Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1087

Ouyang Wenjun said slowly with a dignified face: "Aunt, I hope you know what you have to say. Although your life is safe and you just lost your freedom, have you ever thought that western Zhejiang is because of the existence of Zhou Xiangong, and the military God is not invincible, and he can\'t protect the imperial court forever. The place of Luoyang wants to establish its own power as soon as possible. If you hope that after Zhou Xiangong is lonely, the Lin family will still be there I dare not attack you, and this requires both Luoyang and Li Guo to have the strength to frighten the Lin family. "

Lin Luoshui nodded his head and said slowly: "Don\'t I know that? The Lin family has always been in contact with the imperial court. They know more about what Zhou Xiangong means to the imperial court. That\'s why the Lin family has never attacked me, but only limited my freedom. Once Zhou Xiangong fails and loses the support and trust of the imperial court, the Lin family will send me to the guillotine. I know Luoyang and Luoyang have been together I just want to do something before this happens, but the difficulty can be imagined. "

Ouyang Wenjun sighed: "one is the military God, and the imperial court depends on their strength, while the other is the young Luoyang and Li Guo. They all know how difficult this road is."

Lin Luoshui looked at Ye Yu and said with heavy emotion: "Miss Ye Yu, if you return to your son in the future, please tell him that you don\'t have to worry about everything for your mother, and you can\'t force yourself for your mother."

"I see, aunt, it\'s getting late today. Since aunt doesn\'t know where Luoyang is, I won\'t disturb her." it\'s midnight. Ye Yu naturally doesn\'t want to disturb Lin Luoshui\'s rest, so he proposed to leave first. Ouyang Wenjun also got up to say goodbye to Lin Luoshui, and they left the Lin family one after another.

At this time, in the civilian house opposite Sima Yingming\'s residence, Li Luoyang made a mistake. He originally planned to use the tiger skin that can move freely in Luoyang City to buy the raw materials he needs, but now the tiger skin has left Luoyang City and squatted outside the city according to Mo Yuntian\'s order. Li Luoyang, who may have returned with him, now has no hands available except Xiao Si, and Xiao Si\'s Identity also needs to be hidden. Naturally, it can\'t be exposed.

Xiao Si sat next to Li Luoyang and whispered, "master, why don\'t I go to Wenjun\'s elegant building and ask yu\'er to help us? Or ask Wen Jun to help us. If you think yu\'er is not smart enough, how about we let Wen Jun do things for us?"

Li Luoyang frowned and shook his head gently: "didn\'t you hear what tiger skin said? There are six doors outside Wenjun\'s elegant building. Even Ouyang Wenjun estimates that it is difficult to avoid being supervised. Now I need someone who doesn\'t attract the attention of six doors to help me, but there is no such thing in Wenjun\'s elegant building." Since he wants to buy raw materials for himself, Li Luoyang knows that even Ouyang Wenjun is difficult to get rid of the surveillance of the six doors and has never contacted himself, so he won\'t be foolish enough to mobilize the people in Wenjun\'s elegant building.

"But now we have no other choice. The tiger skin has left temporarily, and Wenjun Yazhu has been watched. Who else can be used by us in Luoyang?"

At this time, the corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and whispered, "I think a person can use it, but the reliability needs me to try."

"Shifu? Are you going to try it yourself? No matter who you are, you are likely to betray yourself when you are directly exposed to him." Xiao Si knows that there are not many people who can be fully trusted in Luoyang at this time. There are only Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er in Wenjun elegant building, and Lin Luoshui. In addition, almost the whole Luoyang city is their enemy.

"So far, this is the only way."

"Master, who can use it?"

"Lin Xu."

Li Luoyang thought of his cousin, the most dandy of the Lin family at this time. He had many conflicts with Li Luoyang before, but they were all resolved. Moreover, after the experience of the last time, Lin Xu and his mother have completely changed their ideas about Li Luoyang, and Li Luoyang himself knows that it is very risky to find Lin Xu at this time.

Hearing the name in Li Luoyang\'s mouth, Xiao Si immediately shook his head: "master, how can this guy believe it? If you go to him with your front feet, his back feet can betray you. Although this guy seems to have reconciled with you, he always hates you."

Following Li Luoyang all the way, Xiao Si knew that Lin Xu was the first target after Li Luoyang came to Luoyang City. He knew that villains like Lin Xu would not sincerely help him to be a master at this time. Li Luoyang\'s idea was too risky.

Li Luoyang patted Xiao Si on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I know what you\'re worried about. I don\'t want to face Lin Xu directly. I\'m going to contact my mother and ask her to tell Lin Xu what to buy. Then I\'ll go to my mother\'s house regularly so that I can act according to our previous plan."

"Find your aunt? That\'s a good idea. The reason why Lin Xu is afraid of you is also because of her majesty, and she will keep it a secret for you. Naturally, Lin Xu won\'t know that the purchased raw materials will eventually fall into your hands." No one cares more about Li Luoyang\'s life and death than Lin Luoshui. Coupled with Lin Luoshui\'s position in the hearts of Lin Xu\'s family, Lin Xu must not dare to mess around. Li Luoyang\'s method is indeed the safest.

Li Luoyang looked at the dark night outside the window, then smiled and said to Xiao Si, "you stay here and I\'ll go to the Lin family." if you approach the Lin family during the day, you are bound to be found by the guards. Li Luoyang also needs to use the night to sneak into the Lin family and try to avoid contact with outsiders. Therefore, taking advantage of the night, Li Luoyang went out of the people\'s house and went straight to the direction of the Lin family\'s backyard.

After a simple disguise, Li Luoyang quietly came to the side door of the Lin family\'s backyard. As soon as he came here, he heard a sound of footsteps not far in front. Why was someone at the side door of his mother\'s backyard at this time? Li Luoyang jumped over the roof of a nearby house and quietly looked at the looming figure in the village.

The figure suddenly stopped in the dark. Li Luoyang immediately realized that his whereabouts had been found. A dart flew towards the center of Li Luoyang\'s eyebrows. Li Luoyang rolled down the eaves and just landed on his feet. The figure in the dark rushed towards him. Li Luoyang opened his posture and was ready to fight. When he saw the figure rushing towards him, Li Luoyang was surprised, Before Li Luoyang could speak, the shadow caught Li Luoyang\'s head with his hands in claws. Li Luoyang quickly raised his hands and grabbed each other\'s wrists: "Hey, how long haven\'t you seen this?"

"Who are you? Why are you hiding on the roof in the middle of the night!"

"Shit, wait, wait." Li Luoyang tore off the disguise on his face and looked at each other with a smile: "I said Captain Ye Yu, your vigilance is still so high. If I hadn\'t reacted in time, your dart would have killed me!"

It was Ye Yu and Ouyang Wenjun who had just left Lin Luoshui\'s house that appeared at the side door of the backyard.