Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1088

Outside the side door of the Lin family\'s backyard in Luoyang City, the dark lane is more conducive to hiding his whereabouts. Li Luoyang, who just arrived here to look for Lin Luoshui, actually met Ouyang Wenjun and Ye Yu, which was completely beyond Li Luoyang\'s expectation. He didn\'t expect to meet Ye Yu in Luoyang City.

Seeing that Li Luoyang was hiding on the roof, Ye Yu immediately whispered, "be careful, walls have ears, and find a safe place." this is Luoyang City. Ye Yu is not familiar with it. Instead of talking in dark alleys, it\'s better to find a safer place. Ye Yu knows that Li Luoyang\'s situation in Luoyang city is not optimistic at this time, Otherwise, Li Luoyang would not choose to hide here after returning to the most familiar Luoyang City.

Li Luoyang looked at Ouyang Wenjun behind Ye Yu, nodded slightly and said to Ye Yu, "come with me." Li Luoyang naturally planned to take Ye Yu and Ouyang Wenjun to the people\'s house where he is hiding. After all, that\'s the safest place Li Luoyang thinks so far.

The three of them immediately went to Sima Yingming\'s residence. A moment later, they came to the door of the people\'s house. After the secret signal knocked on the door, Xiao Si opened the door with a smile. However, when they saw the two people behind Li Luoyang, Xiao Si frowned. Ouyang Wenjun knew him, but ye Yu had never seen him before, but if ye Yu could come back with Li Luoyang, Xiao Si would not doubt his identity, What makes Xiao Si wonder is who this woman is and why she can get Li Luoyang\'s trust.

The three men immediately drilled into the door. Xiao Si poked out his head and looked around for a moment to make sure that no one was following the tail. Then he closed the door. In the dark cabin, Li Luoyang smiled and introduced Xiao Si: "Xiao Si, this is the person I mentioned before, the vice captain around my brother, Miss Ye Yu."

When Li Luoyang was in Liangshanpo, he told Xiao Si and Xiao Hui what happened in Lingnan city. They are naturally familiar with the name Ye Yu and know that Ye Yu is still on their side. But Xiao Si didn\'t expect to meet Xiao Si here. Xiao Si looked at Ye Yu with a smile.

"Are you captain Ye Yu? Your master told me everything about you. I didn\'t expect that the Deputy captain next to Li Guo would be a woman. No, no, no, no, I mean that women don\'t let men. I admire your courage and strength." Xiao Si naturally felt nervous. Anyway, he was a member of Zhou Xiangong\'s account after all, In addition, Xiao Si sincerely admired Ye Yu\'s daughter for her position in the army. Naturally, she was a little nervous at this time.

Ye Yu smiled and then said slowly, "you are Xiao Si. I heard captain Li mention that when Li Luoyang left Lijia village, you always accompanied Li Luoyang. Li Guo thanked you for taking care of his brother." although Ye Yu rarely said such polite words, this is Li Guo\'s real wish. Since the two brothers separated, The person who has stayed with Li Luoyang for the longest time is Xiao Si.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "they are all our own people. Why be so polite?"

Li Luoyang nodded and laughed wildly: "Ouyang Wenjun is right. They are all his own people. There\'s no need to be so formal!"

As soon as he finished, the Pufan in Ouyang Wenjun\'s hand suddenly hit Li Luoyang\'s face. Ouyang Wenjun\'s face had no smile at all. Instead, he blamed: "do you take us as your own people? If you say you disappear, you will disappear. If you say you come back, you will come back. Even if you come back, you have to hide here. You didn\'t say you want to see your sister."

Li Luoyang said slowly: "Sister Wen Jun, should Xiao Si have told you all about me? I was forced to leave. When I came back from the factory, I was kidnapped by someone else in Liangshanpo when I was careful. Can I blame me? Besides, I will go to Luoyang City, but let Xiao Si find you the first time and tell you peace. I don\'t have to take you as my own person if I want to die At the risk of being discovered, let Xiao Si tell you I\'m back. Isn\'t it safer for my whereabouts? "

Ouyang Wenjun glared at Li Luoyang: "even if you are kidnapped, you can have someone bring me a letter after you go to Lingnan? If you die outside, what will Wenjun Yazhu do in the future?"

