Wu Lin."

Li Luoyang smiled in surprise: "my brother has really become Zhou Xiangong\'s subordinate? Hahaha, proud." although Li Guo was the team leader before, he has never met Zhou Xiangong. Now he has become the vanguard of Zhou Xiangong\'s right arm. In the future, he will have more time to learn military skills and tactics with Zhou Xiangong and get more opportunities to make contributions, This also means that Li Guo\'s road in the barracks will be smoother and smoother. Li Luoyang firmly believes that with Li Guo\'s ability, he will wear gold armor soon.

"We didn\'t expect captain Li Guo to climb so fast, which is inseparable from the result of Captain Li Guo\'s efforts day and night."

"Is there anything else?"

Ye Yu shook his head: "it\'s gone."

"When will you leave Luoyang?"


"So fast? Can you delay for a while?" Li Luoyang didn\'t expect Ye Yu to leave Luoyang city so soon.

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s lost expression, Ye Yu asked suspiciously, "Luoyang, do you need me to do something for you?"

Li Luoyang smiled awkwardly: "There are some things I really want you to help me. Believe me, my brother also told you. Luoyang is in a lot of crisis at this time. I need to prove my use value before I can appear in front of the public again. Otherwise, there are still many people here who want to get rid of me secretly. When I returned with Xiao Si, I had encountered an ambush set by Mo Yuntian outside the city. Fortunately, we are prepared Otherwise, he would have died miserably in the jungle outside Luoyang. "

Ye Yu frowned, locked his face and showed his intention to kill: "Captain Li Guo did say before that your return is full of crisis, so let me come to Luoyang City to see if you have returned safely. Unexpectedly, the person in charge of the six doors in Luoyang City will kill you."

Li Luoyang smiled lightly: "This man, what can\'t be done for his own interests? Since he and Sima have started to cooperate, I know that I will only become a stumbling block for them. If I am removed, they can sleep without any anxiety, and make sure nothing can surpass the perfume they offer to the court. Only Sima Yingming can hold the power to regain his power. Mo Yun has the opportunity to enter the six. Door headquarters, so they are very eager to get rid of me. "

"How are you going to deal with it?"

"Developing new perfume, sending people into the palace and getting the love of the people in the palace, so that Sima\'s meeting will be as good as before, to please me. As long as the secret recipe has been in my hands, he will not dare to start with me. If he breaks the cooperation with the palace, Sima Yingming will become a puppet once, which is the result that he absolutely does not want to see."

"So you want to develop new perfume? Instead of the perfume that Sima is now playing with the court?"

"Yes, but you can see that so far, I can only hide here. I\'m afraid that Mo Yuntian\'s people will find me when I go out, and Wenjun Yazhu is also monitored by Mo Yuntian\'s people. Xiao Si and I disappear at the same time. Seeing him is like knowing that I have returned. Xiao Hui has been arranged to go to other places by me. I\'m sure that the trusted tiger skin has been transferred by Mo Yuntian. There is no one around me Yes. "

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Ye Yu instantly understood Li Luoyang\'s intention: "are you planning to let me stay in Luoyang for a period of time, so I can buy the raw materials for making perfume for you?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said slowly, "it\'s easy to deal with smart people. Needless to say, you can know my intention, or you can become the vice captain around my brother. This brain is easy to use."

Ye Yu\'s face was full of embarrassment. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered, "Luoyang, I really want to help you, but..."

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "you can directly explain what is difficult."

"Captain Li Guo has just joined general Wu Lin at this time. There are no available people around except a few team members. I\'m also worried about the battle between him and the Manichaeism, so I should return to him as soon as possible and hand over his safety to others. I\'m really not at ease." Ye Yu is naturally worried about what will happen on the battlefield if he leaves his Li Guo.

After listening to Ye Yu\'s explanation, Li Luoyang nodded vigorously: "Well, you\'re right. When you go to a new environment and there\'s no one you can trust, my brother may be very lonely. After all, you\'re his vice captain. You know him very well. At this time, he was ordered to fight with Manichaeism. Without you, the most tacit understanding, danger will come at any time. In that case, you should act according to your own plan."

"But if I go, how can your plan go on?"

"The reason why I met you just now is that I wanted to go to the Lin family and ask my mother to find Lin Xu to secretly buy raw materials for me."

Ouyang Wenjun immediately said: "Nonsense! Is Lin Xu a trustworthy person? Even if aunt Lin exists, Lin Xu will die and know that you have returned. Maybe he will reveal your whereabouts to Mo Yuntian. He is a person who hates you. The reason why he doesn\'t dare to target you now is because he is afraid of aunt Lin. isn\'t it very dangerous for you to ask aunt Lin to find him? You should not be so cautious What kind of decision. "

Li Luoyang smiled helplessly: "do you have any other way? Are you going to let the workers in Wenjun\'s elegant building do these things for me? Don\'t forget, they may sell me for the silver reward of six stores."

Ouyang Wenjun was speechless. Although the workers in Wenjun Yazhu had been with her for many years, Ouyang Wenjun always doubted the sincerity of these people. After all, these people came to Wenjun Yazhu to work. If someone paid them more, they would leave Wenjun Yazhu without hesitation.

The musicians in Wenjun\'s elegant building would have gone to other restaurants if Li Luoyang hadn\'t stayed at a high price. People are so realistic, which is more obvious in troubled times. Ouyang Wenjun is also well aware of the situation and environment.