Li Luoyang looked at Ouyang Wenjun obliquely, and then showed a sly smile: "are you worried about me or Wenjun\'s elegant building?"

"I, of course, am worried about my industry. This Wenjun Yazhu is my lifelong effort."

"I feel like you\'re worried about me?"

Ye Yu looked a little surprised. She didn\'t expect that the dialogue between Li Luoyang and Ouyang Wenjun would be so frivolous. It\'s not like Li Luoyang who made a good impression on her in Lingnan city. However, she knows that this is the way of communication between the two people, but it\'s just a little direct. Compared with Li Guo, the way Li Luoyang and Ouyang Wenjun get along is much easier.

"You\'re still the same as before. You don\'t have a serious problem. Let\'s talk about business!" Ouyang Wenjun shook the Pu fan. Li Luoyang was very happy to come back smoothly and safely. She also met him today. Ouyang Wenjun was in a great mood at this time.

Li Luoyang turned to look at Ye Yu, and the smile on his face instantly disappeared: "Miss Ye Yu, why did you come back to Luoyang City? What happened to my brother and asked you to find me?" in Li Luoyang\'s view, this is the greatest possibility. If Li Guo hadn\'t been busy, Ye Yu would never have left his captain and came to Luoyang City.

Ye Yu said slowly, "Captain Li Guo is fine. He\'s fine. I\'m here this time. Captain Li Guo asked me to report peace to you. Shortly after you left, the people of the imperial court entered Lingnan city and announced the imperial court\'s punishment for Huarong\'s incident."

Li Luoyang asked anxiously, "how?" she wanted to know how the imperial court would finally determine the punishment of this incident. After all, Li Guo was the person who was specially assigned by the imperial court to deal with the Huarong incident in Lingnan from the military camp. At this time, Huarong had been rescued by the people in Liangshanpo, which was a great disgrace to the imperial court. Originally, she wanted to make an example of the chicken, but now the chicken was rescued by the monkey, The disgraced imperial court may punish the person in charge severely.

Ye Yu showed a rare smile and whispered to Li Luoyang: "The focus of the imperial court\'s punishment was on the six doors of lingnancheng store. Chen Sheng, the person in charge of the six doors, became the biggest victim. Chen Sheng was dismissed. The two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu took over as his person in charge. When Chen Sheng planned to pull captain Li Guo into the water, Captain Li Guo provided the imperial court commander with the evidence you gave to prove that Hua Rong was rescued entirely because of Zhang Qiong and As a result of the secret cooperation between Liangshanpo people, the court officials promised to report the matter to the emperor after learning the "truth", so that Captain Li Guo\'s responsibility will completely disappear“

After listening to Ye Yu\'s answer, the stone in Li Luoyang\'s heart fell to the ground. What he worried about was that the person who was most severely punished by the imperial court would fall into the well and find a cushion. The cushion may be the person in charge of the Huarong incident, Li Guo. Fortunately, Li Luoyang had already made preparations to deal with it and asked Chaijin to write down the blame document for his cooperation with Zhang Qiong, which finally made Li Guo avoid his place There are penalties.

"That\'s good. He has successfully left Lingnan city?"

Ye Yu nodded and said slowly, "well, Captain Li Guo has returned to the barracks, so you don\'t have to worry. I\'ll see you back safely this time. After I go back, I can also make an appointment with Captain Li Guo. He\'s also worried about whether you have successfully reached the ship back to Luoyang City."

Li Luoyang showed a confident smile: "he should rest assured of me. I want to go. No one in Lingnan city can leave me. I can even leave from Lingnan city gate. After all, no one knows my existence."